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填写英文单词:1. 完成给出首字母或汉语意思的词; 2. 填出所给词的正确形式。...

填写英文单词:1. 完成给出首字母或汉语意思的词; 2. 填出所给词的正确形式。(每条横线上只能填写一个单词)  (共20题;每小题1分,满分20分)


1.Alice in Wonderland, a book which was i              for the writer’s daughter, became popular all over the world.

2. Jane Goodall has been outspoken about making the rest of the world understand and _______________(尊重) the life of chimps.

3.Dr. Yuan Longping has struggled for Chinese farmers for the past five __________ (十年).

4.Australia actually _____________ (出口) the most diamonds and coal in the world.

5. More and more people choose to shop in a supermarket as it offers _____________ (各种各样) goods.

6. I ____________ (遗憾) to inform you of the delay of the meeting.

7.I’m so sorry, but Size M is not ______________ (可以买得到) now.

 8.When the machine is f                properly, the green light is on.

9.Foreign tourists are often c              in Japan because most streets there don’t have names.

10. With so many _____________ (引人入胜之处), no wonder tourism is increasing wherever there is a Disneyland.

11. Nick Vujicic travels the globe to deliver his story of how he ____________ (克服) disability.

12. Denmark is planning to ____________ (扩张) its land to include the North Pole and other areas in the Arctic(北极圈).

13. The beauty of the West Lake i             a lot of poets to write their great poetry.

14.__________ from her music, Lavigne’s fashion sense has won this young woman fans all over the world.

15. He warned the player that he would have to do better if he was to ______________ (媲美于) his rival (竞争对手).

16.______________ (open) in 1987, Futuroscope is one of the largest space-age parks in the world.

17. These different organic farming methods have the same goal: to grow good food and avoid

____________ (damage) the environment.

18.Dr. Lin Qiaozhi wrote a book ____________ (explain) how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies.

19. What was once an _______________ (common) sight of a dad with the kids during the day is becoming more and more prevalent(普遍).

20. Though the metro company promised to make some changes to the project, Chen remained ______________ (convince).


1.intended    2. respect    3.decades     4. exports       5. various 6.regret      7. available   8. functioning  9. confused     10. attractions 11. overcame  12. expand   13. inspires    14. Apart/Aside  15. match 16. Opened    17. damaging  18.explaining 19. uncommon   20. unconvinced 【解析】 略

English families face being limited to 80 bags of rubbish a year. Households throwing away more waste will have to take it to the tip (垃圾站) or buy a limited number of extra bags.

Doretta Cocks, protester of the Campaign for Weekly Waste Collections, said, “They must think we are fools. How can they claim to be concerned for the environment when they tell people to drive to the local tip? And what do you do if you don’t have a car? Walk?”

The plan ignores the voice from ministers to end such heavy – handedness (笨拙).

It is to be carried out by the Tory – led council (市政厅) in Wokingham, Berkshire, and is already in operation in Brozbourne in Hertfordshire.

Many of the 180 councils that still offer unlimited weekly rubbish collections are watching the trial.

Wokingham officials have told residents that 75 – litre bags will be given to each household and anything not left in them will not be collected.

 “Every household will receive 80 bags every year,” it said. “You can buy extra bags in rolls of ten but this will not be encouraged.”

Families of five will get 100 rubbish bags a year and households of six or more will get 120.

Residents will have a weekly recycling collection limited to cans, paper and cards, plastic bottles and so on.

Plastic packaging and glass including bottles must either go with the general waste or be taken to recycling points. Green waste pick – ups cost an extra £60 a year.

The council has told residents it will save £922,000 a year under the new system. There will be no local consultation (商讨) before it is introduced next April.

1.What’s Doretta Cock’s attitude towards the new plan?

   A. Satisfied.      B. Curious.       C. Angry.         D. Interested.

2.What does the underlined word “this” refer to in the seventh paragraph?

   A. Receiving 80 rubbish bags every year.      B. Buying extra bags every year.

   C. Driving to city tips.                     D. Getting 100 rubbish bags a year.

3.It can be learned from the passage that         .

   A. the new plan is agreed by most ministers

   B. the new plan will waste a lot of money

   C. the government has asked for much advice of the new plan

   D. the new plan does not necessarily do good to the environment

4.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

   A. English families are limited to 80 bags of rubbish a year

   B. English families can’t clear away their rubbish

   C. English families are angry with their government

   D. English government pays no attention to residents’ interest



If you've ever seen a James Bond movie,you'll know that the hero gets around in a smart Aston Martin car. Even if you know full well that you could never afford such an expensive vehicle, you don't forget the name, or the car.

  Why? You have been affected by product placement.

  Companies pay a film to place their products in the movie. Product placement took off in the West in the 1980s and is now catching on in China. Two Hunan Satellite TV dramas are recent examples:Ugly Wudi and Let's Go Watch the Meteor Shower (《一起去看流星雨》).

  Shampoo, mobile phones, cars and fitness centers – anything can be product-placed. Advertisers value the mass appeal of the movies, knowing that a successful film can showcase their goods to hundreds of thousands of viewers. But when product placement takes over, artistic considerations can take a back seat.

  Cai Zhiyong has been product-placing for years. The Beijing-based advertiser admits there is a conflict between art and business. He explains the way one ad works. In If You are the One (《非诚勿扰》), the actress Shu Qi plays a flight attendant. The movie contains product placement for airline companies.

  Cash-strapped filmmakers often have to give less consideration to the quality of their work because they need money from advertisers. In the original story for Meteor Shower, the heroine's mother owned an ice cream shop. But no ice cream company wanted to sponsor (赞助) the film. For this reason, the story was changed. In the film the man drinks 20 cups of milk tea instead of eating ice cream.

  So you may see the power of business over the movies, since the script (剧本) was perhaps written so that a product could be placed-whether it was ice cream or milk tea.

1. James Bond movies are mentioned in the first paragraph to show_________.

  A. how popular James Bond is            B. how great the Aston Martin car is

  C. how to make a movie more artistic      D. how effectively product placement works

2.Product placement can have a bad effect on the_________ of a movie.

  A. atmosphere      B. mass appeal       C. box-office success      D. artistic value

3.What does the underlined word "cash-strapped" in Paragraph 6 probably mean?

  A. Short of money.                B. Wasting a lot of money.

  C. having enough money.           D. Trying to save money.

4.We can learn from the example of Meteor Shower that__________.

  A. business has a big say in the movie

  B. the original story was not suitable for a movie

  C. filmmakers are only concerned about making money

  D. milk tea is more popular than ice cream




Traffic TV

Avoid the jams — see where tailbacks are before you set off and while on the move. Traffic TV is free to use on your personal computer and only £4 per month (see below for other network charges) on your mobile.

How does it work?

Over 7,500 Trafficmaster cameras monitor traffic flow on over 8,000 miles of motorways and roads across the UK, keeping you up to date 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Traffic TV on your mobile

This downloadable application lets you see where jams are building up, the speed of vehicles at hotspots, and live pictures from thousands of roadside cameras.

Traffic TV is £4 a month for Orange mobile customers, after a 30 day free try-out. On other networks Traffic TV is £5 a month, after a 7 day free try-out.

Listen to live traffic news

Don’t want the download? Then simply dial the numbers below from your mobile to hear the latest traffic updates.

*Orange mobile users call 177 (calls cost up to 55p a minute)

*Other mobile users call 1740 (calls cost up to 59p a minute)

Help friends avoid jams

Simply enter your friend’s email address to send them a link to this service.

1.How can users get live traffic information?

A. By mobile phone or through Internet.          B. By watching a TV programme.

C. By listening to the radio report.               D. By using Trafficmaster cameras.

2.How long may a customer use the service if his/her network is Orange and he/she pays £20?

A. About 120 days.     B. About 127 days.      C. Five months.   D. Six months.

3. What is the purpose of this advertisement?

A. To provide readers with live traffic information.

B. To help Orange customers to avoid traffic jam.

C. To attract mobile users to buy Traffic TV service.

D. To explain how Traffic TV and live traffic news work.

4. You may read this advertisement most probably ___________.

A. in a travel guide       B. on a web page      C. on a road sign     D. in a newspaper



We were on tour a few summers ago, driving through Chicago, when right outside of the city, we got pulled over. A middle-aged policeman came up to the car and was really being troublesome at first. Lecturing us, he said, “You were speeding. Where are you going in such a hurry?” Our guitarist, Tim, told him that we were on our way to Wisconsin to play a show. His way towards us totally changed. He asked, “Oh, so you boys are in a band(乐队)?” We told him that we were. He then asked all the usual band questions about the type of music we played, and how long we had been at it. Suddenly, he stopped and said, “Tim, you want to get out of this ticket, don’t you?” Tim said, “Yes.” So the officer asked him to step out of the car. The rest of us, inside the car, didn’t know what to think as we watched the policeman talk to Tim. Next thing we knew, the policeman was putting Tim in the back of the police car he had parked in front of us. With that, he threw the car into reverse(倒车),stopping a few feet in back of our car. Now we suddenly felt frightened. We didn’t know if we were all going to prison, or if the policeman was going to sell Tim on the black market or something. All of a sudden, the policeman’s voice came over his loudspeaker. He said, “Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time ever, we have Tim here singing on Route 90.” Turns out, the policeman had told Tim that the only way he was getting out of the ticket was if he sang part of one of our songs over the loudspeaker in the police car. Seconds later, Tim started screaming into the receiver. The policeman enjoyed the performance, and sent us on our way without a ticket.

1.The policeman stopped the boys to       .

   A. put them into prison           B. give them a ticket

   C. enjoy their performance        D. ask some band questions

2.The policeman became friendly to the boys when he knew they        .

   A. had long been at the band      B. played the music he loved

   C. were driving for a show        D. promised him a performance

3. The boys probably felt        when they drove off.

    A. joyful   B. calm      C. nervous D. frightened



 With parents who taught at school, Sophia received a fairly good education. She would have achieved   36    in a career, but she   37    to spend most of her marriage in the   38    role of wife and mother,   39    herself to her husband and her three children.

At the beginning of their family life, Sophia took on the   40   for running the house in order for her husband to   41    his personal interest: writing novels. However, things weren’t going as   42    as expected. Nate’s writing failed to     43   the whole housekeeping. He had to take a position in the government to    44    for his family. Sophia tried to persuade Nate to give up his    45    for full-time writing, but he didn’t listen to her. He took his job   46     because it promised the family would be prevented from being   47  . That accounted for the shocking   48   he suffered when he lost his job. That day, he said to Sophia in a    49   , “I got fired. I am a    50    failure.” “Now you can focus your mind   51  your writing.” she responded. To make Nate believe money was no longer the major   52   , Sophia took out a box that was full of   53   . She explained that she got the money for their hand-painted lampshades.

The unemployed husband did   54    a book that was a(n)   55   hit and is a long-lasting literary masterpiece. The story of Sophia’s turning her husband into a world famous writer has been widely talked about ever since then.

1.A. only a little        B. quite a lot        C. quite a few        D. a great number

2.A. proved           B. required       C. selected       D. preferred

3.A. central          B. false          C. traditional    D. additional

4.A. devoting         B. supporting     C. deciding       D. forcing

5.A. responsibility   B. approach       C. amusement      D.occupation

6. A. observe         B. reduce         C. change         D. follow

7. A. generally       B. satisfactorily C. unfortunately  D. quickly

8. A. preserve        B. cover          C. include        D. overcome

9.A. support          B. search         C. provide        D. comfort

10. A. aid            B. interest       C. job            D. share

11. A. strictly       B. truly          C. carefully      D. seriously

12. A. well off       B. badly off      C. straight away  D. right now

13. A. cut            B. loss           C. disease        D. defeat

14.A. whisper         B. voice          C. sense          D. manner 

15.A. free            B. close          C. complete       D. necessary

16. A. on             B. for            C. in             D. to

17. A. connection     B. discovery      C. task           D.concern

18. A. gold           B. cash           C. jewelry        D. silver

19.A. pick out        B. react to       C. turn out       D. build up

20. A. ordinary       B. instant        C. short          D. humorous



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