满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

________ work has been done to improve ...

 ________ work has been done to improve the people’s living standard. 

A. A large amount of     B. A large number of    C. A great deal     D. A great many










 参考词汇:国际贸易博览会 the International Trade Exposition    使者 carrier

Dear Sir ,



























                                                         Li Hua






Dear Ellen,

         How is everything going?

          It's been a long time _______ we met last time.I'm writing                1._____

to s______ with you my unforgettable experience this weekend.On Saturday 2.____

my family drove to our hometown,________ I spent the first five years of my   3._____

life.Great c_____ have taken place here.It has become a scenic spot attracting    4.____

thousands of tourists worldwide.All the villagers _____ a happy, relaxed life,    5.____

which is so much admired _____ city people like us.                       6._____

H______,life here was hard in the past.When my parents were young,    7.____

most villagers couldn't _______(生产)enough food to feed their children.    8._____

As a result,many children _______(挨饿)to death.Now not only can every 9._____

villager has enough to eat but also they can afford to send their children to

study abroad.What great changes!I'm looking forward _____ meeting you         10.____

soon and telling you more.I believe you'll be interested.







选用正确的词组填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分;其中有三个多余项)

   leave alone;   was aware ;   came across;    as far as he was concerned;    adjust to;

fit in with;    in the meantime;       dying to;        all in all; 

 had no difficulty;      upside down;

1.He has his faults,but _______________ he is an honest man.

2.You buy the fruit,________________ I'll cook breakfast.

3.Besides,____________________ ,what other people thought was not the most important thing.

4.His ideas didn't __________________ our aims.

5.How difficult do you think it is to ________________ living in another country?

6.I ______________ this book in an old bookstore near the Palace Museum.

7.I know you're ________________ hear all about my life here.

8.You'd better turn the bottle _________________ to empty out the oil.




It's only 4 hours flying time from Sydney, but a world away. What better place to rest than a country where the only place people hurry is on the football field and things are done in "Fiji time"? 

Viti Lev--Great Fiji--is the largest island. Here you'll find the capital Suva and the international airport at Nadi Vatoa in the farthest part of Fiji. Then there are 331 other islands, many of them with places to stay.  

With less than a million people living on islands, you'll never feel crowded . And with a climate that changes only for five degrees between seasons, there’s never a bad time to come.  

From cities to villages, from mountains to beaches, from water sports to wooden artworks, Fiji can give you more adventures and special experiences than you could find almost anywhere in the world.  

Whenever you come , wherever you go ,you’re sure to see some unforgettable events ,from war dances to religious songs,from market days to religious days. It's not just staged for tourists; it's still a part of everyday life in Fiji.And any one of us can enjoy Fiji's spirit by being part of the traditional sharing of yaqona—a drink made from the root of a Fiji plant. 

So why not join us for the experience of a lifetime? 

1.Where is the international airport of Fiji? 

A. In Suva                               B. In Sydney

C. On the island of Vatoa                D. On the island of Viti Levu

2.What does the text tell us about Fiji people ? 

A. They invented “Fiji time” for visitors.     B. They stick to a traditional way of life. 

C. They like to travel from place to place.      D. They love taking adventures abroad. 

3.One of the things that make Fiji a tourist attraction is 

A. its comfortable hotels                B. its good weather all year round 

C. its exciting football matches             D. its religious beliefs 

4.Where can we most probably read this text? 

A. In a personal diary                   B. In a science report 

C. In a travel magazine                  D. In a geography textbook




The coyote (丛林狼), that clever animal of wide-open spaces, has come to the nation’s capital. In fact, coyotes have spread to every corner of the United States, changing their behaviors to fit new environments and causing researchers to deal with a troublesome new kind of creature: the city coyote.

The coyote originally lived in the middle of the continent. One of its most obvious characters is its smartness, which has made the animal a notorious (臭名昭著的) pest. Hunters trapped, shot and poisoned more than a million coyotes in the 1900s. It’s still one of America’s most hunted animals. Yet the coyote has survived. How has the coyote shown this extraordinary ability? “I guess if you wanted to use one word, it’d be ‘plasticity’,” says Eric Gese, an expert at Utah State University. Coyotes can live alone, in pairs, or in large packs like wolves; hunt at night or during the day; occupy a small region or an area up to 40 square miles; and live on all sorts of food, from lizards (蜥蜴) and shoes, to ants and melons.

Unbelievably people helped coyotes increase when they killed most of the wolves in the United States. The spreading of coyotes into city areas, though, is recent. They travel at night, crossing sidewalks and bridges, running along roads and ducking into culverts (钻入涵洞) and underpasses. No one knows why coyotes are moving into cities, but experts explain that cleverer, more human-tolerant (不怕人的) coyotes are teaching urban survival skills to new generations.

Occasionally, coyotes might attack human beings. There have been about 160 attacks on people in recent years. Therefore, people have been consistently told not to feed coyotes or leave pet food unsecured. That, plus a large trapping program in the neighborhood, has cut down on the coyote population.

1.The underlined word “plasticity” in Paragraph 2 refers to _____.

A. the ability to fit the environment         B. notorious smartness

C. hunting ability                        D. being human-tolerant

2.The aim of the passage is to _____.

A. tell people how to fight against coyotes     

B. tell us why the coyote is the most hunted animal

C. supply the reason why the coyote is a kind of notorious pest

D. explain how the coyote has spread to and survived in cities

3.According to the passage, coyotes _____.

A. originally lived in the west of the continent

B. sleep during the day but look for food at night

C. are teaching survival skills to their younger generations

D. suffered a population decrease because people killed wolves

4.According to the passage,to cut down the coyote population,people should ____________.

A. leave pet food sesured       B.keep coyotes in small regions

C.force coyotes to live alone    D.avoid using trapping programmes



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