满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Two-thirds of the money on tents for the...

Two-thirds of the money           on tents for the homeless people in Wenchuan.

A.have been spent

B.had spent

C.were spent

D.was spent


D 【解析】略




写作:多读简易读物并做笔记,每天写一点,比如写日记(keep a diary)等。

II.要求:1.词数 100字左右;



Dear Mike, 

     How nice to hear from you! In your letter you talked about your difficulties with your Chinese Learning. Well, my advice is that                          



Hoping they will do some good to your Chinese learning.

     Best wishes!         

                                                        Yours                                                                    Li Hua








注意:1)原行没有错的不要改。2) 不按要求做不得分。

I have to get up at 5 in the morning every

61.   学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!        

day because of it was a have-to for me to


cover 15 kilometer to reach my school to


start a day’s learning like a primary kid.


It means that I spend at least 4 hours


going to and from the school daily. It


was real hard but I felt happy because at


least I can study at school. My teacher


told me that by study hard I would have


the chance to get out the poor mountain


village, which I strongly believed and was very thankful then.





(Mike is picking up the phone when Alice enters.)

Alice: Are you phoning Linda?

Mike: Yes. But how do you know?

Alice:   56 

Mike: What did they say?

Alice:  57 

Mike: What happened?

Alice:  58   She had to go and take his place for three days.

Mike: That’s too bad.

Alice:  59 

Mike: You see, I had planned for us to have dinner with a friend tonight.

Alice:  60

Mike: Sure, why not?

A.Isn’t she your girlfriend?

B.They said she had left for London.

C.What’s the problem?

D.Her office left a message for you.

E.Why not invite me, then?

F.They said they had phoned Linda.

G.The manager at their office had suddenly fallen ill.




Archaeology as a profession faces two major problems. It is the poorest of the poor. Only small sums are available for excavating(挖掘)and even less is available

for publishing the results and preserving the sites once excavated. Yet archaeologists deal with priceless objects every day. Besides, there is the problem of unlawful excavation, resulting in museum-quality pieces being sold to businessmen at the highest price..

I would like to make a suggestion that would at once provide money for archaeology and reduce the amount of diggings against law. You might say that professionals excavate to get knowledge, not money. Moreover, ancient artifacts(古器

物) are part of our global cultural heritage(遗产), which should be there for all to appreciate, not sold at the highest price. I agree. Sell nothing that has scientific value. But, you might reply, everything that comes out of the ground has scientific value. Here,

we disagree. In theory, you may be correct in saying that every artifact has hidden scientific value.

People can not help appreciate every unearthed treasure but there is not enough money even to put the finds in good order; as a result, they cannot be found again and become as inaccessible as if they had never been discovered. Indeed, with the help of the Internet, sold artifacts could be more reachable than are the pieces stored in museum basements. Before sale, each could be photographed and the list of the purchasers could be maintained on the computer. A purchaser could even be required to agree to return the piece if it should become needed for scientific purposes.

1.What’s the problems that archaeology as a profession has to face?

A. Money and unlawful excavation        B. Effectively duplicates.

C. Scientific purposes.                          D. Excavation law.

2.To let most people enjoy ancient artifacts, the practical way could be_______.

A. putting them in the museum          B. having sold artifacts returned

C. making use of the Internet           D. solving the money problem

3.Which of the following four suggestions about archaeology is from the author?

A. No selling of any unearthed ancient artifacts.

B. Some money should be raised for the purpose.

C. Selling some unearthed ancient artifacts and having them returned when needed.

D. Ancient artifacts, our global cultural heritage, should be evenly shared by us all.



New York Times---( DINITIA SMITH )Tomorrow is the 433d anniversary of Shakespeare’s birth. A recent survey shows that more people are watching him, reading him and studying him than ever before.

Consider the recent yearly conference of the Shakespeare Association of America in Washington, where more than 600 people who study or admire Shakespeare from 18 countries took in topics like ‘‘Whither Attribution Studies,’’ ‘‘Unpopular Shakespeare’’ and ‘‘Sex Me Here,’’ a talk on breast-feeding and Lady Macbeth.

‘‘The national media is saying that fewer students’ taking Shakespeare,’’ Barbara Mowat, the editor of The Shakespeare Quarterly, observed in a speech at the conference. ‘‘But Shakespeare is thriving.’’ The association’s membership has increased by a third since 1990.

The Shakespeare business is so good these days that W. W. Norton is introducing a huge new collections of the plays into the already crowded field just in time for tomorrow’s birthday anniversary. Priced at $44.95, ‘‘The Norton Shakespeare: Based on the Oxford Edition’’ runs for 3,420 pages, offering introductions, illustrations and notes and three versions(版本) of ‘‘King Lear.’’

Today, movies and videos have made the plays even more accessible. Last year, ‘‘William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet’’ was No. 1 at the box office when it opened, and it grossed nearly $50 million. In New York in January, crowds lined up in the freezing cold to see Kenneth Branagh’s four-hour ‘‘Hamlet.’’ The students select a scene and then have a violent discussion about it.’’ Influenced by films, professors are increasingly teaching students by having them perform the plays.

1.Why people from 18 countries came to Washington this year?

A. To celebrate Shakespeare’s 433d birth day only.

B. To watch some plays by Shakespeare as planned.

C. To celebrate Shakespeare’s birthday and study his works.

D. To discuss how to teach students using Shakespeare’s plays.

2.What does the underlined word “ field” in the fourth paragraph refer to?

A. Washington D.C.                              B. Shakespeare Association.

C. The birthday anniversary.                  D. The Shakespeare business.

3.Which of the many plays by Shakespeare was most popular the year before?

A. King Lear.                                            B. Hamlet.

C. Macbeth.                                              D. Romeo and Juliet.

4.What does the author want to prove by using so many examples about Shakespeare?

A. More and more people are becoming interested in Shakespeare.

B. Shakespeare business is being run well in America nowadays.

C. Plays by Shakespeare can be used at school for more studies.

D. Shakespeare belongs not only to Britain but also to the USA.



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