满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

His brother is naughty, ________ he is q...

His brother is naughty, ________ he is quite shy.

       A. when                B. while                C. for                    D. though.


B 【解析】略

—I’m taking my driving test tomorrow.

   — __________!

   A. Cheers         B. Come on           C. Congratulations        D. Good Luck




1.tolerate       A. apology            B. told           C. emotion            D. introduce

2.branch      A. match            B. school     C. headache           D. stomach

3.glory           A. editor            B. work          C. story                 D. effort

4.function       A. wonder             B. anger         C. know                D. sense

5.hour            A. hope                 B. host           C. hotel                 D. honest




1、上学要穿戴整洁;        2、上课不迟到、早退;

3、保持校园清洁;          4、走路靠右行;若要骑车上学,请办自行车许可证。






Good morning, dear friends. Welcome to our school.                                 








Writing a book takes a strong will, hard work, and, most importantly, time. There’s no easy way to finish your first book, but we’ve got some tips that might help you.

76. 1. _     __ Find a place convenient(方便)and comfortable for you. Make sure you can put your heart into your writing at this place.

77. 2. _     __ Make sure you have everything you need around you. Have plenty of pens, paper for printing if you’re using a computer, or notebooks if you’re writing by hand. Make sure you’ve got them near you, so you don’t have to keep getting up to find things.

Keep away from distractions(分心的东西). Put down your magazine, turn off your mobile phone, cut off the Internet …

Make time. 78. 3. _     __ You can pick a time when your house is quiet — whether you get up an hour earlier or go to bed an hour later. You should soon find yourself in the habit, and you may even find your hour turns into three.

79. 4. _     __ When you’re not at your desk, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be thinking. Carry a notebook on you at all times. 80. 5. __     _ You may only use 5% of them, but that 5% will be well worth the effort.

A. Try and set aside an hour a day, or at least a few hours a week.

B. Find somewhere to write.

C. Only those who work hard can finish their writing.

D. Keep your tools near you.

E. Don’t stop thinking.

F. Learn how to collect useful information.

G. Write down all your ideas, no matter how weak they seem.



ScienceDaily (May 28, 2010) --- Researchers at Oregon State University (OSU) have made important progress in work that should lead toward robots that can not only walk and run very well, but use little energy at the same time.

Studies are moving closer to designing robots that could do dangerous work, create prosthetic limbs(假肢)for humans that work much better than in the past, or even help some people who use wheelchairs to get “walking” abilities.

“Researchers have been working toward robot movement for a long time,” said Jonathan Hurst, a professor at OSU. “What we’ve done is to study what behavior is really possible for a robot.”

The movement of humans and other animals is difficult to copy. Using little energy, they can move easily over hard areas, and enjoy balance from muscles(肌肉). They have different ways to deal with forces, such as holding something hard in place rigidly(牢牢地), like the act of holding a cup of coffee level during a car ride. In their recent studies, the OSU researchers proved that these two abilities are mutually exclusive(相互排斥的). Humans deal with this problem by using pairs of muscles. For a robot, the more it’s able to do one of these tasks, the less able it is to do the other.

Presently, robots that can walk and run must be as rigid as possible while walking. But this way uses a lot of energy. The OSU researchers are working toward something that has similar or better performance, but uses far less energy, and is closer to the abilities of animals.

“So there’s no reason why we shouldn’t be able to build robots with good movement ability,” Hurst said. “Clearly this might be useful in highly dangerous situations. But I could also see great improvements possible with prosthetic limbs that work much better than present technology. ”

72. 1.The robots being studied by researchers at OSU ______.

A. are successful now

B. use little energy

C. do better than before

D. can run faster than humans

73. 2.Which of the following have researchers been studying all the time?

A. The robots’ movement

B. The robots’ weight

C. The robots’ sizes

D. The robots’ walking speed

74. 3.The underlined words “two abilities” in Para.4 refer to ______.

A. walking and running

B. walking and holding

C. moving and using little energy

D. moving and balancing

75. 4.According to Jonathan Hurst, we know that robots with good movement ability ______.

A. can be used in medical science

B. are only used in highly dangerous situations

C. will hardly be created in the future

D. will have a bad influence on man



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