满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Linda _____________ at home now, but I’...

 Linda _____________ at home now, but I’m not sure. Why not have a try?

A  must be        B  might have been    C  may have been  D  might be



 The doctor is not quite sure about what ________ the head injury will have on the patient. It may even cause brain damage.

    A  affect               B  effect                   C  affection           D  effective



 Interest, as well as prospects(前景),          important when one looks for a job.

    A  are                   B  were                     C  is                     D  was




一个中国中学生旅游团(a high school student touring group)应邀访问美国某中学。美国朋友举行了一个欢迎会,主人致欢迎词后,你代表(on behalf of)旅游团致答谢词。内容如下:

1.   对主人热情邀请你们访问并举行欢迎会表示衷心感谢;

2.   该校是美国的一所名校,今天有机会到此访问深感荣幸;

3.   深信此次短暂访问一定会丰富多彩。愿和美国朋友交流学习经验,特别是如何学好英语方面,请美国朋友提出宝贵建议。



Ladies and gentlemen,

First of all, ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

 Thanks again for your warm welcome.











    Mike is a warm-hearted man and is always readily to help anyone that turn to him for help. Yesterday evening, his friend Jim telephoned him and asked him to help prepare for dinner, for Jim’s parents would come to see their son from another city. Hearing news, Mike turned off the light, locking the door and left for Jim’s home. He hurried to Jim’s house, only find there were many of his friend there. “Happy birthday!” they all said to him. Surprised and happily, Mike was deeply moved. At the very moment, Jim came and patted himself on the shoulder, saying, “Mike, you are such a kind man because we all would like to give you a big surprise.”





I was in Tokyo last spring, walking in the street and talking with my dear friend Kirsten.1.It turned out to be a group of four very hip Japanese college students playing their music instruments for anyone who would listen.

2.In the middle of the second song, an old homeless man broke through the crowd and started shouting at the band. The musicians did their best to ignore him but the man would not go away. It seemed he was angry about the loud noise.

I remember there were probably two dozen people watching this.3.I was also helpless because first, I couldn’t speak much Japanese, and second, the homeless man was starting to get more and more violent. At one point, he picked up a stick and started banging on the drum set.

This was more than the young drummer could take. He stopped playing, stood up and pushed the old man to the ground.

4.He knelt down next to the old man, took hold of his hands and asked him if he was alright. I couldn’t understand what was being said, but I will never forget the way this young man helped bring the fallen man to his feet. And I will never forget the way he carefully placed his arm around the old man’s shoulders and quietly walked him away.

5.Maybe this old man was a prince in disguise. And maybe he was waiting to see someone act, just once, with beauty and courage.

A.   I couldn’t help but wonder.

B.   All of them went away at once.

C.   Suddenly, we heard the sound of a jazz band.

D.   Everybody became angry with the old man.

E.   But no one knew what they could or should do.

F.   However, not everyone was enjoying the music.

G.   At that time, a young Japanese man went through the crowd quietly.




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