满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

We ______ him to take the job, but faile...

We ______ him to take the job, but failed.

A. persuaded  B. asked  C. advised him  D. tried to persuade


D 【解析】略

I would rather to stay at home listening to music rather than ______ out on such a cold day.       A. going  B. to go  C. go  D. went



The professor requested that all the students _______ the reports at once.

A. would hand in   B. hand in  C. handed in   D. handing in



Can you make sure _______the gold ring?  

A. where Alice had put           B. where had Alice put

C. where Alice has put           D. where has Alice put




第二节:书面表达 (满分25分)

假定你是一名中学生,名叫王林,于2010年3月28日写信给21st Century的编辑,反映目前滥养宠物的问题。你认为宠物过多,噪音扰民;污染环境;你周围许多人尤其是小孩都曾经被吓到或咬伤;甚至会导致某些疾病的传播。所以你希望得到媒体的关注和支持



March 28,  2010

Dear editor,

I’m sorry to occupy your precious time ,but I really want to tell you something about he problem of some people keeping too many pets nowadays.



Yours  truly,

                                                                     Wang  Lin




第II (非选择题 共35分)


第一节:短文填空:(每小题1分, 共10分)


Here is an _____(奇闻)about a killer whale called Old Tom.          76.________

As a whaler, I w_____ it during an annual whales migration .      77._______

Old Tom came to the s_____(海滨) to inform us of a baleen         78._______

whale nearby. Without _______we jumped into the boat following    79________  

Old Tom. Using a  ________(望远镜) we saw some killers were    80.________

hunting a baleen whale through t_____. We killed the whale         81.________

at last.  Its body was d_____ swiftly by killers down into          82.________

the _____ of the sea. We started turning our boat around to          83.________

go home and, in the ________ , Old Tom and the others were        84.________

having a good feed on its ____ and tongue.                      85.________



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