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People have been growing chrysanthemums(...

People have been growing chrysanthemums(菊花)for more than 2,000 years. Mums make bright and colorful gardens. People in China and other Asian cultures make tea with the flowers.

    One basic kind of mum is the garden mum. The other basic kind is the florist mum. The garden mum is better able to handle different growing conditions.

    There are many varieties of mums. The decorative mum is often seen in gardens. Another popular type, the quill mum, has long, straight petals(花瓣)like a tube or needle.

    Chrysanthemum blooms can be white, yellow, gold, red or other colors. The plants often grow one meter high.

    The soil for chrysanthemums should be kept moist but well drained so it does not get too wet.

    Newly-planted mums should be watered two or three times a week, depending on conditions. Plants established in the ground may do well just with normal rainfall.

    Mums grow best in full sunshine. They produce colorful blooms when days get shorter and nights get longer. The life cycle of the plant depends on the amount of daylight. This is why experts advise against placing mums near night lights or street lights. The light may interfere with their normal growth cycle. The plants may develop buds too soon.

    In climates where temperatures fall below freezing, plant mums at least six weeks before the first frost. That way, the plants will be well established for cold weather.

    Some gardeners say the most beautiful presentation comes from planting mums close together. But be sure to leave enough space to let air flow between the plants. If not, there may be a greater chance of disease.

    To get more blooms, gardeners pinch(掐)back the branches when new growth has reached fifteen centimeters. Squeeze about five to seven centimeters off each branch. Pinch it again when a branch grows another twelve to fifteen centimeters. Stop the pinching about one hundred days before you want the plants to bloom.

1. What has a great effect on the life cycle of the mum?

    A. The conditions of the soil.            B. The amount of daylight.

    C. The amount of rainfall.               D. Cold weather.

2.Why do gardeners pinch back the branches when new growth reaches certain length?

    A. To make mums grow thick.          B. To get more blooms.

    C. To prevent mums from falling ill.      D. To let air flow between the plants.

3. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. Growing mums has a very long history and all the people in the world like making tea with mums.

B. Mums can grow one meter high and the closer they are planted, the higher they grow.

C. Though planting mums close together can make them look more beautiful, enough space should be left.

D. The petals of mums are long and straight and the more water mums get, the more quickly they grow.


1.B 2.B 3.C 【解析】略

Investors soon will be able to own shares of Facebook stock. The world’s biggest social media network presented documents to the Securities and Exchange Commission on Wednesday. The documents are required before the company can make its initial public offering(首次公开募股)or IPO. A date for the stock sale has yet to be announced.

Experts say Facebook could raise about five billion dollars. That would be one of the biggest IPO sales ever. And it would be much bigger than Google’s first public stock sale in 2004. At that time, the Internet search company raised almost two billion dollars.

Facebook has 800 million users around the world. It is the second most visited website after Google. Now, experts say the social media network is in a position to become one of the most valuable Internet companies.

Stock expert Anupam Palit at Greencrest Capital says that among social media sites, Facebook is in a class by itself.

“It is the biggest company in this space and we believe what makes it very unique from every other company that went public last year in this space is that it is very, very profitable.” said Anupam Palit.

Early estimates place the total value of the social network between 75 and 100 billion dollars. That includes earlier investments by other companies. David Kirkpatrick wrote the book The Facebook Effect. He says Facebook’s IPO will be historic.

The stock sale could also make Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg one of the world’s youngest billionaires. He is only 27.

Investment companies are likely to buy Facebook stock first. But investment manager Jim O’Shaugnessy says that is not so bad. He says the prices of some IPO stocks are too high and fall not long after they first go on sale.

    Recently, share prices of some Internet businesses have fallen after their stocks were first offered. For example, stocks of Linkedln, Groupon and Zynga, dropped in price by as much as 25% after going public.

There were similar questions eight years ago when Google first sold stock to the public. Today, Google is one of the world’s most valuable technology companies.

1.Which of the following is true about Google?

    A. Google’s first public stock sale began in 2005.

    B. Google is the world’s most valuable company.

    C. Google’s share price rose after its stock was first offered.

    D. Google raised almost two billion dollars from its first public stock sale.

2.According to the passage, we can know Facebook ________.

    A. has 800 million users in the USA       B. has announced the date for its first stock sale

    C. is the most visited website today       D. is the world’s biggest social media network

3.We can infer from the passage that ________.

    A. Facebook stock is being sold very well

    B. Mark Zuckerberg will get much money from the stock sale

    C. Mark Zuckerberg was only 27 when Facebook was founded

    D. investment companies have bought many Facebook shares

4.Which would be the best title for this passage?

    A. Facebook and Its IPO               B. The Difference Between Facebook and Google

C. The Founder of Facebook            D. A Book Called The Facebook Effect



Yesterday was my stepmom’s birthday. I hadn’t been home for a long time so I wanted to stop by the house to see her on this special day.

I have been struggling financially so I was afraid of the long trip. Gas is so expensive nowadays! Anyway, I filled my tank with gas and set off.

    I stopped at the shopping mall and found a present. It was the perfect gift and I knew she

would love it. But when I got to the cashier my card was declined! I did not have enough money in my account to pay for the gift!

    So I pondered the issue for a few minutes. I could put it back and get something cheaper, but I knew there was nothing else in the store she would like as much. So, I got on my smart-phone and transferred some money from my savings account so I was able to pay for the gift. It took a big chunk of my savings but I wanted her to have something special.

She loved the gift and I felt that even though I had spent almost all my money my stepmom deserved the best and I was glad I gave her the best that I could.

    Before leaving my parents’ house, my dad took me to one side and, with our secret hand-shake, he gave me some money. I had not said anything to him about my finances but I guess my dad had just known it. When I got to the car, I saw the amount he gave me was three times what I had spent on the gas and the gift!

    It goes to show that doing the right thing always comes with great rewards.

1.Why was the writer unwilling to have a long trip?

    A. Because gas was hardly available.      B. Because the writer was short of money.

    C. Because the writer didn’t like driving.   D. Because the road was difficult to drive on.

2.The underlined word “pondered” in Para. 4 means ________.

    A. thought about                     B. tried on

    C. depended on                       D. got through

3.From the passage, we can infer that ________.

    A. the writer loves his/her stepmom very much

    B. the gift the writer bought was loved by his/her father very much

    C. the writer spent all his/her savings buying the gift for his/her stepmom

    D. the gift the writer bought was the most expensive one in the shop

4.Why did the writer’s father shake hands with the writer in secret?

    A. Because he wanted to ask the writer for something special.

    B. Because he wanted to give the writer some money.

    C. Because he knew the writer had been struggling financially.

    D. Because he didn’t want others to copy their handshake.





Isabel Powell likes to swim. It’s a(n)  1   thing that she shares with a movie star she’ll

be meeting later this year—a star whose life story is coming to a theater near you this month.

Who’s the star? A dolphin named Winter. And   2   is not the only thing that she and Isabel have in common.

Winter lost her   3   when she was a baby. She got it caught in a trap used to   4__   crabs. Isabel, who had a similar experience to Winter, once had a   5   life.   6   , when she was 2 a tumor(肿瘤)on her foot   7   her leg.

Now, both Winter and Isabel   8   artificial limbs. In Isabel’s case, it’s an artificial leg and foot. In Winter’s case, it’s an artificial tail.

In November, Isabel will travel from her home to Clearwater, Florida, to   9   Winter. Clearwater is the site of the aquarium(水族馆)where Winter has lived since she was   10   from that trap.

According to the Kitsap Sun, the meeting was set up by the man who designed Winter’s artificial tail—Kevin Carroll. Carroll also   11   artificial limbs for people.

He and Isabel   12   met last month in Bremerton, Washington, at the  13   where she got her artificial leg, which freed her of the   14   that had troubled her for years.   15__   Carroll met Isabel and found out she wants to be a veterinarian (兽医), he decided to set up the meeting.

She   16   people who’ve lost limbs by   17   them they can still do the things they used to do. According to the Kitsap Sun, she plays softball,   18   karate competition and chases after her dog, too. For years, she didn’t know anybody else who had an artificial limb. Now, she’s about to meet a movie star who has one, too.

And she no longer feels so   19   . “I think it’s pretty cool,” Isabel told Kitsap Sun reporter Chris Henry. “Winter has an artificial tail. That makes me think that I’m not the only   20   one. There are thousands more.”

1.A. interesting B. disappointing     C. terrifying            D. frightening

2.A. playing                          B. swimming        C. sailing                                D. exploring

3.A. leg  B. foot                   C. tail                                 D. body

4.A. attract                          B. attack                           C. hit                                     D. catch

5. A. happy                           B. miserable                    C. sad                                    D. dull

6. A. Undoubtedly B. Unfortunately  C. Strangely             D. Surprisingly

7. A. took over B. cut down        C. took away         D. cut out                            

8.A. purchase  B. enjoy             C. prefer                 D. wear

9.A. meet                             B. welcome                      C. interview                         D. study

10. A. operated B. rescued        C. caught               D. killed

11. A. creates                      B. builds                            C. designs                             D. invents

12.A. purposely B. deliberately       C. willingly            D. reportedly

13.A. studio                         B. lab                                 C. cinema                             D. clinic

14.A. pressure B. debt  C. pain      D. pleasure

15.A. Before                        B. Until                              C. After                                 D. While

16. A. puzzles                      B. inspires                        C. amuses                            D. shocks

17. A. showing B. warning         C. admiring            D. calling

18. A. participates inB. struggles for  C. calls on               D. turns down      

19.A. strange                      B. common                      C. usual                                 D. different

20.A. particular B. positive             C. unlucky                 D. enthusiastic



 --Don’t smoke any more, Ralph ! It is very bad for your health !

    --I know I should give up smoking, but ________.

    A. easier said than done               B. nothing is easier than fault-finding

    C. easy come, easy go                 D. easy does it



He glances briefly towards her but there is no sign of ________. After all, it’s 15 years since they last met.

    A. symptom       B. recognition       C. reputation        D. influence



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