满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

— Now that you like computers very much...

 — Now that you like computers very much, isn’t that a good idea to get a ______?

— Well, I’d like to, but I can’t afford such an expensive computer at present.

A. one              B. them             C. it           D. that


 A. 考查代词,泛指。

 I have many friends, _______ some are businessmen.

 A. of them          B. from which       C. of who           D. of whom



 The car has been well maintained and is ________ excellent condition.

A. in               B. under            C. on           D. with



 — Why was Professor Johnson unhappy those days?

— Can’t you see it clearly? The only reason was that the theory he stuck to________ wrong.

A. proving                               B. being proved    

C. proved                            D. was proved










What a long winter vacation! I stay at home doing nothing except homework every day as a robot. One day, a idea occurred to me: “Why not to find a part-time job to learn something new?” The next morning, after visit many shops, I was lucky enough to find one in a small but pretty cake shop. When a tired—looking old man came in to buy some cakes, I immediate helped him sit down in a chair and brought him the cake. After he paid them, I said thanks to him. He looked too happy that he praised me with a satisfied smile. From this, I learned: “Be good to others or they’ll be good to you.”




1.I a____________ him for his courage to save the girl from the big fire.

2.The World Expo in Shanghai will attract about 70 million visitors, which will be another f___________ after the 29th Olympics.

3.The United Nations calls on people all over the world to keep the b_________ of nature

4.Our house is s____________ by trees, so we can enjoy their shade in summer.

5.He looked calm before the competition, but i________, he was very nervous.

6.Nobody knows for sure when the earth came into e_____________

7.I was so p____________ about the teacher’s words that I didn’t know what to do next.

8.She called the hotel again, c__________ her room number and the date for check-in.

9.Yao Ming is a strong and e_____________ basketball player.

10.Tom’s rude b____________ at the meeting made us unpleasant.



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