满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

——I’m sorry , but there’s no smoking on ...

——I’m sorry , but there’s no smoking on this flight .

——Oh, I _______that .Sorry , I won’t again .

A.don’t know                     B.didn’t know       

C.won’t know                 D.haven’t known


B 【解析】略

—— It seems that his health is improving.

—— Yes.It is ten years ______ he _______.

A.since;  smoked                  B.since;  did n' t smoke

C.that; smoked                    D.before; smoked



Mr.Green didn’t understand ________ made his daughter so absent-minded this morning.

A.how that was                     B.what was it

C.why it was that                      D.what it was that



The American tourist hurried to the museum, only ________ that the train had pulled out of the station.

A.telling          B.to tell      C.to be told       D.having been told



When she left ________ college, she got a job as ________ reporter in a newspaper office.

A./; the           B./; a             C.a; the               D.the; the




根据对话情景和内容,从对话后所给的选项中选出能填入每一空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。选项中有两个为多余选项。 注意:E涂AB     F涂AC    G涂AD

(Jerry is at a hotel in Xi’an. He is talking to a clerk.)

Clerk: What can I do for you, sir?

Jerry:        6     

Clerk: At what time?

Jerry:        7     

Clerk: We have a computer wake-up service.        8       That is to say, dial 2 and then 0615 for the time.

Jerry: I see. Then it is 20615. Thank you.       9     

Clerk: Just dial your new wake-up time. The computer will record the new wake-up time.

Jerry: If I dial 20700, I will be waken up at 7:00 a.m. Am I right ?

Clerk:       10     

Jerry: Thank you. Good night.

A. Yes, that’s right.

B. 6:15 a.m, please.

C. I’d like a room for two days.

D. Please dial us for the service.

E. Please dial 2 for the service first and then the time.

F. By the way, if I want to change my wake –up time, what shall I do?

G. I’m Jerry in room 528, and I want a wake-up call tomorrow morning.



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