满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

_____ the high price, demands for these...


 _____ the high price, demands for these cars are very high.

   A   Because of      B In spite of       C In case of      D Thanks to


B 【解析】


 The traffic problems we are looking forward to seeing _____ should have attracted the government's attention.

A. solving            B. solve          C. to solve       D. solved




 _______ is believed, all the scientists subscribe to the view ______ the increase in the earth’s temperature is due to the burning of fossil fuels to produce energy.

A. It;   \      B. As ;  that      C. It;  if    D. As;  whether




______ the fantastic sight, I stayed at the top, _______.

A. This was ; watching               B. Because this was ; watched 

C. Not having seen; watching          D. Having not seen; |watched




 ----I can’t make myself _______ in English

  ----Don’t lose heart. You are sure to make others ____ you in English if you keep on studying it.

A. understood; understanding        B. understood ; understood 

C. understanding; understood        D. understood; understand




__________ can you expect success.

   A. By working hard              B. Working hard    

C. Only with hard work           D. Through hard work



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