满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

III.阅读理解(20×2) When Sir Winston Churchil...



When Sir Winston Churchill , the great British prime minister, reached his eightieth birthday in November 1954, he was presented with his portrait by a well-known modern artist, Granham Sutherland. The painting had been ordered and paid by the members of Parliament(国会), who wanted to honor the Grand Man of World war II.

Sir Winston and Lady Churchill were deeply moved by this mark of respect and affection. Neither of them, of course, allowed the donors(捐赠者) to see how much they both disliked the portrait. “It makes me look stupid—which I am not !” Churchill protested in private. Publicly, he only said that it was “a fine example of modern art”. His friends smiled: it was well-known that Sir Winston didn’t care for modern art.

Churchill was so unhappy about the portrait that finally his wife had it destroyed. Churchill died at ninety in January 1965. lady Churchill followed him in 1977. Shortly after her death, the public learned what had happened to Sutherland’s painting, and a heated argument broke out. The painter was understandably sad. The artistic community, shocked and angry, claimed that the destruction of the picture had been a crime. Historians said that they regretted the disappearance of a historical document. All agreed that Churchills didn’t have the right to do what they had done.

Well—did they ? A good part of the public felt that the owner of a portrait had the right to get rid of it if it made him so unhappy. The question, however, has been raised many times before: who has the right to a work of art—the sitter, the owner, the donor or the artist who created it?  And when the painting is the portrait of a historical figure, should the right of posterity (后代) be considered, as the historians claimed?

1. To have Churchill’s portrait painted was the idea of ______.

A.a well-known modern artist       B.Parliament

C.a friend of Churchill             D.the public

2. Which of the following is true ?

A. Churchill liked the portrait but his wife not

B. Churchill didn’t like the portrait because he didn’t like the painter

C. Churchill liked the portrait because it was a fine modern art.

D . Churchill didn’t like the portrait and nor did his wife

3. When Churchill said it was “a fine example of modern art”, he was ______.

A. dishonest              B. joking            C. praising the portrait             D. not been straight

4.When was the destruction of the portrait known to the public?

A . As soon as it happened             B.After Churchill died in 1965

C. Soon after Lady Churchill’s death     D. Not until recently

5. How did people reacted to the news?

A. People of the artistic community were all very sad.

B. The historians felt more strongly against it than the artistic community.

C.All people agreed that Chutchills had no right to destroy the picture.

D. while some were upset, quite a few people believed the Churchills had the right to destroy it.


 B  D  D  C  D 【解析】             


II. 语法填空:(10×2)

People can call 911 when they need help. The police   1  (come) quickly. This phone number should be used only   2  an emergency.  3  there have been some problems with people using the 911 phone number. More than half of the calls made to it are an accident. These accidental calls are not real emergencies.

Calling 911 when you do not need  4  can be very bad. It wastes the time of the people answering the calls. It can even force someone  5  has a real emergency to wait before getting the help they need.

Many accidental 911 calls come from cellphones. Sometimes keys on the phones  6  (push) and  the call goes through without the owner of the phone  7  (know) that he has called an emergency number. People are trying to find a way to solve this problem.

They are testing  8  new program that might help solve the problem of accidental 911 calls. This program will make  9  (call) of 911 push another key on the phone  10  it is a real emergency. People hope that this change will reduce the number of accidental 911 calls going through.




I 完型填空:(15×2)

  In the American family the husband and wife usually share important decision-making. When the children are  1  enough, they take part as well. Foreigners are often surprised by the permissiveness (宽容) of American parents. The old rule that “children should be seen and not heard” is rarely  2 , and children are often allowed to do  3  they wish without strict control of their parents. The father seldom expects his children to listen to him  4  question, and children are encouraged to be  5  at an early age. Some people believe that American parents carry this freedom  6  far. Others think that a strong father image would not  7  the American values of equality and independence. Because Americans emphasize (强调 ) the importance of independence, young people are expected to  8  their parental families by the time they have  9  their late teens or early twenties. Indeed, not to do so is often regarded as a  10 , a kind of weak dependence.

  This pattern of independence often results in serious  11  for the aging parents of a small family. The average American is expected to live  12  the age of 70. The job retirement age is  13  65. The children have left home, married, and  14  their won households. At least 20 percent of all people over 65 do not have enough retirement incomes.  15  the major problem of many elderly couples is not economic. They feel useless and lonely with neither an occupation nor a close family group.

1. A. great                           B. big                           C. old                           D. young

2. A. watched                     B. followed                C. understood           D. grasped

3. A. what                           B. that                        C. which                     D. when

4. A. for                                B. on                            C. without                  D. in

5. A. dependent                 B. independent         C. sure                        D. safe

6. A. too                               B. almost                   C. nearly                     D. so

7. A. gain                             B. welcome               C. suit                         D. change        

8. A. break up                     B. break into             C. break through      D. break away from

9. A. reached                      B. come                      C. arrived                            D. developed

10. A. reward                     B. criticism                C. failure                    D. success

11. A. events                      B. problems               C. matters                 D. affairs

12. A. on                              B. up                            C. from                       D. beyond

13. A. only                           B. usually          C. sometimes           D. seldom

14. A. set out                     B. set aside               C. set up                     D. set down

15. A. But                            B. And                         C. So                            D. As




第二节  基础写作(共1小题,满分15分)

     假定你是Linda, 你从报上得知某中学欲聘请一名外教。请你根据下面的中文提示用英语写一份求职信。



Linda Brown






2001年毕业于University of Melbourne, 获得法学硕士学位(master’s degree in Law)








Dear Sir or Madam ,

After reading your advertisement for a foreign English teacher in the newspaper ,I want to apply for this position。




第一节  完成句子(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)

71.The twin brothers have many similar              (特征).

72.______________ (感到兴奋) with the exam result, my mother took me on a trip around China.

73. R          (粗略地) speaking, we receive about fifty letters a week on the subject.

74.Dressed in white            (制服), they look more like cooks than doctors.

75.After            (划分) the books into five parts, they were much easier to be handed out .

76.You don’t sound  e           (热心的) about the ideas.

77.To their  c         (赞扬), the twins never told anyone exactly what had happened

78.He is a man whose actions are often          (一致的) with his words.

79.You can easily  c          (弄清) the problems if you study British history.

80.For their c_____________, they took a shortcut and arrived work in time.




Ⅳ 写作(共两节,满分40分)



61.   A ______(culture) relic is often something old that reminds us of the past.

62. She entered the room, with a _________(light) candle in her hand.

63. The ________(wood) sofa we bought form the market seems to be very comfortable.

64. It was a hot day. The boy headed for the swimming pool________ (secret).

65. It was also a treasure ________(decorate) with gold and jewels, which took the country’s best artists about ten years to make it.

66. The Great Wall of China is recognized as one of the w_____ of the world.

67. Both parents were killed in the earthquake, but the children s______.

68. As we all know, the Tang D________ is a long period in Chinese history.

69. There is some doubt ___________ he will go abroad for further study.

70.He is competing with his classmates ____________ the scholarship(奖学金).



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