满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

--What kind of apartment do you want to...

 --What kind of apartment do you want to rent? A large one, Mr. Smith?

    --Er, it ________ be a large one, as my family is not large.

    A. wouldn’t       B. needn’t          C. shouldn’t         D. can’t


B 【解析】略

 This is probably the only way we can imagine ________ the current economic problems in Europe.

    A. solving        B. to solve          C. solved            D. solve



You are creating something out of nothing, ________ means, in one sense, ________ none of it is true.

    A. that; that       B. which; that       C. which; which      D. that; which



Nothing is more important than health, so it is unwise to build up our business ________ our health.

    A. at the mercy of                     B. at the expense of

    C. in face of                          D. in relation to



In order to know those who really need help as well as how to help them, ________ to www. helpothers. org/story. php.

    A. going          B. to go            C. gone             D. go



 Don’t worry about the situation we’re facing now. I think the problem can be ________ without too much difficulty if we don’t lose heart.

    A. turned over     B. taken over        C. got over          D. gone over



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