满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



My husband had just bought a new washing machine for me. I decided to use it the   21   day, and I washed a lot of things. Everything worked   22  , but I couldn't find 23  of my husband's socks though I had looked  24  for it.

    The next morning, I got ready for 25   as usual. When the bell rang, the students came in. I greeted them and told them   26  we were going to do  27  .

    When I turned   28   to write on the blackboard, the class burst out  29  . They laughed and laughed. They laughed so much, in fact, that I was  30   the headmaster would be in to see all this.

    I asked the class to  31  , but the 32 I talked, the more they laughed. So I thought I had better pay  33   attention to them and continue to write on the blackboard. When I did this, they laughed even more.

    Before long, the teacher who had the room next to   34   came to see  35   all the laughter was about. When he came in, he started   36  , too.

    "Good  Heavens ! "I said. "Will   37   please tell me what is so  38  ?"

    "Oh, God," said the teacher, " you have a brown 39 stuck to the back of your shirt. "

    So that's   40   I found my husband's missing sock.

    "Oh, well," I said to the class, "let's just say  you have had an unforgettable lesson on static electricity(静电)."

1. A. very          B. last           C. next       D. following

2.A. hard          B. well          C. fast        D. slowly

3. A. all            B. both          C. either      D. one

4.A. nowhere       B. somewhere    C. anywhere   D. everywhere

5. A. breakfast      B. clothes        C. school      D. books

6.A. which         B. what         C. how        D. why

7.A. today         B. this day       C. that day     D. now

8. A. around        B. back          C. off         D. over

9. A. smiling       B. laughing       C. crying      D. quarrelling

10. A. afraid         B. doubtful       C. sure        D. glad

11. A. look          B. write         C. stop         D. go on

12.A. better         B. quicker       C. less         D. more

13. A. further        B. more         C. hardly       D. no

14. A. me           B. mine         C. us          D. his

15. A. what          B. why         C. which        D. that

16. A. writing        B. asking        C. talking       D. laughing

17. A. everyone      B. anyone       C. someone     D. he

18. A. funny         B. wrong       C. pleasant      D. unforgettable

19.A. handkerchief   B. sock         C. paper        D. hair

20.A. why          B. when        C. how         D. what


1.A 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.B 9.B 10.A 11.C 12.D 13.D 14.B 15.A 16.D 17.C 18.A 19.B 20.C 【解析】略

 ------Excuse me, Sir , shall all the students repeat the exam.

   ------________. Only those who failed.

A. That’s right .      B. I’m afraid not .  C. Yes, of course.  D. I’m not sure.



 ------Make sure you have turned off the air conditioners before going out.


      A. Heard it      B. Made it      C. Forgot it       D. Got it



He was about to tell me the secret __ someone patted him on the shoulder.

      A. as      B. until        C. while        D. when



  He is the only one of the students who __ a winner of three years.

      A. is      B. are      C. have been       D. has



The scientist did __ experiments to test the new drug.

      A. a series of    B. a good many of    C. a great many   D. a lots of



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