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第二节 完形填空。(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,掌握...


第二节 完形填空。(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)


Christmas was an exciting season for my six-year-old son. For weeks, he’d been memorizing   36  for the “Winter Ceremony” in his kindergarten class. I went to  37  their rehearsal(排演).

As I waited, students were led into the room. Each class,  38  by their teacher, sat cross-legged on the floor. Then, each group, one by one  39  to perform their song. I didn’t expect anything other than fun.

My son’s class rose to sing “Christmas Love”. Those in the front row on the center stage held up large  40 , one by one, to spell out the  41  of the song. When the class sang: “C is for Christmas,” a child would hold up the letter C, then another would hold up “H” for happy, and on and on,  42  each child was holding up a letter, presenting the  43  message, “Christmas Love”.

The performance was going  44 , until suddenly we noticed her, a small, quiet girl in the  45  row holding the letter “M” upside down-totally  46  that her letter “M” appeared as a “W”. The audience began to laugh at this little girl’s  47 . But she had no idea that they were laughing at her, so she stood tall,  48  holding her “W”.  49  many teachers tried to quiet the children, the  50  continued until the last letter was raised, and we all saw it together. A  51  came over the audience and eyes began to  52 . In that instant we understood the  53  why we were there, and even though it was such a busy holiday, there was a(n)  54  for celebrating Christmas. When the  55  letter was held high, the message read loud and clear: “ CHRIST WAS LOVE”. And I believe that this is why Christmas is so important.

36. A. songs                        B. message                         C. texts                                D. performance

37. A. direct                        B. celebrate                        C. design                             D. attend

38. A. led                             B. accompanied                 C. looked                             D. pulled

39. A. stood                        B. turned                             C. rose                                 D. came

40. A. letters                      B. words                              C. names                             D. boards

41. A. topic                         B. title                                  C. idea                                  D. theme

42. A. when                        B. after                                C. until                                 D. while

43. A. exact                        B. complete                        C. proper                             D. right

44. A. smoothly                 B. happily                            C. heatedly                         D. joyfully

45. A. back                          B. middle                             C. left                                   D. front

46. A. ignoring              B. unknown                         C. unaware                         D. recognizing

47. A. action                       B. play                                  C. mistake                           D. joke

48. A. highly                        B. proudly                            C. clearly                             D. bravely

49. A. Unless                      B. As                                     C. Although                         D. In spite of

50. A. performance          B. laughter                          C. audience                         D. message

51. A. fear                           B. worry                               C. pride                                D. silence

52. A. widen                       B. close                                C. rise                                   D. wink

53. A. cause                        B. reason                             C. way                                  D. place

54. A. purpose                   B. excuse                             C. reward                                     D. song

55. A. seventh                    B. middle                             C. last                                   D. full




 In April, 2009, President Hu inspected the warships in Qingdao,     the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PLA Navy.

   A. marking                   B. marked                           C. having marked              D. being marked




       for the bad weather, I would have gone for a spring outing with my classmates yesterday.

   A. If it is not                 B. Were it not                     C. Had it not been             D. If it wasn’t




 The storm left,       a lot of damage to this area.

   A. caused                     B. to have caused             C. to cause                          D. having caused




      , and the problem will be solved.

   A. Make a bit more effort                             B. There being a little effort

   C. If you make a bit more effort                  D. Making a little effort




 There      no buses, we had to walk home after work.

   A. was                           B. were                               C. being                               D. had



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