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Astronomy (天文学) is the oldest science kn...

Astronomy (天文学) is the oldest science known to man. Thousands of years ago man looked at the stars and wondered about heavens (天堂). But the six planets that he could see with his eyes alone limited man.

The Greeks studied astronomy over 2,000 years ago. They could see the size, color, and brightness of a star. They could see its place in the sky. They watched the stars move as the seasons changed. But the Greeks had no tools to help themselves study the heavens.

Each new tool added to the field of astronomy helped man reach out into space. Until there were telescopes (望远镜), man did not know much about the moon. He did not know that the planet called Saturn (土星) had rings around it. His sight was so limited that he could not see all the planets. In the early 1700s, people thought there were only six planets. Pluto (冥王星), the last of the nine planets to be discovered was seen until 1930.

Before the spectroscopes (分光镜), man didn’t know what kind of gas was in the sun or other stars, without radio telescopes (射电望远镜), we did not know that radio noise came from far in space.

Today, astronomy is a growing science. We have learned more in the past fifty years than in the whole history of astronomy.

1.Thousands of years ago, man watched ____ with his eyes.

      A. the moon          B. the stars           C. the universe     D. all the planets

2.When the Greeks watched the stars, they could ____ .

      A. know what the stars were made of      B. not see their places in the sky

      C. help themselves study the heavens      D. watch the stars move as the seasons changed

3. Until there were ____ , man knew very little about the moon.

      A. telescopes       B. spectroscopes                                 C. radio telescopes      D. spaceships

4.People didn’t know about Pluto until ____ .

      A. the 1700s         B. 2,000 years ago    C. 1930                   D. thousands of years ago

5. ____ people began to do research on astronomy.

      A. 50 years ago    B. 90 years ago    C. In the early 1700s            D. Over 2,000 years ago


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.D 【解析】略


During the past hundred years, the railway, the car, the radio, the cinema and now the TV, have produced very  1  changes in the amusement (娱乐活动) with which people pass their  2  time.

    A hundred years  3 , people were in the habit of making their own amusements. When a group of people  4  together, they talked, played cards or other games, read aloud to each other, or went out riding, shooting or walking. Most people could sing a little or play  5, so at a party the guests amused each other. Above all, conversation was an art. Amusing conversation could  6  people happy for hours.

    As for games,  7  football and tennis, people were also in the habit of playing them themselves. Most of them did not play very well,  8  they amused themselves and their friends. Nowadays we are amused  9  professional (专业的) singers or players.  10  listen to your friends singing when you can hear the great singers of the world over the radio or on TV? What about playing football with players who  11  very good at it when you can see some of the best players playing an important match? You may just sit comfortably  12  and watch the game without the trouble of going outside.

    The art of conversation and the habit of playing and singing are dying. People are becoming more and more lookers and listeners, and  13  doers and talkers. This change does more  14  to people than good. It is better to do something not very well oneself than  15  to sit and watch others doing it.

1.A. great                                             B. much        C. well          D. big

2.A. busy                                               B. free          C. work        D. day

3. A. later                                             B. before      C. ago           D. passed

4.A. came                                             B. got            C. worked         D. put

5.A. basketball                                    B. the basketballC. piano         D. the piano

6.A. keep                                              B. made       C. bring        D. let

7.A. for example                                 B. such as         C. like           D. for

8.A. and                                                B. for             C. but           D. so

9.A. of                                                    B. on             C. in             D. by

10.A. Why not                                     B. Why don’t    C. How about  D. What about

11. A. is                                                 B. are            C. is not       D. are not

12. A. at a cinema                              B. at school      C. at home       D. in a park

13.A. much                                           B. little         C. more        D. less

14.A. harm                                           B. harmful         C. bad           D. badly

15. A. sometimes                               B. always     C. usually D. never



The company has turned ____ e-commerce.

      A. did                      B. does                   C. to do                  D. to doing



The enemies tried to ____ the city, but they failed in the end.

      A. make possession of                        B. take possession of

      C. be covered with                              D. make up of



Japan is ____ the east of China, while India is ____ the west of China.

      A. to; on                 B. on; to                 C. in; to                  D. to; in



It was stupid ____ him for help. Everyone knows that he is very mean.

      A. you ask              B. for you to ask  C. of you to ask    D. of you asking



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