满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Lots of coal miners died on the job las...

 Lots of coal miners died on the job last year, ______ the government to shut nearly 800 small mines in Shanxi Province alone.

A. forced      B. to force      C. forces           D. forcing


D 【解析】略

 Her friends required that the invitation_________ in no time.

  A. could accept          B. not be accepted

C. be not accepted        D. would be accepted



 I saved as much as I could and my mom _________ the rest of the money.

   A. made up     B. thought out    C. set off     D. settle down



 ---Kate, how was your holiday?

  ---I had a great time. I went to scuba diving in Hainan Island.

  ---Wow! _______.

   A. Cheers!                         B. Sounds really cool!

   C. How interesting you are!            D. I’ll go there, too.



Yuan Long-ping has devoted all his life to the agricultural research, and finally his efforts ________him great achievement and world fame.

  A. earned      B. offered       C. presented     D. directed



Those _______ the plan will be asked to speak out their mind and how to carry it out.

A. in honor of       B. instead of     C. by means of     D. in favor of



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