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阅读文章后,从第55至58题所给A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳答案 Amer...


       America’s No.1 health problem?A report published by the American Institute of Stress claims the biggest threat to health today is neither cancer nor AIDS.The report says:“it has been estimated that 75-90 percent of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress-related problems.’’

       It is no exaggeration(夸张)to say that people today are being attacked by stress.According to the National Consumers League,“Work is the top source of stress for adults who have problems and stress in their lives(39%).Other sources include health(10%),concern about the economy(9%)and concern about international conflict and terrorism(4%)”

       However, stress is hardly unique to the United States A British survey in 2005 estimated that ‘‘over half a million individuals in Britain believed in 2004 that they were experiencing work-related stress at a level that was making them ill”.As a result of“work-related stress,depression or anxiety”, there are“an estimated thirteen and a half million reported lost working days per year in Britain”

       The picture is no less bleak in mainland Europe. According to the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.“work-related stress has been shown to affect millions of European workers across all types of employment sectors’’ One survey revealed that there are “about 41 million workers affected by work-related stress each year.”

       What about Asia?A report issued by a conference held in Tokyo concluded,“Job stress is a common concern among many countries in the world,both developing and industrialized countries”.The report observed that“several countries in East Asia,including China and Korea, have rapidly industrialized and economically grown”.These countries now have a lot of concerns on job stress and its harmful effects on workers’ health.

1.Which of the followings is NOT true?

       A.Cancer and AIDS are not so threatening as health problems caused by stress.

       B.Stress is always from working and living pressure.

       C.More than one third of adults suffer from stress problems in America.

       D.Stress has become a world-wide problem.

2.What does the sentence“The picture is no less bleak in mainland Europe’’ probably mean?

       A.There is no hope for mainland Europe.

       B.There is no working stress in mainland Europe.

       C.The picture in mainland Europe is very beautiful.

       D.The stress situation in mainland Europe is serious too.

3.We can infer from the last paragraph that      

       A.Asian people lead a better life

       B.industry and economy have grown rapidly in China

       C.some Asians have health problems from employment stress

       D.the rapid economical development is the main reason for stress

4.What would be the best title for the text?

      A.Attacked by Stress                            B.Attention to Health

      C.Effects of Stress                                 D.Health Report


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 【解析】略


       We all hate speed cameras,don’t we?They’re not there to slow drivers down and lower the road accidents;they just make money for the government.They trick us,cost us cold hard cash,disturb us from driving properly and are unfair.

       Well,here’s a surprising thing:what if there were facts that the boring cameras actually saved lives?It’s a conclusion difficult to ignore when you look at what’s happening in France,a country with a historically poor record of road safety.

       There were 16,617 road deaths in 1972 in France for example,but that dropped to 8412 by 1995 following rules such as compulsory(强迫的)seat belt wearing in 1990 and a lowering of the blood alcohol limit to 0.05 in 1995.

       Last year, the road deaths dropped below 5,000 for the first time,or 4.9 percent less than2004.Comparing road deaths to populating in 2005,that’s about 817 per million people compared with Australia’s 806.

       And guess what?Last year the number of speed cameras on French roads reached 1,000 and the government plans to double that within the next three years.

       Okey, you know the arguments on the increased traffic safety and cameras. for-inco me, but in seems in France there’s been a major cultural change brought on by radars and other laws. A theer-hour, wine-soaked lunch with a quick rush back to the office is no longer on.

       Traveling on the highways,it is rare to see anyone breaking the 130km/h speed limit when one few traveled below it. The speed cameras are clearly signed so drivers know when they are coming There’s even all official web site listing fixed and mobile camera locations and it is updated regularly

       Maybe it is because of such transparency by government,rather than the secrecy too often used by authorities in many other countries that more French can enjoy their life thanks to speed cameras

1.We can learn from the first paragraph that     

       A.speed cameras cost us our lives

       B.speed cameras help HS drive properly

       C.most people think speed cameras are good for slowing drivers down

       D.most people think speed cameras are used to make money for the government

2.In France, a driver should obey the following rules EXCEPT      

       A.blood alcohol limit lowering                 B.speed limit obeying

       C.camera location updating                      D.seat belt wearing

3.The underlined word ‘‘transparency’’ in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to    

       A.honesty            B.openness          C.innocence           D.strictness

4.Now you can seldom see in France      

       A.lunch time last long with drunk people rushing back to office

       B.people drive at a speed of less than 130 km/h

       C.drivers drive according to the traffic lights

       D.police conduct traffic in streets

5.What is the text mainly about?

       A.The argument on speed cameras

       B The drivers in France hating speed cameras

       C.France does successfully in controlling road accidents

       D.France takes many measures in controlling road accidents




A.It is known that the“Great Water”has also been a frontier river(边境河).

B.Probably the river remembers many happy things,and also many sad things.

C.The Mississippi is the greatest river in the United States.

D.The Mississippi has always had an important part in American history.

E.Great rivers are likely to suffer floods.

F.As we know.it's the third longest river in the world.








The Mississippi

       The Mississippi is a romantic river whose relationship with man goes back beyond its discovery by the Spaniards in the 16th century.Indians used the river as a highway and as a source of food.and it was they who gave it its name“misi-sipi”,meaning“river of many fishes”.European explorers called it the Mississippi.Today, it is often called“Old Man River”.

         45  .Flowing from north to south,it gathers many waters on its way.You will easily understand why it is called“Old Man River”,or the“Father of Waters”.A lot of early setters built their homes on the land along its waters.The Mississippi was and is the old man of all American people,too

         46  .In 1927 the Mississippi flooded 26 thousand acres,sweeping away farms,towns,everything in its path.In 1938 its floods drowned or killed 200 people and made millions homeless.Today the river has largely been controlled.

         47  .Pioneers who first reached its banks wondered not only where it went,but what lay beyond.In 1764 the French founded a city on the right bank of the river, and named it after their king,Louis XV.This city, named St Louis,became the jumping-off place for the adventurous men and women who opened up the Great Plains,and the way to the Far West.

         48  .One of the saddest memories may be that of the blacks who were carried down the river and sold as slaves.The river also remembers that their sobbing and crying voices once passed over its waters.

         49  .Today, the river is still an important part of the American economy.Goods are carried up and down the river to get to other parts of the country and the world.




“Cheerfulness keeps up a kind of daylight in the mind, and fills it with a steady perpetual(永久的)serenity(平静).’’—Joseph Addison

       Annually my husband’s family has a reunion.At one of the recent 25 ,the weather was cloudy, and more rain was  26  .The family members who arrived early were  27 about the possibility of rain and the  28  it would have on attendance.

       It did rain,but as it started,a car  29  and out of the passenger side suddenly appeared Uncle Earl,  30  by the family, who is 96 years old and has been  31  for many years.Just the arrival of Uncle Earl immediately  32  the spirits of the group.

       Ever cheerful and optimistic,Uncle Earl  33  to amaze the family.One by one he 34  each member, held their hands,gave them a piece of candy and made them laugh

         35  l stood back,1 watched how his behavior and  36  brought a smile to everyone’s face He didn’t spend time telling everyone about his illness as others were doing.I  37  that it was his choice to be of good cheer and not focus on the  38  aspects of his life.By doing so, each family member had to respond in the same  39 

       Just before we began to feast on the wonderful  40  ,Earl stood up and spoke to the group for a few minutes.He asked everyone to take a lighthearted approach to  41  happened. He said he had prayed for us all to arrive and to return home  42  ,so we need not worry about the rain.Then he gave us all his blessing.I know I felt  43  to be with him.

       What is happening in your life  44  ?Are you taking a cheerful approach to your day? Be of good cheer! Like Uncle Earl!

1.A.moments                           B.reunions    C.meals       D.discussions

2.A.informed                           B.argued      C.predicted  D.demanded

3.A.happy                                B.excited      C.interested  D.concerned

4.A.danger                               B.significance      C.effect       D.consequence

5.A.pulled up                           B.drove off  C.pushed in        D.sped up

6.A.told                                   B.called       C.known      D.recognized

7.A.homeless                           B.blind C.silent D.lost

8.A.changed                             B.reacted      C.bothered   D.showed

9.A.continues                           B.refuses      C.plans D.tends

10.A.scratched                         B.admired    C.scolded     D.addressed

11.A.Although                         B.As     C.Once D.If

12.A.cheerfulness                     B.thankfulness     C.pessimism D.complaint

13.A.realized                           B.explained  C.decided     D.urged

14.A.violent                             B.positive     C.meaningful      D.negative

15.A.order                               B.place C.manner     D.direction

16.A.min                                 B.food  C.life    D.car

17.A.whatever                          B.whichever C.however   D.wherever

18.A.early                               B.slowly      C.quickly     D.safely

19.A.beaten                   B.disappointed        C.blessed                D.surprised

20.A.at times                 B.in time                C.right now            D.from now



一Tomorrow I will sit the written test for my driving license.

       —      .

       A.Too bad           B.Don’t worry       C.Congratulations   D Good luck



It    to me that I should go to attend a meeting when I was about to go home.

      A.happened         B.struck              C.occurred             D.reminded



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