满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Don’t _________ any letter in the word, ...

Don’t _________ any letter in the word, or it will be a wrong word.

   A. find out   B. give out  C. leave out  D. look out


C 【解析】略

最近一个暑假里,你(英语名字 Kate)和其他同学一起参加了国际旅行社组织的北京三日游活动,下面是你们的参观路线图。请根据图示标明的旅游路线和景点,给你的美国笔友Tom写封信,将此次旅游的 经过和经历作简单介绍,并建议他有机会来中国参观。

注意:1。要求词数120 左右

参考词汇:水立方 The Water Cube   鸟巢  The Birds’ Nest 2. 书信格式和开头已经给出,不计入总词数

6ec8aac122bd4f6e 6ec8aac122bd4f6e the Great Wall

6ec8aac122bd4f6e                    6ec8aac122bd4f6e6ec8aac122bd4f6e

                                The Birds’ Nest, The Water Cube

6ec8aac122bd4f6e                            6ec8aac122bd4f6e

Hometown                              Beijing



                 dear Toney,

I’m glad to tell you that I attended a visit organized by the International Travel Agency.                                                                           




Looking forward to your coming.

Best wishes.











Last week, we talked about different kinds of short stories.

Many of you said you like the ________(美国的) writer Ernest          1. __________

Hemingway, who is w_________ known for his short stories. I                   2.___________

suppose you have all f_______ my advice and finished reading                3.___________

his story. We’re going to study it _________(一起) in this lesson.            4. ___________

Now, first of all, I would like you to have a ___________(讨论).                   5. ___________

Please look at the three q________ on the blackboard. First,                   6. ___________

when did the story _______ place? Second, what kind of person                     7. ___________

does the writer show ________(自己) to be? Third, what’s the                8. ___________

main purpose of w__________ this story? I’d like you to                       9. ___________

work ________ pairs and present your answers in ten minutes.                 10.___________






___________________, I  ______________ and __________________.   


Have you ever had a case _________ someone accused your journalists _________________________________________________________________________.

3. 她一进来就大哭起来。

 She ____________________she came in .  

4. 不要总把失败归咎于他人。有时该怪自己。

Don’t blame others for the fails. It’s you _________________.  

5. ______________________________was the longitude line.   她最感兴趣的是那条经线。

6. Come and see me whenever __________________________.  只要你方便,随时都可以来。




refer to, be supposed to , be back on one’s feet, lack of, inform… of, speed up,  make any difference,  a variety of,  put one’s hands on,  break down,

1. There must be no life on the Mars for _________________air there.

2. Take these tablets the doctor prescribed and you'll soon _______.

3. Don’t forget to __________ the director ________ the committee’s decision?

4.It’s most upset that you can’t ________________________it when you badly need some thing。  

5. There were representatives from ______________ parts of the world at the conference.

6. It doesn’t ____________________________ to me where you come from.

7. Her health ________________________under the pressure of work.

8. If you don’t know what this means, _________________________the dictionary.



If a person forgets names , places or facts —and has trouble with everyday things like reading or shopping —it may not mean you are getting old . It could be Alzheimer’s disease . So it’s important to see a doctor as soon as you can .

There is no cure for Alzheimer’s . But a drug called ARICEPT has been used by millions of people to help their symptoms (症状).

In studies , ARICEPT has been proved to work for Alzheimer’s . It has helped people improve their memory over time . It has also helped them to keep doing everyday things on their own .

Ask your doctor if ARICEPT is right for you or your loved one . It is the Number One drug for Alzheimer’s in the world . The sooner you know it’s Alzheimer’s , the better ARICEPT can help .

ARICEPT is good for many but may not be good for everyone . Some people may experience not sleeping well , feeling very tired , or not wanting to eat . In studies , these side effects weren’t serious at all and went away over time . Some people taking ARICEPT may feel light-headed . In this case you should tell your doctors because your condition may get worse .

1.If one suffers from Alzheimer’s ,           .

       A.he can’t do everyday things on his own

       B.he has trouble with his memory

       C.he often forgets things because he is old    

D.he can’t move about

2.What is ARICEPT ?

       A.A medicine to cure Alzheimer’s

       B.A medicine to delay signs of aging .

       C.A medicine to cure brain damage .

       D.A medicine to reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer’s .

3.One who is taking ARICEPT should go to see a doctor if he        .

       A.feels like a drunken man        B.feels tired out

       C.has no desire to eat            D.can’t fall asleep



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