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There are some special traditions in Haw...

6ec8aac122bd4f6eThere are some special traditions in Hawaii .People are very friendly and always welcome visitors. They give visitors a lei,a long necklace made of beautiful fresh flowers. Men wear bright flowered shirts and women often wear long flowered dresses. There are traditional Chinese ,Japanese and Fillipino holidays and all the holidays from the United States. They call Hawaii the Aloha State. Aloha means both hello and good-bye. It also means “I love you”.

Usually when people from different countries,races and traditions live together,there are serious problems. There are a few problems in Hawaii ,but,in general,people have learned to live together in peace.

Hawaiians get most of their money from travelers,and most of the travelers come from the mainland and from Japan. There are so many peole living in Hawaii now that there are residential(居住的) areas where there used to be farms. Some of the big sugar and apple companies have moved to the Philippines,where they don't have to pay workers as much money. The families of the first people who came from the US mainland own the important banks and companies. Japanese are also buying or starting business.

1.What might be the best title for this text?

A.Hawaii ,the Aloha State          B.Living Hard Together

C.The Flower of Hawaii             D.The Problems of Hawaii

2.The underlined words “a lei”in the first paragraph here refer to____.

A.a friendly and welcome way

B.a long necklace made of beautiful fresh flowers

C.a bright flowered shirt

D.a long flowered dress

3.The author wants to show that____.

A.we should all go to Hawaii to work

B.it is possible to learn to live together in peace

C.it is not likely to live together in peace

D.Hawaii is the only place where there is peace


1.A 2.B 3.B 【解析】略

6ec8aac122bd4f6eMadame Curie ,the youngest of five children ,was born in Warsaw ,Poland in 1867. Marie Curie's maiden name was Manya. Her parents were teachers,and she learned the importance of education at an early age. No higher education was offered to women in Poland at that time,so Manya took a job as a governess(女家庭教师). She sent part of her income to Paris to help pay for her older sister's medical studies. Her sister qualified as a doctor and married a fellow doctor in 1891. Manya went to join them in Paris ,changing her name to Marie. She entered the Sorbonne(now the Universities of Paris)and studied physics and mathematics, graduating at the top of her class. For the research she wanted to do , she was introduced to another young scientist, Pierre Curie. Later they fell in love with each other . After their marriage, they worked together on radioactivity.

 Fame troubled Marie Curie and also her husband, because science was their world and in this world of science fame and honor to persons had no value. One day when a writer for a newspaper tried to ask Marie about herself and her thoughts and her beliefs, she answered him, “In science we must be interested in things,not in persons.” Much of the real character and spirit of this unusual woman was found in these few words,which she was later often to repeat. One evening, at a big party,a friend asked if she would like to meet the King of Greece,who was also a guest.She answered in her simple manner, “I don't see the value of it.” Then,seeing that she had hurt the feelings of her friend, she quickly added, “But …but…of course,I shall do whatever you please. Just as you please.”

1.What did Marie Curie once do to help pay for her older sister's medical studies?

A.She was a teacher.                   B.She was a doctor.

C.She was a governess.                 D.She was a waitress.

2.What was valuable to Marie Curie?

A.science and research.               B.fame and honor.

C.character and spirit.               D.persons and things.

3.The writer for a newspaper was interested in____.

A.things       B.Marie Curie          C.Marie's husband          D.persons

4.What do you think might have happened between Marie Curie and the King of Greece?

A.The King was angry with Marie Curie.

B.For the sake of her friend Marie Curie met the King of Greece.

C.The King of Greece wrote a letter to invite Marie Curie to meet him.

D.Marie Curie held another party for the King.



Here is a humorous story. Frank Smithson woke up and leaned over to turn off the alarm clock.“Oh,no!”he thought to himself.“Another day at that office;a boss who shouts at me all the time.”

    As Frank went downstairs his eyes fell on a large brown envelope by the door.He was overjoyed when he opened it and read the letter inside. “Bigwoods Football Pools(足球赌博公司)would like to congratulate you.You have won half a million pounds.”

    Frank suddenly came to life.The cigarette(香烟) fell from his lips as he let out a shout that could be heard halfway down the street.

    At 11:30 Frank arrived at work.“Please explain why you're so late,”his boss said.“Go and jump in the lake,” replied Frank. “I've just come into a little money so this is goodbye.Find yourself someone else to shout at.”

    That evening Frank was smoking a very expensive Havana cigar(雪茄)when a knock was heard on the door.He rushed to the door.Outside were two men,neatly dressed in grey suits.“Mr Smithson,” one of them said,“We're from Bigwoods Football Pools.I'm afraid there’s been a terrible mistake……”

1.What do we know about Frank?

A.He was a lazy man.             B.He was a lucky person.

C.He made a lot of money.        D.He didn't get on well with his boss.

2.Why did Frank dare to shout to his boss?

A. Because he found a better job.           

B. Because his boss did not like him.

C. Because he thought he did not need the job.

D. Because he was not late in fact.

3. When he heard the knock at the door,Frank probably thought __.

A.someone had come to make an apology.

B.someone had come to give him the money.

C.his friends had come to ask about the football pools.

D.his friends had come to congratulate him on his luck.

4.On hearing“…there's been a terrible mistake…”Frank was most likely to be________.

A.disappointed.        B.worried.        C.nervous.         D.curious.




A long time ago, in Egypt,there lived a famous person named Zun-Nun.A young man came to _36_him and asked, “I don't _37_why people like you always dress simply.” Zun-Nun smiled and _38_his ring from one of his fingers and said, “I will answer your _39_but first take this ring and go to the _40_across this street. Can you sell this for one chip of gold?”  Looking at the dirty ring,the young man became_41_, “One chip of gold? I’m not sure if it could be _42_at that price.”

The young man went to the market quickly. He _43_the ring to the vegetable ,meat and fish traders,and the others. But nobody was willing to _44_a chip of gold. He went back and reported, “Nobody was _45_enough to offer more than one chip of silver.” With a smile Zun-Nun said, “Now go to the gold shop in this street and show this to the _46_ trader. Don’t give your _47_,just see how much he will pay for it.”

The young man went to the shop _48_and returned with a(n)_49_expression on his face. He reported, “The trader offered one thousand  chips of gold for this ring,and the  50  of it was one thousand times higher than what the traders in the market offered.” Zun-Nun just smiled and _51_softly, “That was the answer to your question, my friend. A person cannot be valued only by his _52_. The gold and diamond inside someone could_53_be seen and valued if you could look at the _54_soul. It requires heart to see,and it involves(涉及) a _55_. We cannot see it from the words or attitude. Many a time what we think is brass(黄铜)is gold.”

1.A.beg            B.visit           C.help              D.question

2.A.agree          B.suppose         C.understand        D.think

3.A.held           B.put            C.took               D.placed

4.A.question        B.telephone       C.alarm             D.description

5.A.playground     B.company        C.stage              D.market

6.A.careful         B.doubtful        C.hopeful            D.helpful

7.A.sorted         B.checked         C.exported           D.sold

8.A.offered        B.added           C.provided           D.led  

9.A.cost           B.search          C.pay               D.buy  

10.A.outspoken      B.brave          C.just               D.confident

11.A.coal           B.steel           C.cotton             D.gold 

12.A.price          B.attitude         C.advice             D.explanation

13.A.repaired        B.mentioned      C.damaged           D.painted

14.A.angry          B.pitiful          C.cold              D.different  

15.A.color          B.weight          C.value             D.size

16.A.spoke          B.felt            C.touched           D.played

17.A.language       B.accent          C.kindness          D.dress

18.A.also           B.only            C.still              D.always

19.A.outer          B.rest             C.inner            D.lost

20.A.process        B.location         C.luck             D.support



____studying Russian made his mother disappointed once again.

A.Him meaning to give up              B.His meaning giving up

C.His meaning to give up              D.He meant to give up



Charlie,through his humour,       one of the most popular child actors in England by his teens.

A.became            B.had become          C.has become           D.becomes



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