满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

To their delight, their newly-developed...

 To their delight, their newly-developed products were not _____ for the demand as soon as they went on the market.

A. qualified                          B. flexible                   C. available      D. adequate 


D 【解析】略










参考词汇:颐和园:the Summer Palace故宫:the Forbidden City   

Dear John,

I’m so glad to know that you are coming to Beijing.


Yours truly,

Li Hua



Jenny lived in a town.Her father,Mr.Young,had a shop there and sold clothes in it.The shopkeeper was born in a poor family and was in school no more than a year.He was always sorry for it though he had much money now.He hoped his daughter could become a scientist.But the girl didn’t 1ike anything else except singing.She often went to the concerts,bought a lot of records the famous pop stars made and insisted on listening to the music when she was free.Of course she wanted to be a pop star,too.Her parents wanted to prevent her,but she didn’t listen to

them and they had to agree to her choice.They engaged an old man who was good at music as a private teacher.

Five years passed.Mr.Young bought all kinds of musical instruments for Jenny and they visited some places where the famous singers were born.Of course he spent a lot of money on it.But he found the girl didn’t make any progress.At last the teacher didn’t think the girl could become a singer at all and had to tell Mr.Young about it.The man became angry and said,“Why didn’t you tell me about it earlier? My daughter learned nothing but I paid you month after month!”

“I think you should thank me for it,”said the teacher.“Another teacher, who teaches

badly,is paid more than I was.And I saved much money for you!”

1.Mr. Young was in school for a short time because______  .

A.he was too poor to go on studying

B.he had to help his parents

C.he was weak in his lessons

D.he didn’t like studying at all

2.Jenny spent much money buying records and went to the concerts in order to ______

A.visit some places

B.know some pop stars

C.become a pop star

D.1earn singing

3.Mr.Young became angry because______.

A.he paid a lot of money to the teacher

B.his daughter decided to drop music

C.his daughter spent four years on music

D.the teacher taught his daughter nothing



For years and years people have been saying that the railways are dead.“We can do without railways” people say,as if motorcars and planes made the railways unnecessary.We all keep hearing that trains are slow,that they lose money,that they’re dying.But this is far from the truth.In these days of expensive oil,the railways have become highly competitive with motorcars and planes.If you want to carry people or goods from place to place,they’re cheaper than planes.And they have much in common with planes.A plane goes in a strange line and so does a railway.What is more,it takes you from the heart of a city into the heart of another.It doesn’t 1eave you as a plane does,miles and miles from the city center.It doesn’t hold you up as a car does,in endless traffic jams.And a single train can carry goods which no plane or motorcar could ever do.Far from being dead,the railways are very much alive.Modern railway lines give you a smooth,untroubled journey.Where else can you eat well,sleep in comfort,feel safe and enjoy the scene while you are traveling at speed at the same time? And we are only at the beginning.For we have just entered the age of super-fast trains, traveling at 1 50 miles an hour and more.Soon we will be wondering why we spent so much on motorways we can't use because we have not enough money to buy the oil and planes we can't fly in for the same reason.

1.Some people think the railways are dead for many reasons except that ______  .

A.planes and motorcars will take the place of trains

B.oil is expensive today

C.trains are slow

D.railways lose money

2.The writer’s idea seems to be that ______  .

A.we can do without railways

B.trains have much in common with motorcars and planes

C.motorcars and planes are not as good as trains

D.trains are as good as motorcars and planes

3.According to the writer,which of the following is NOT true?

A.It is cheaper to travel by train than by plane.

B.The railway station is usually at the center of a city.

C.When you get off the plane you will find yourself right in the city center.

D.No motorcar or plane can carry as many goods as a train does.

4.From the underlined sentence at the end of the passage,we can infer that   .

A.1ess and less people will take planes and motorways in the future

B.the people have known that the train is better than planes and motorways

C.trains will be more popular in the future

D.nobody likes spending much money on motorways



A tourist comes out of the airport.There are a lot of taxis,but the tourist asks every taxi—driver his name.He takes the third taxi.It costs£5 from the airport to the hotel.“How much does it cost for the whole day?” the tourist asks.“£100”,says the taxi-driver.This is very expensive,the tourist accepts the price.

The taxi—driver takes the tourist everywhere.He shows him all monuments and all the museums.In the evening they go back to the hotel.The tourist gives the taxi-driver£100 and says,“What about tomorrow?” The taxi-driver looks at the tourist.“Tomorrow? It’s another£ 100 tomorrow.”But the tourist says,“That’s OK.If that’s the price,that is the price.See you tomorrow.”The taxi—driver is very pleased.

The next day the taxi-driver takes the tourist everywhere again.They visit all the museums and all the monuments again.And in the second evening they go back to the hotel.The tourist gives the taxi—driver another£100 and says,“I’m going home tomorrow.”The taxi-driver is sorry.He likes the tourist and,above all,£100 a day is good money.“So you are going home.Where do you come from?” he asks.

“I come from New York.”

“New York!” says the taxi-driver,“I have a sister in New York.Her name is Susannah.Do you know her?”

“Of course 1 know her.She gave me£200 for you.”

1.The tourist is______  .

A.an Englishman

B.a Frenchman

C.a Swedish

D.an American

2.The tourist asks every taxi—driver his name because______   .

A.he is afraid of being cheated

B.he wants to remember all of the taxi—drivers’names

C.he knows of one of the taxi-drivers

D.there is a friend of his among the taxi drivers

3.Why is the taxi-driver very pleased with the tourist?

A.None but the tourist agrees to the price given without arguing with him.

B.His sister knows the tourist.

C.His sister has brought so much money to him.

D.He wants to be the guide of the tourist.

4.We can conclude that ______ .

A.the tourist will give the taxi-driver another£200

B.the tourist makes fun of the taxi—driver

C.the tourist will give the taxi—driver half of the sum

D.the taxi-driver insists that the tourist should pay him another£200



Respect your teachers.   

First of all,students should respect the teachers.They should pay attention in the classes.That means to salute him,to stand from his chair when the teacher enters the classroom etc.Attend any lesson attentively.In class of a certain subject or teacher you don’t like very much,if it’s total anarchy,how can we talk about respect?

Play by the rules.

If your teacher wants you to use wide-lined paper--do it ! If she tells you to sharpen your pencils only before class starts,listen to her.If she doesn’t accept late homework,do yours on time.Sometimes classroom rules seem strict or even silly,but most teachers know what’s necessary to make things run smoothly,what it takes to let the learning begin.And the better the learning environment,the smarter you’ll be!

Expect her/him to like you.

Teachers are teachers because they like kids.Given the chance,most teachers want to be your friends too.Respect your teacher,but don’t be afraid of her/him.She/He wants you to have a great school year just as much as you want to have!

Put first things first.

Friends are a fun part of school.But they’re not the most important part.When your teacher is teaching,give her/him your full attention.Even when it's hard to do.— recess_ will come soon enough,and that’s the time for playing with your friends.

1.Which of the following would be the best title for the text? ______

A.Advice Before You Go To School

B.What You Should Do At School

C.How To Get Along With Your Teacher

D.How To Plan Your Time At School

2.What do you think the title of the second paragraph“ Play by the rules’’ mean ?

A.Don’t play if you haven’t completed your homework.

B.Follow what the teacher says.

C.Work is work and play is play.

D.Make the learning environment as good as possible.

3.According to the last paragraph,what do you think the first thing is?

A.The teacher.

B.The teacher’s lecture.

C.The students.


4.The underlined word “recess” most probably means ______  .







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