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短文填词(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) “Fish and chips”...


“Fish and chips” is the dish beloved to Britons.


It’s cheap and tasty food, but not very ______(健康的).


Fish and chips can be cooked _____ home, but more often the


British buy them from a fish and chip s______. It’s a


“take ______” dish. In minds of many British,


They’re a_____________ with holidays. There can’t be many people


in Britain w_______ don’t remember how a rainy day


in a seaside town wasn’t cheered _____ with fish and chips.


The w_____ family would eat them sitting on the Pier(栈桥),


and quite _____ (忘记) the wind and gloomy sky.


Any chips still _____(留) in the paper wrappers made a treat for the seagulls.




98. healthy            99. at 100. shop             101. away 102. associated         103. who 104. up               105. whole 106. forget             107. left 【解析】略


be fed up with, object to, get through, take in, in terms of

93.     Though he _________________ the plan, he could not work out a better one.

94.     I tried to telephone you but couldn’t _________________.

95.     Take care not to be _________________ by those who praise you to your face.

96.     _______________ money, he’s quite rich, but not in the light of happiness.

97.     My roommate is always complaining. I _____________ him.





86. 他与弟弟携手将车子拉了出来。

He ________                     his brother and pulled the car out.

87. 他的计划成功了吗?

Did his plan _________ _________? 

88. 因为考试不及格,他情绪一直很低落。

He has been very much ___________ _____________ by his failure in the examination.

89. 只有在你告诉我之后,我才意识到我犯了错误。

Only after you told me ____________ ______________ realize that I had made a mistake.

90. 那些老照片勾起我对童年时代的美好回忆。

The old photos ____________ _____________ happy memories of my childhood.

91. 我们不顾恶劣的天气继续旅行。

We carried on our travel                 the terrible weather.

92. 据报道,这次地震为四川有史以来最强烈的一次。

The earthquake is _________ ____________ be the strongest ever in Sichuan.




76.   ________(不知怎么地) it didn’t seem very important to her.

77.   A f_____ teller would say that he can tell everything about a person from looking at the palm of his hand.

78.     He can’t _______(抵抗...的诱惑) ice cream.

79.     His suggestion was accepted by all present at the conference as it sounded___________(合理的).

80.     The police made an  ___________( 逮捕) in our neighbourhood last night. 

81.     He has got a train ticket v_______ for three months, so he can decide to go out at any time.

82.     If you think you can drink so much without damaging your health, then you’re m__________.

83.     In the word “knife”, the letter “k” is not p___________.

84.     They were ________(打断) by a knock at the door

85.     If you have any questions, please don’t h__________ to ask me.



American farmers are raising five percent more goats for meat these days.

  Goat meat is high in protein(蛋白质)and lower in unhealthy fat than many other meats.Even so,the industry is small compared to chicken,beef and pork. But immigration has brought more of a taste for goat to America from all over the world.

  Experts from the University of Illinois offer some questions for people to consider if they are thinking about raising goats.

  First of all,do you understand that there always has to be someone to care for the goats?

  ◆How much land do you have available? And how good is it? Poor ground may support two to four goats on half a hectare.Better grassland can support six to eight. If goats and cattle share the land,two goats can be added for each cow. The goats will eat weeds and other plants that cattle do not like.

  ◆Do you have buildings for the number of female goats you plan to keep during winter? An open,cold,dry barn is better than a closed,warm barn where the air is wet.

  ◆Do you have the equipment to clean barns(畜棚) and to harvest hay(草料) to feed your goats? Or will you get someone else to do it,or buy the hay?

  The experts say a profitable business in goat meat may take three to five years to establish.And, of course, there are no guarantees .

1.On which section of a newspaper will this passage appear?

A.International Affairs     B.Entertainment

C.Agriculture                      D.Culture

2.Which of the following is NOT a factor in making goat meat more popular?

A.Goat meat is healthy food.

B.Immigrants bring different tastes.

C.The industry still leaves room for profit.

D.Raising goats is challenging.

3.If someone has two hectares of good grass land, what is the maximum number of cows and goats he can raise?

A.32 cows and 64 goats.                                               B.32 cows and 32 goats.

C.16 cows and 32 goats.                                             D.8 cows and 16 goats.

4. What is the experts’ opinion about the goat-raising business?

A.You can make sure money.

B.You had better be cautious and patient.

C.Goats are hardly possible to raise.

D.Goat meat still needs to be recognized.



When we can see well, we do not think about our eyes often. It is only when we can not see perfectly that we come to see how important our eyes are.

People who are nearsighted can only see things that are very close to their eyes. Many people who do a lot of close work, such as writing and reading, become nearsighted. Then they have to wear glasses in order to see distant things clearly.

People who are farsighted face just the opposite problem. They can see things that are far away, but they have difficulty reading a book unless they hold it at arm’s length. If they want to do much reading, they must get glasses too.

Other people do not see clearly because their eyes are not exactly the right shape. This, too, can be corrected by glasses. Some people’s eyes become cloudy because of cataracts(白内障). Long ago these people often became blind. Now, however, it is possible to operate on the cataracts and remove them.

When night falls, colors become fainter(不清楚) to the eyes and finally disappear. After your eyes have grown used to the dark, you can see better if you use the side of your eyes rather than the centers. Sometimes, after dark, you see a small thing to one side of you, which seems to disappear if you turn your head in its direction. This is because when you turn your head, you are looking at the thing too directly. Men on guard duty sometimes think they see something moving to one side of them. When they turn to look straight at it, they can not see it any more, and they believe they were mistaken. However, this mistake happens because the center of the eye, which is very sensitive in daylight, is not as sensitive as the sides of the eye after dark.

1.We don’t know that our eyes are of great importance until ________.

A. we think about our eyes           B. we cannot see clearly

C. we wear glasses                 D. we have to do much reading

2.According to the passage, a ________ is more likely to be nearsighted.

A. student    B. runner    C. guard    D. worker

3. People who are farsighted ________ .

A. cannot do a lot of close work without glasses

B. can only see things that are very close to their eyes

C. have difficulty reading a book if they hold it at arm’s length

D. have the same problem as the nearsighted people

4. To see a small thing at night, it is better to look ________ .

A. with wide open eyes             B. with half shut or narrowed eyes

C. straight at it                    D. in a slightly different direction



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