满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

If you don’t know what it means, _______...

If you don’t know what it means, ________ the dictionary.

A. look up          B. refer to         C. point to        D. look out


B 【解析】略

Fly the kite when a ___1._____ appears to be coming on .Stand inside a door or under some __2.____, so that the silk ribbon does not get wet. Take care that the string doesn’t touch the wall or the door. When a thundercloud comes over the kite, the_3.__ piece of metal will pull the electricity from the cloud. The kite and the string will become __4.____. When the kite and the string are wet from the rain, they will conduct the electricity very well. You can _5.___ and store the electricity in the condenser and use it for other experiments



1.The advance in technology has added many new _______(功能) to the cell phone.

2. The _____( 气候)  in Chongqing is always mild.

3.I have _______(解释) the cause many times to the audience to keep a positive image.

4. It is ____(不必要) to ask him to change his mind.

5. This material ______(传导) electricity.

6. We can draw the ______(结论) that the two chemicals do not react.

7.I have never______(后悔) my decision to come back to my motherland.

8._____(环境的)protection should be put at the top of the list for each country.

9. Special puzzles have been designed to test the ________(智力)of the children.

10.She went abroad for further study with the __________(目的) of finding a good job.



_________ to education , she spent much time communicating with the students and their parents.



C.Having devoted










注:中央直辖市:central municipality (n.) 火锅:hot pot

Dear Elena, 

I'm so glad to hear that you will come to Chongqing to participate in Chinese Bridge next year. Here is some information about Chongqing, which I hope, will be of help to you.



I love Chongqing and I hope you will share my feeling and enjoy your stay here.

Yours sincerely

Li Hua




1. I will make a coin magically          (消失) before your very eyes.

2.Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise.         (同样的), our minds are developed by learning.

3.The project went on for over two years and by the end of it I was just e       .(疲惫不堪的)

4.It was f       (幸运的) for her that she met the doctor just when she needed him.

5.She heard footsteps a       (接近) from behind.

6.The students have great ______(尊敬) for their English teacher.

7.We can safely draw a ______(结论) from our discussion.

8.He was too f       (惊恐的) to see the big dog and ran away as fast as he could.

9._______(电) is a form of energy that can be used for lighting.

10.Kate! Sorry to     (打扰) you, but I’m calling to ask if you could lend me your car.



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