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BEIJING, Feb 13 — Never has China's econ...

BEIJING, Feb 13 — Never has China's economic growth attracted so much global attention. The shock waves from the financial crisis (危机) that started in the United States have spread across the entire world, sending developed nations, including Japan and those of Europe, into serious recession(衰退). The world is now holding out hope that China, with its massive potential, will serve as the engine to fuel global economic growth.

But China's real economic growth slowed sharply to 6.8 percent in the October-December quarter. For China, this rate of economic expansion must be as disappointing as negative growth is for Japan. Beijing has set an official goal of achieving a minimum annual growth rate of 8 percent -- a pace it regards as important to ensuring job security.

The Chinese government is apparently confident the nation will achieve the minimum growth target of 8 percent in 2009. At the World Economic Forum's annual meeting of political and business leaders in Davos, Switzerland, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao stressed the Chinese economy began to show signs of recovery late last year.

Last week, however, the International Monetary Fund predicted that China's economic growth in 2009 will be 6.7 percent. China's economic outlook is likely to keep both hope and anxiety for the time being.

China's impressive economic growth has been fueled by swelling exports and massive investment (投资)in equipment to produce goods for overseas. But the US, Japanese and European economies, which have absorbed the bulk(数量) of China's exports, are expected to shrink simultaneous(同时)in 2009, for the first time since the end of World War II. For the first time since it started serious efforts to turn itself into a market economy in the 1990s, China is facing the challenge of maintaining healthy economic growth without depending on external demand.

Expansion of domestic (国内的) demand holds a key to China's success in tackling this challenge. Consumer spending accounts for only 35 percent of China's gross (总的)) domestic product. The ratio(比率) is considerably lower than the 70 percent for the United States and the nearly 60 percent for Japan. That is because the middle class - the group that should lead consumer spending - is still relatively small in China, where the benefits of the nation's strong economic growth in recent years have mostly eluded rural villages and low-income earners.

1.According to the report, in the last quarter of 2008, China's real economic growth was at least ______less than planned annual growth rate.

A. 6.7%       .     B.6.8%         C.1.3%           D. 1.2%

2.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. The financial crisis has had bad effects on many countries including China.

B. China's economic growth has been depending on exports.

C. If China intends to keep the same economic growth, it must increase goods for overseas.

D. Consumer spending in China is much lower than that of the US.

3.The underlined word in the last paragraph probably means____.

A. benefited           B. avoided       C. influenced        D. missed

4.What's the best title of the passage?

A. Economic change, the only hope for china.

B. China has attracted much global attention.

C. China, the engine to fuel global economic growth.

D. The financial crisis has influenced China's economy.


1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A 【解析】略


Temperature is part of my married romance. Coming to New York from Baltimore--where there is just one small snowstorm each year---I was 36 by a fireplace in my new home, with fires 37 all day, just as what ancient people did at a wedding.

My husband, Peter, comes from northern Ontario, where winter 38 from September to May and cold wind is 39. “When Canadians have 30 below, they 40 it.” He says. “Cold wind is for crybabies.”

So to marry this man I had to learn to 41 for serious cold. To get me from Baltimore’s Inner Harbor to Albany’s frozen Hudson, Peter piled me 42 jackets and sweaters, scarves and gloves, even a hat with earflaps. The gift of Sorel boots—comfortably warm at Canada’s 30 below, was a 43 we were getting serious

That first winter together, living in upstate New York, I thought I’d 44. My boots were good below freezing, but my fingers could 45 tie them. Physical adaptation is real, but it came slowly. And there is also emotional 46 to cold. Some days I tell myself that I have enough beach memories to stick to on 47 days and other days I am reminded that living cold does indeed build 48.

49, having a warm house is important. After my first marriage ended, for years I 50 went on a second date with a man whose response to my “I’m cold.” was, “Put on a sweater.” Now I’m married to a man who 51 that cold hands do not mean a warm heart, and that a big oil bill is better than roses. But surprisingly, I’ve grown, too. I am 52, in this new life and climate, to go and look for that cost-saving sweater.

The word comfortable did not 53 refer to being contented. Its Latin root, comfortare, means to strengthen. The Holy Spirit is Comforter: not to make us comfortable, but to make us 54. We 55 not be warm but we are indeed comforted.

1.A. set down

B. set about

C. set up 

D. set out

2.A. lighting

B. burning

C. going

D. flashing

3.A. appears

B. starts

C. keeps

D. runs

4.A. something

B. everything

C. nothing

D. none

5.A. suggest

B. mean

C. overlook

D. enjoy

6.A. wear

B. stand

C. dress

D. ride

7. A. under

B. over

C. inside

D. with

8.A. remark

B. sign

C. warning

D. show

9.A. sleep

B. forget

C. die

D. continue

10.A. hardly

B. easily

C. tightly

D. loosely

11.A. health

B. reaction

C. feelings

D. adaptation

12.A. rainy

B. freezing

C. sunny

D. happy

13.A. character

B. love

C. hope

D. hardship

14.A. Meanwhile

B. However

C. Therefore

D. Besides

15. A. merely

B. ever

C. never

D. just

16.A. wonders

B. knows

C. states

D. decides

17.A. unable

B. accustomed

C. interested

D. willing

18.A. originally

B. exactly

C. actually

D. namely

19.A. wild

B. cold

C. strong

D. warm

20.A. will

B. must

C. can

D. may



---My family usually goes skating for vacation. I like skating, but I want to try something different this year.


   A. Let’s go!     B. Cheer up!     C. Like what?    D. Take care!



Not easy as the problem of pollution is____, no one should just stop trying.

   A. to solve    B. to be solve    C. solving     D. being solved



Let us suppose that we _____him about it, what would have happened?

   A. had not told    B. did not tell    C. will not tell     D. don’t tell



There’s no point trying to ___ with her because she will never change her mind.

   A. agree     B. compete    C. compare    D. reason



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