满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

22. __________unexpected advice they hav...


22. __________unexpected advice they have given us!

A. What           B. what an                C. How              D. How an


A 【解析】


21. To many teenagers the cellphone is not only _____useful tool but also ____ way to have fun and be cool.

A. the…the               B. an…the                  C. a…a                     D.a… 不填




VIII.阅读下列短文,以约30 个词概括短文内容:(不用写其他内容)(5 )

In the United States and a number of other countries, the second Sunday in May is celebrated as Mother’s Day.

The history of Mother’s Day is centuries old and goes back to the times of the ancient Greeks, who held festivities to honor Rhea, the mother of the gods. In 1872 Julia Ward Howe organized a day for mothers delicated to peace. It is a landmark in the history of Mother’s Day.

In 1907, a woman named Anna Jarvis thought mothers should be honored with expressions of love and respect and began a campaign to honor mothers in America. She talked to friends and friends of friends. She wrote to congressmen(国会议员),local leaders, teachers and newspaper publishers. Finally , President Woodrow Wilson signed a resolution in May of nineteen fourteen that officially established Mother’s Day. Slowly and gradually Mother’s Day became very popular and its gift giving activity increased.




VII.根据以下内容写一篇短文介绍我国著名的科学家钱学森。(只能用五个句子)( 15 )







VI. 完成句子:(20×1)


If you had not helped us, we __1____ _2____ _3_____  won the game.


I am inclined to agree with him  4    5    6 .


With long strikes he  7    8     9   to the village.


Do the paintings   10   11   to you ?


They have  12    13    14   the paper they bought .


I went to the airport to meet him  15    16   17    the heavy rain.


If you want to live in the country, you will have to    18   19  20  certain inconveniences.  




V. 单词拼写 (10×1)

1. He is seen as a ________ (潜在的) leader of our party.

2. We will _____(任命) him as your secretary, for his carefulness.

3. Because of _______(采用) the new teaching methods, the students feel at easy to study.

4. They have made a _______(灵活的) holiday plan to satisfy everyone.

5. It is against my will if I _______(反对) you.

6.In summer, fruit _____ (易于)to decay, so you had better not to buy so much at one time.

7. People  don’t listen to him, for he is always ________(神经兮兮).

8. You should make a _______(具体的) analysis on the problem.

9. Some officials should not ______ (滥用)their authority.

10. Under the _____(压力) of life, he had to go abroad.



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