满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

. He made a promise____he would achieve ...


. He made a promise____he would achieve the success that his parents were looking forward to.

   A. what                   B. when              C. that                 D. which


C 【解析】


 Being hard-working is of the highest __________ to becoming successful.

   A. important                   B. to be important

   C. importance                  D. being importance




— Did you see _________ jacket on the playground just now?

   — Is it _________ new one and very cool?

   A. a; the         B. the; a         C. a; a         D. the; the





81. 被挑选的琥珀有着像蜜糖一样的黄褐色。

The amber which was          had a beautiful yellow-brown colour like honey.

82. 只有达到他们各自项目统一标准的运动员才会被接受参加奥运会。

Only          who have reached thee agreed standard for their event will be admitted as competitors.

83. 我甚至被安装在太空火箭中并发射来探测月球和火星。

I have even been put into space rockets and sent to          the Moon and Mars.


 Please take me to the         land where I can find the animal that gave fur to make this sweater.


The musicians were to play          on each other as well as play music.






71. Many strange customs have s__________ from earlier times.

72. I grow many flowers, but none of them are rare ones. It is difficult to grow a precious flower


73. Laura was one of his r__________ customers.

74. At fourteen he started e__________ a living for himself.

75. I may fail , but I shall try hard a__________.

76. This month we may fall short of our__________(目标).

77. Your solution may __________(包含)more than one project.

78. I was full of good intentions but they weren’ t  __________ (欣赏).

79. Don ' t be so s__________ —— I was not criticizing you.

80. Friendship is to be strengthened by truth and __________(投入,热爱).




Beijing retiree Yang Hua was devoting a lot of his time to staying fit by completing his favorite exercises. But, according to his doctors, his routine may have done more harm than good—he recently suffered an illness because he was exercising the wrong way.

“Many people today still do not know how to exercise in scientific ways. As a result, they do not gain from the exercises and in fact may even hurt themselves, said Yang Zeyi, an executive board member of the Asian Council of Exercise and Sports Science.

Health experts said that a cardiopulmonary(心肺的) exercise test is necessary for middle-aged and  senior citizens  and those with special conditions. The test helps those engaging in exercise know whether their routines(惯例) are safe. It also can find potential unhealthy changes to exercisers' organs and provide suggestions to get fit by conducting real-time and continuous measurement of blood pressure and other physical parameters. The test can also analyze the maximum functioning of which the cardiopulmonary system is capable.

In the past, Yang would not think of creating an exercise plan because of his physical condition.

“I liked to do exercises in the evening but experts told me that the high-strength exercises at night would be harmful to my health. They advised me to choose some easy exercises such as walking and to limit the length of time I exercise,”he said. Sun Kanglin, Director of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Sports, said, “Exercisers should choose a proper routine and length of time to engage in the activity according to their age, physical condition and profession. It's important to give scientific directions to today's exercisers.”

He said Beijing's 18 districts and counties all have physical monitoring stations where people could get suggestions on how to exercise.

“The number of such stations will increase to more than 100 in the future and they will be able to regularly monitor citizens’ physiques. They will also publish statistics for the public,” he said.

67. Yang Zeyi said                             .

A. people will hurt themselves when exercising

B. middle-aged should not exercise

C. people gain nothing because they exercise

D. many people have no scientific ways of exercising

68. The underlined words in the paragraph 3 means                  

 A. old people                         B. people in high position  

C. people who have much money          D. people who have knowledge

69. It can be inferred that                         .

 A. Yang Hua has never exercised.  

B. Yang Hua knew how to exercise scientifically

 C. Yang Hua has done no harm by exercising

 D. Yang Hua must be an old man

70. From the passage we know                           .

A. today’s exercisers know how to exercise in a scientific way

 B. we should exercise according to our ages and physical condition

 C. exercise tests are not necessary.

 D. the number of exercisers will increase



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