满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Violence (暴力) computer games may have a ...

Violence (暴力) computer games may have a bad ____________ on children.






C 【解析】略

Mary is often heard ________ playing piano in the next room in the evening.


B.to practise























注意:1. 每处错误及修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I want to get along well with my classmates , so I          1. ___________

can’t , because I am very quiet . I can find words to say   2. ___________

when others are talking with me. I’m very impressing     3. ___________

by those girls always keep talking and smiling .If the      4. ___________

world were full of people who are always talk, it would   5. ___________

be a very noise place! I know some people are quiet      6. ___________

when others like to talk a lot, which make a harmonious life . 7. ___________

And they will know my classmates quite well so long as     8. ___________

I find the confidence to speak out .                     9. ___________

But I feel lonely in the class because my quietness.       10. ___________






When we speak of a basic human need we mean something necessary to life, something we cannot do without. Food is a basic human need. Without it we would starve to death. Whether in primitive(原始的)countries or in more advanced societies, man’s food needs are the same. 72

But primitive people eat only the food which can be grown near their homes, whereas people in more advanced societies eat food which is often grown many thousands of miles away from their homes. Primitive people are satisfied with less kinds of food, therefore we can say people’s wants are different although their needs are the same.

73 Clothing is necessary to regulate (调节) the heat of our bodies. In different climates and in different seasons we need more or less clothes. We also dress differently for other reasons. 74

Shelter, the third of our needs, depends on climate, the skill of the builders, one’s social position, and the material which can be used. 75 The three-bed-roomed house of the average family would not be grand enough for a very rich family, but a modern house with many of the material comforts were denied to the kings and queens in the past.

A.Food, Clothing and Shelter.

B.Human Needs

C.We always change our style of clothing for different occasions, such as work, sports, parties.

D.We all need food to live a healthy life.

E. We want to live comfortably .

F. The simple shelter of the primitive people would not do for us, and yet it satisfied their needs.

G. The same is true of the second of human needs.



The reasons for a person’s becoming an alcoholic have often been debated by psychologists and other scientists. But recent studies suggest that the problem of alcoholism(酒精中毒) should also be the focus of investigation by biologists.

While such things as hard jobs, boredom, and unhappiness can lead to alcoholism, researchers at a prominent university have found that there may also be a genetic factor involved in alcoholism. In the study, children of alcoholic parents were surveyed. The result showed that the children of alcoholic parents were more likely to become alcoholics themselves than were children of non-drinking parents.

This evidence in itself is not conclusive(令人确信的)about anything. After all, it may be the constant exposure(接触)and easy access to alcohol that cause the children of alcoholics to become alcoholics themselves. But there is more evidence. The study found that children born of alcoholic parents but raised by non-drinking foster(抚养的)parents also were susceptible to alcoholism. This group of offspring(后代)was more likely to take up drinking than youngsters who were born of and raised by non-drinking parents.

Other evidence found in the study suggests that environment does not play as important a role in the development of alcoholism as had been previously thought. The study found that the likelihood of alcoholism was better predicted from the characteristics of the parents than from such environmental characteristics as type of job or level of income.

63. What is the main point of the passage?

A. To describe the environment in the development of alcoholism.                                

B. To study the psychological factor in the development of alcoholism.

C. To describe how the children of alcoholic parents become alcoholics themselves.        

D. To describe the close link between genetic make-up and alcoholism.

64. According to the passage, what can bring about alcoholism?

A. Biologists’ investigation.                       B. Non-drinking parents.

C. Hard jobs, boredom and unhappiness.             D. Foster parents’ raising.

65. According to the findings of the study, who would be the most likely to become an alcoholic?  

A. A person who had a hard job.

B. A person who was born of alcoholic parents.

C. A person who was raised by drinking foster parents.

D. A person who was born of and raised by non-drinking parents.

66. According to the passage, what should the problem of alcoholism be treated as?

A. A psychological problem.

B. An environmental problem.

C. A biological problem.

D. An educational problem.



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