满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 ...



I have lived in Falmouth for about 10 years. I had moved several times before finding Falmouth,  1setting in one place for a long time. My favorite experience of Falmouth was when I   2to deliver Thanksgiving dinner to families or individuals unable to drive or suffering from illness. It was (a)n   3experience.

Volunteers checked in, lined up and followed the   4given. There were many people working. How they manage all of this is quite amazing. The   5of such an event is inspiring.

The best part of the day was delivering the food to homes.   6, they had enough drivers and no assignment for us.   7, the gentleman in front of us checking in had six meals to deliver. So my husband and I   8him, offering to help him fill his box and take the meals to his car. He was   9and we began our task. When he was   10to deliver his quota(配额,限额), he handed us one of the delivery cards, saying, “Since this is your first time, I want you to be able to feel the   11that comes from meeting the people.” I   12that I was somewhat nervous at this first   13. Who knows what I might find behind a stranger’s door.

We rang the doorbell and were met by an extremely   14man. He asked us inside and from the hallway, I could see the silver   15of a walker approaching. We saw a little old lady. She expressed deep gratitude for the delivery.   16she had been diagnosed with cancer, she has had trouble getting out. She could not have been any more gracious and handed me a beautiful scarf she had made and an envelope of   17to the homeless. Can you imagine? Cancer, unable to get out to gather dinner and she still   18such deep gratitude. We   19but not before we hugged goodbye. The gentleman that was kind enough to give us one of his deliveries was   20. This was the best part.


1.A. still                B. never                C. even                 D. ever

2.A. volunteered    B. failed                C. pretended                D. happened

3.A. confusing      B. strange                    C. amazing                   D. secret

4.A. troubles         B. helpers                    C. directions         D. cars

5.A. hope             B. reason                     C. goal                        D. harmony

6.A. At once          B. For this reason   C. At first                    D. Shortly afterwards

7.A. However               B. Furthermore             C. Therefore         D. Otherwise

8.A. cheated          B. approached              C. passed                    D. remembered

9.A. disappointed   B. sympathetic             C. angry                      D. grateful

10.A. allowed              B. forced                    C. refused                   D. driven

11.A. regret          B. panic                C. surprise           D. joy

12.A. forgive         B. admitted                  C. dreamt                    D. hoped

13.A. expression  B. embarrassment   C. task                 D. agreement

14.A friendly         B. cruel                       C. worried                   D. depressed

15.A. wings          B. legs                 C. rings                      D. lines

16.A. Unless                B. If                           C. Although          D. Since

17.A. thanks         B. tickets             C. donation          D. advice

18.A. hid                     B. exhibited           C. saved                     D. exchanged

19.A. left                    B. promised          C. met                         D. greeted

20.A. risky           B. challengeable             C. right                       D. stupid


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.D   6.C 7.A 8.B 9.D 10.A    11.D 12.B 13.C 14.A 15.B  16.D 17.C 18.B 19.A 20.C

 --How about this dress, sir?

   --It’s a little expenseive, and ____, its color doesn’t suit me.

   A. somehow    B. anyway     C. furthermore       D. therefore.



 It’s believed that there will be ____ time in the future when ____ man can invent everything that they need.

   A. a; the                B. a; /                  C. /; the               D. /; /



 --I once got lost during my first visit to Beijing.

   -- Oh, did you? You ____ me as your guide.

   A. might have asked       B. could ask  C. would have asked    D. would ask



 There is little chance ____ the basketball player will recover from his injury in time for the next game.

   A. whether             B. that          C. which              D. how



 The concert was a great success--there wasn’t a single empty seat in the concert hall, ____ it was very cold.

   A. because             B. when               C. unless              D. although



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