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C Yellowstone Weather Yellowstone Nation...



Yellowstone Weather

Yellowstone National Park is at high altitude. Most of the park is above 7500 feet (2275 meters).

Yellowstone’s weather is unpredictable. In summer, it may be warm and sunny with temperatures in the high 70s. At night in any given month, the temperature may drop close to freezing. So it is best to come prepared for cold evenings and mornings, especially if you are camping or hiking. When you leave your campsite, please leave it prepared for possible thundershowers and wind.

A sunny warm day may become fiercely stormy with wind, rain, sleet and sometimes snow. Without enough clothing, an easy day hike or boat trip can turn into a battle for survival.

Seasonal Weather Information


Cold and snow continue into May, although

temperatures gradually climb. Early in spring, daytime temperatures average in the 40s to 50s; by late May and June, they may reach the 60s and 70s. Nighttime lows fall below freezing.   Summer

Daytime temperatures are usually in the 70s, occasionally reaching the 80s in the lower area. Nights are cool, temperatures may drop in the 40s and 30s,sometimes even the 20s. June can be cool and rainy; July and August tend to be somewhat drier, although afternoon thundershowers are common.


Weather can be pleasant, although temperatures average 10~20 degrees lower than summer readings. Nighttime lows can fall into the teens and even lower. Snowstorms increase in frequency as the weeks go by or towards the end of the fall season.  Winter

Temperatures often stay near zero throughout the day, occasionally reaching high in the 20s. Subzero nighttime lows are common. Annual snowfall averages nearly 150 inches in most of the park. At higher places, 200~400 inches of snow have been recorded.

64、The theme(主题)of this passage is       in Yellowstone National Park.

A、the special weather      B、the beautiful scenery

C、campsites for free       D、terrible thunderstorms

65、This passage is mainly written for those who plan to     in Yellowstone National Park.

A、do research work       B、take a business trip

C、have sports games      D、spend their holidays or take a tour

66、Which of the following best describes Yellowstone’s weather?

A、The weather is generally changeable and it snows most of the year.

B、The lowest nighttime temperature often stays about zero in winter.

C、Weather in fall is pleasant and temperatures never fall below freezing.

D、It’s pretty warm in the day and very cold at night throughout the year.

67、If you are planning to spend your holiday in Yellowstone National Park in summer, what should you take with you?

A、Just some light clothing such as T-shirts or skirts.

B、Just some warm clothing such as sweaters or coats.

C、Both light clothing and warm clothing.  

D、Either light clothing or warm clothing.


 A  D  A  C 【解析】             


二、 书面表达(满分20分)



① 台数不足;

② 部分键盘、鼠标已损坏,软件过时;

③ 关门时间太早。

注意:1. 词数120左右;2. 书信的格式已给出;3. 可适当发挥。

Dear Principal,




         Sincerely yours,

                                  Li Hua





一、 根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词,每个空格一词。(满分15分)

1. _______ ______ (除了) his being late that morning, he also had bad manners.

2. It ________ (使惊讶 ) us he meant to help, but in fact he just got in the way.

3. China is a country with a long history and c________.

4. The room looks very full because there’s a lot of _________(家具) in it.

5. There wasn’t enough e_______ to prove him guilty of the crime.

6. 这部影片获得高度评价并很快取得成功。

  The film _______ ______ ______ _______ and soon became a hit.

7. 他跟他的朋友讨论人生的问题。

  He ______ ______ his friends on the problem of life.

8. 他不会讲英语,我也是。

  He doesn’t speak English, _______ ______ ______.




When traveling abroad, it is wise to carry your money in traveler's checks because checks are protected against loss or theft. If your checks are lost or stolen, the issuing authority will refund(赔偿) your money.

Not only are they safe, they are also convenient. They are available in different currencies(货币) and they can be cashed at most banks throughout the world. Most shops, hotels and restaurants also accept them. Traveler's checks are very easy to use. When you collect them, you sign each check once. The cashier enters the amount in your passport. When you cash, you sign each check again. The cashier will usually ask to see your passport again too.

To get traveler's checks you usually go to your bank. They can be paid in cash or in other ways. Large amounts, however, must be ordered in advance.

For the safety and convenience of traveler's checks, you are charged two commissions(佣金,酬劳): an insurance commission when you buy them and an encashment commission when you cash them.

It is suitable to make a note of the serial numbers of your checks. Keep this separate from your traveler's checks.

72 . People like to carry their money in traveler’s checks when traveling abroad, because______

A. they cannot be lost or stolen           B. they can be used anywhere

C. they are safe and handy         D. they can save travelers plenty of money

73.  If your traveler's checks are lost or stolen, who will refund you?

A. The authority that issues you the passport.

B. The insurance company. 

C. The bank where you buy your checks.

D. The travel agency that arranges your travel.

74.  You sign your traveler’s check for the second time in order to ________.

   A. get your passport                      B. cash it

   C. claim(要求) insurance                  D. pay for commission

75 . Which of the following statement is TRUE?

   A. You need not pay a commission for the safety of your traveler’s checks.

   B. People usually get traveler’s checks from foreign banks.

   C. Traveler’s checks can be exchanged for the money of the country you visit.

   D. You cannot get your passport until you get your traveler’s checks.




         Few buildings on earth can compete with the legendary beauty of the Taj Mahal. Towering over the ancient Indian city of Agra, the Taj Mahal is the grandest monument (纪念碑) to love ever created.

         The lovers in this story are the 17th century Indian emperor Shah Jehan and his wife Mumtaz Mahal. She took a leading role in advising him, which is something unusual for a woman to do for a husband who’s an emperor. Over the course of their nineteen-year marriage she gave birth to 14 children. But in 1631 while trying to deliver their fifteenth — she tragically died. He was heartbroken when she died. And after her death, he decided to build the world’s greatest monument ever built, for love.

         He ordered the royal architects to design the most beautiful building the world had known and decided to name it after his beloved, Mumtaz Mahal. He called on twenty thousand workers and sent many more people to all corners of his country in search of valuable metals and jewels. And after seventeen years of hard work, Shah Jehan’s monument was completed and his beloved empress was moved to her final resting place.

         Everything had gone according to plan, but Shah Jehan’s luck was about to change ... In 1658, just four years after the completion of the Taj Mahal, he was thrown out of power. Unfortunately, his son, Aran Azibe imprisoned him, his own father. And he spent the last seven years of his life in prison. And he was allowed to look at the Taj Mahal through a window. His life was in ruins, but when he died his last wish was promised. He was buried beside his beloved wife in the Taj Mahal.

68 . The Taj Mahal was built for ______.

A. Mumtaz          B. Shah      C. Mumtaz or Shah       D. Mumtaz and Shah

69.  The Taj Mahal was completed in ______.

A. 1658     B. 1662            C. 1654              D. 1665

70 . What was unusual for Mumtaz Mahal according to the passage?

A. She gave birth to 14 children for her husband.

B. She gave important advice to her husband.

C. She asked her son to imprison his father

D. She planned to build the world’s greatest monument.

71.  Which of the following is TRUE about Shah Jehan?

A. He was killed by his own son. 

B. He lost his power as a result of the Taj Mahal.

C. He put his own son into prison.

D. He hoped to be buried together with his wife.




         We arrived at the hospital only to find Dad weak, but his smile was as sure as ever. My husband and I had to work, so our relatives would help him get home from the hospital and look after him. But I wanted Dad to know that we cared about him, too, even when we weren’t with him.

         Then I remembered a family tradition (传统) when our children were small. When leaving their grandparents’ home, each child would write a love note for their grandparents to find after we were gone. They hid notes in the food box, or even in the fridge. For days their grandparents would smile as they discovered these notes of the children’s love.

         So as I cleaned Dad’s room downstairs before he got home, I began writing notes. Some showed my love. Most notes were in his room downstairs where he would be able to find, but one note was hidden upstairs under his pillow. “Dad, if you have found this note, you must be feeling better. We are so glad!”

         My notes were a reminder (提醒的事物) of our love for Dad. Just like his medicines made him better physically (身体上), these would improve his mental (精神的) health. Several weeks later, I made a phone call to Dad and asked what he was doing. He said, “I’ll tell you what I’m doing. I am just reading the note you left under my pillow upstairs!”

64. Which of the following did the author NOT do for her father?

A. Writing notes.            B. Driving her father home. 

C. Making phone calls.       D. Helping to clean her father’s room.

65.  The underlined word “these” (in Paragraph 4) refers to “______”.

A. medicines                   B. the relatives’ care and help

C. notes                           D. delicious foods

66. The author hid most notes _____.

A. in Dad’s room downstairs         B. in the food box

C. in the fridge                   D. under Dad’s pillow upstairs

67. From the passage we can know the author’s notes couldn’t ______.

A. show her love for Dad             B. make Dad remember something

C. make Dad healthier mentally            D. improve Dad’s physical health



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