满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Facing the dangerous situation, he was c...

Facing the dangerous situation, he was completely______.

A.at loss

B.at a loss

C.out of order

D.out of sight


B 【解析】本题考查介词短语。句意: 面对危险的局面,他完全不知怎么办。at a loss不知所措;无计可施;out of order出故障的;out of sight在视野外。结合句意可知选B。

Lucy’s dress looked the same as mine but the price is _______mine.

A. as much twice as     B.twice as much as  C.much as twice as. D.as twice much as



Last year I made ________trip to Shanghai ang I hope to go there______sencond time.

A.a  the   B. a  a   C. 不填 the   D. 不填  a





一.老师和家长的理由:    二.李华的理由

15、方便问问题              1.晚上有更多自习时间

16、晚自习时间更能保证      2.学习内容可以自由支配

17、培养独立生活的能力      3 可以看电视调节一下生活


2.字数:100       3.参考词汇:住校 board at school

Dear Editor,

I’m a student of Senior 2._________________________________










One day a doctor was starting his morning works. Suddenly                         81. _______

a man ran his room. His face was red and he could                             82. _______

only say"Quick! Quick!"The doctor thought he can be                              83. _______

very ill. His assistant helped to get the poor man sit in                            84. _______

a chair. The doctor gave the man some medicine to make                          85. _______

him to sleep. Then he looked into the man's mouth and                            86. _______

pulled out all the bad tooths. As soon as the man woke                            87. _______

up, he said"Quick, doctor, Quick,"with a low voice.                                88. _______

"It's all over now,"the doctor told him."You don't understand,"                    89. _______

said the man."I came to tell you your house is on the fire."                         90. _______




71.At that time, black people were not t______ as equal citizens.

72. Dr. King fought for p______ rights for black people in the USA..

73. Dr. King believed that he could a ______ his goal by peaceful actions ,not by violence.

74. Every now and then, we get the i_____ to travel..

75.Should you feel the u______ to pack your bags and explore what the world has to offer, you might want to consider one of the destinations below..

76. L_____ in southern Austria, Kitzbuhel is a paradise for skiers..

77. A walk around Kitzbuhel is a f_____ for the eyes---- a lively mix of old village culture and the excitement of an international tourist area.

78. Ever since the C______ War, the South has struggled to find ways to deal with its troubled past..

79. Even today, the South is far behind the rest of the United States in areas such as education and e________ development..

80.During the Olympics ,the eyes of the world  were on Atlanta  and the city was proud to d______ its new image.



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