满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

We may go to Hawaii or California.______...

We may go to Hawaii or California._______ , we have to find a way to escape the snow this winter.

A. Also   B. In addition C. Somehow D. Anyway


D 【解析】略

As time went by, the plan I stuck ______ fairly practical.

A. to was proved    B. to proving  C. to proved   D. to be proved



— The weather is too cold ______ November this year.

— It was even ______ when I came here years ago.

A. for; colder  B. in; cold      C. in; hot        D. for; hotter



— What’s the main purpose of tonight’s meeting?

— We are going to talk about the problem _______ at the last meeting.

A. having discussed       B. to be discussed   C. being discussed         D. discussed



It was at that school ______ he realized his dream ______ he was going to be a teacher.

A. that; which         B. that; that              C. where; that        D. where; which



Jude, seated in a chair and lost in thought, gave me a sudden look, as if_______ , “Are you kidding?”

A. to say B. to have said              C. said    D. to be saying



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