满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

— It’s getting dark earlier than before,...

— It’s getting dark earlier than before, isn’t it?

— Yes. I think so. I see ____ is on already.

A.the street’s light

B.the light of the street

C.the streets’ light

D.the street light


D 【解析】略

— What do you think of the price of these computers?

— They are at least equal in price to, if not cheaper than, ____at the other companies.




D.the ones



After the long journey, the Smiths returned home, ____.

A.safe but tired

B.safely but tired

C.safe and tiring

D.safely and tiring



.— Excuse me, could you tell me where I could make a call?

— Sorry, I’m a stranger here.

— ____.

A.Thanks a lot

B.That’s a pity

C.Thanks anyway

D.I’m sorry to hear that



After____seemed an endless effort, the patient was finally able to carry out ___seemed a perfect normal walk.

A.that; that

B.what; what

C.it; that

D.which; it




W:Oh,did you really like it?

M:Yes,very much.It was excellent!

W:Well,thank you for(77)s________ so.                                                    77.              

M:In fact,could I (78)a_________you for the recipe(烹饪方法)?                 78.              

W:  (79)S_________.It’s really very easy                                                 79.              

(80)F_________,mix together one egg, two teaspoons of salt,                 80.              

and two pounds of ground beef.(81)T__________,add twelve                      81.              

ounces milk an a cup of bread crumbs(面包屑). Are you with me so far? 

M:Yes,I’m with you

W:Okay.(82)N___________,put the mixture into a baking pan And              82.              

(83)a_________that,bake an hour and fifteen minutes at 350 degrees.        83.              

M:Wait a minute!I didn’t get the last (84)s________.Could you repeat          84.              

that part?

W:Sure.Bake an hour and fifteen minutes at 350 degrees.

M:Now I’ve got it.Is that it?

W:Yes.That’s it!

M:Thanks very much.

W:My(85)p____________.                                                                       85.              



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