满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

There is a new problem involved in the p...

There is a new problem involved in the popularity of private cars __________ road conditions require __________.

A. that ... improving                                B. which...to be improved 

C. where ...improving                                D .when...improving


A 【解析】略

------ Who knows the meaning of the saying “ Time __________ will tell.”

   ------ __________ Tom knows.

A. only, Alone          B. alone, Only          C. lonely, Merely           D. alone, Alone



Several diseases are believed to ______ the lives of many children annually, malaria _______.

A. claim, included                              B. kill, to be included

C. be claiming, is included                     D. be killing, included



At the back of the old temple __________ twelve huge stone statues together with __________ pagoda.

A. does stand, a 8-storeyed                     B. do stand, a 8- story

C. stands, an 8-storey                          D. stand, an 8- storied



Men are more suited to occupational environments __________ require decisive action while

women are better at jobs __________ a considered approach is most important.

A. which, that          B. /, when              C. which, when          D. that, where



To our puzzlement, the written record of our conversation doesn’t __________ what was actually said.

A. submit to            B. correspond to        C. contribute to            D. cater to



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