满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I was waiting for a phone call from my a...


I was waiting for a phone call from my agent. He had left at message the night before, telling me that my show was to be cancelled. I called him several times, but each time his secretary told me that he was in a meeting and that he would call me later. So I waited and waited, but there was still no call. Three hours passing by, I became more and more and impatient. I was certain that my agent didn’t care about my work, and he didn’t care about me. I was overcome with that thought. I started to shout at the phone, “Let me wait, will you? Who do you think you are?”

At that time I didn’t realize my wife was looking on. Without showing her surprise, she rushed in, seized the phone, tore off the wires, and shouted at the phone, “Yeah! Who do you think you are? Bad telephone! Bad telephone!” And she swept it into the wastebasket.

I stood watching her, speechless. What on earth...?

She stepped to the doorway and shouted at the test of the house, “Now hear this! All objects in this room----if you do anything to upset my husband, out you go!”

Then she turned to me. Kissed me and said calmly, “Honey, you just have to learn how to take control.” With that, she left the room.

After watching a crazy woman rushing in and out, shouting at everything in sight , I noticed that something in my mood (情绪) had changed. I was laughing. How could I have trouble with that phone? Her anties helped me realize I had been driven crazy by small things. Twenty minutes later my agent did call. I was able to listen to him and talk to him and talk to him calmly.

1.Why did the author shout at the telephone?

A. He was mad at the telephone.

B. He was angry with his agent.

C. He was anxious about his wife.

D. He was impatient with the secretary?

2.What did the author’s wife do after she heard his shouting?

A. She said nothing.

B. She shouted at him.

C. She called the agent.

D. She threw the phone away.

3.What made the author laugh?

A. His own behavior

B. His wife’s suggestion

C. His changeable feelings.

D. His wife’s sweet kiss.

4.What does the underlined word “anties” refer to?”

A. Smut words

B. Unusual actions.

C. Surprising Looks

D. Anxious feelings.


1.B。 【解析】细节理解题。由第一段中的So I waited and waited, but there was still no call. Three hours passing by, I became more and more and impatient. I was certain that my agent didn’t care about my work, and he didn’t care about me. I was overcome with that thought.可以知道答案。 2.D。 【解析】细节理解题。第二段最后一句:And she swept it into the wastebasket. 3.A。 【解析】细节理解提由最后一段中的:I noticed that something in my mood (情绪) had changed. I was laughing.可以知道答案。 4.B。 【解析】推断题。根据前后文可以知道“anties”指的是Unusual actions



People often fall ill because of me. 1, they can hardly blame me; it is largely their own 2.A tired person may get 3, especially when he goes to crowded places with polluted air. A sudden change in 4is another factor. In hot summer, people turn on the air-conditioner upon returning home. They will catch a cold easily.

My latest victim is an energetic student. After school, he played football hard for two hours. Though 5, he still went to the cinema .Then he got back home and took a cold shower immediately.

I seized this golden chance to 6him .He reacted ,trying to 7me , but I was already 8deep in his throat. He kept sneezing(打喷嚏) and his nose was running. 9he put on some warm clothes, it didn’t work, for there were too many of us. Besides, his sore throat kept 10him, and he developed a cough to force me and my family out, but  11.

The next day he couldn’t go to 12. He had lost his appetite and was not as 13as before. His mother made him orange juice every few hours for more vitamin C, which would help his 14

For two days he was 15by his mother. As he rested more, his defense strengthened and I began to feel the 16. I knew I had to 17him before long. But I am not the one who gives up easily, and I made every effort to fight back. 18, it was my turn to feel 19now, for his defense system was starting an all-out attack against me. I became 20and finally my time was over.

Do you know what I am?

1.A .Therefore                   B. Besides           C. However D. Then

2.A .business B . responsibility C. excuse            D. fault

3.A. punished B. blamed          C. caught            D. killed

4.A. temperature                 B. season            C. place  D. condition

5.A. excited  B. hurt            C. late              D. tired

6.A. injure   B. bother          C. attack            D. destroy

7.A. get on with                 B. get rid of        C. put up with D .take hold of

8.A. reproducing                 B. waiting           C. hiding D. disappearing

9.A. Since    B. Once            C. Whether           D. Although

10.A. reminding                  B. upsetting         C. comforting D. influencing

11.A. escaped B. succeeded       C. regretted         D. failed

12.A. bed     B. work            C. school            D. hospital

13.A. peaceful                   B. afraid            C. active D. happy

14.A .recovery                   B. development       C. study  D. affected

15.A. protected                  B. nursed            C. scolded D. affected

16.A. loss    B. operation       C. pressure          D. movement

17.A. leave   B. catch           C. forget            D. beat

18.A. Uncertainly    B. Unsuccessfully     C. Unusually D. Unfortunately

19.A. painful B. disappointed    C. nervous           D. ashamed

20.A. bigger  B. weaker          C. smaller           D. stronger



 -----Ken,          , but your TV is going too loud.

-----Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll turn it down right now.

A. I’d like to talk with you     B. I’m really tired of this

C. I hate to say this           D. I need your help



 Life is like a ling race          we compete with others to go beyond ourselves.

A. why    B. what   C. that   D. where



 Unsatisfied            with the payment, he took the job just to got some work experience.

A. though was he    B, though he was   C. he was though    D. was he though



 ---Hi, Tom. Any idea where Jane is?

---She         in the classroom. I saw her there just now.

A. shall be    B. should have been    C. must be   D. might have been



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