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阅读文章后,从第50至53题所给A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。 For...


       For the first 10 years after the Wright brothers' original flight in 1903, flying was only a sport.It was a pastime for daredevils (不怕死的人).One very determined daredevil was Bessie Coleman.She was the first black woman to fly an airplane.

       Coleman, born in Texas in 1892, the tenth of 13 children, dreamed of becoming a pilot.To earn money for flying lessons, she washed other people's laundry.At the age of 19 she took a train to Chicago, where she began to study in a beauty school.For five years she worked in a barbershop, and then she looked for a flying school.There were none in the United States that would teach women, but Coleman heard that there were schools in France that would.So she studied the language and sailed off to France.

       When she returned to the United States in 1921, Coleman was the first licensed black woman pilot.Her "aerial acrobatic (航空特技)exhibitions" impressed audiences.She took her airplane through loop-the-loops and flew upside down.She did slow rolls and sharp rolls.Audiences were amazed when she performed a move called "falling leaf."

       Coleman became a famous person.She performed her acrobatic flights all over the country.She also spoke to African-American audiences in schools, churches, and theatres.Fly, she told them.Be a part of the new aviation(航空) industry.Many young African-American men listened to her.Some became honored military pilots during World War II.Many others made their careers in aviation.

       On April 29, 1926, Coleman was flying when a tool carelessly left in the airplane hit the control stick.The plane went into a dive and did not recover.The daring 34-year-old pilot was killed.

1.Bessie Coleman went to France to ____.

       A.work in a barbershop             B.study the language

       C.look for a flying school            D.take flying lessons

2.Which of the following is probably an "aerial acrobatic"?

       A.Flying upside down.                B.Speaking to audiences.

       C.Getting a pilot's licence.         D.Impressing audiences.

3.The underlined word "exhibition" in paragraph 3 means _____.

       A.a holding back           B.a public show      

       C.falling leaf                 D.loop-the-loops

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

       A.An early daredevil           B.The first flying woman

       C.A pioneer in aviation               D.The first licensed black pilot


1.D 2.A 3.B 4.C 【解析】略


       A.Five-a-day "Not much benefit"

       B.More Harm than Good

       C.Long holidays "harm learning"

       D.Young yet brave

       E.Most followed on Twitter

       F.New "Green" Red Buses


       What is red but green, open but closed and old but new? Answer: London's stunning new double-decker buses.The new bus uses more efficient green technology and has two staircases and an open platform, enabling people to hop on and hop off.It   also has a special design for the front end, which gives it a futuristic look.


       For many years British people have been advised to eat at least five items of fruit or vegetables every day in order to improve their health and reduce the likelihood of illness, in particular, cancer.However, according to a new scientific study, only 2.5% of cancers could be prevented by eating more fruit and vegetables.


       American actor Ashton Kutcher is no longer the most popular person on Twitter.With almost five million followers ?about 20,000 more than Ashton, Britney Spears is the most popular person on Twitter now.In reply to the news, Britney tweeted, "WOW!!!!! # 1 on Twitter! Thank you!" and treated fans by answering questions they tweeted to her.


       According to a report, being away from school for a long time can mean you start to forget what you've learnt during the school year.Researchers say the school year should be divided into five eight-week terms, with only four weeks off for summer,-instead of six weeks.They think that way, you would be more likely to remember things you learnt in subjects like maths and science.


       Jordan Romero, who is trying to become the youngest ever person to climb the world's highest mountain, has reached the first level.Advanced Base Camp.He's been training hard and his family think that he's ready to do it.However, some people think that he's far too young to be taking on such a dangerous adventure.




       Recently I gave my adult students homework.It was to "go to someone you love and tell them you love them.It has to be someone you have   25   said those words to before or at least haven't   26   those words with for a long time."

       Since most of the men were over 35 and were raised in the   27   of men that were taught    28   feelings is not "manly", this was very   29   homework for some.

       In our next   30   , I asked if someone wanted to share his story with us.I fully   31  one of the women to volunteer, as was   32   the case, but on this evening one of the men raised his hand.As he   33   out of his chair (all 1.85 metres of him), he began by saying, "Dennis, I was quite   34   with you last week when you gave us this homework.   35   were you to tell me to do something that personal? But as I began driving home my heart started talking to me, telling me that I knew   36   who I needed to say 'I love you' to."

       "My father and I had a severe   37   five years ago, and since then we had  38  seeing each other unless we had to at Christmas.But even then, we hardly   39   to each other.So last Tuesday I drove to my parents' house after work and said, "Dad, I just    40  to tell you that I love you. '"

       "Dad reached out and    41    me and said, 'I love you too, son, but I've never been able to say it.' Two days after my visit, my dad had a heart attack and I don't know if he will  42    it.So, I'm here to tell all of you that my    43    in this is: Don't wait to do the things    44    it is too late.Take the time to do what you need to do and do it now!"

1.A.ever                                  B.always      C.never     D.even

2.A.said                                   B.shared       C.talked       D.discussed

3.A.year                                  B.occasion    C.period      D.generation

4.A.explaining                         B.hurting     C.devoting   D.expressing

5.A.interesting                         B.threateningC.inspiring   D.exciting

6.A.class                                  B.term      C.holiday     D.week

7.A.asked                                B.disliked     C.advised     D.expected

8.A.usually                              B.probably   C.not        D.seldom

9.A.sat                                    B.rose       C.stood      D.struggle

10.A.bored                              B.amused     C.curious     D.angry

11.A.How                                B.Why      C.Who      D.What

12.A.exactly                            B.fully      C.directly     D.simply

13.A.condition                         B.discussion C.disagreement   D.experiment

14.A.hated                               B.avoided     C.reduced    D.continued

15.A.spoke                              B.smiled      C.looked      D.turned

16.A.dropped in                       B.ran across  C.came over D.came across

17.A.touched                           B.tested      C.inspired    D.hugged

18.A.get                                  B.make     C.deserve     D.overcome

19.A.sense                               B.point     C.thought     D.message

20.A.until                                B.when       C.before      D.as



Who would you rather _____ the meeting instead of you?

       A.attend              B.have attend          C.have attended         D.have to attend



On the table _____ two dictionaries.You may look up the word in either of them.

       A.lie                 B.lays                C.laid     D.lies



My English teacher is really ___.She is often seen working in her office far into the night.

       A.warm-hearted        B.easy-going          C. hard-working      D.self-confident



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