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14days from just £2,090pp Fully inclusiv...



14days from just £2,090pp

Fully inclusive from the UK

Price cover international airfares, departure taxes, fuel charge, local transportation all meals, entrance fees, guides, daily tours and visas for UK citizens. 

◆ Days 1-3 UK-Shanghai

Fly to the great city of shanghai and in the evening sample traditional shanghai food. Visit the beautiful YU Garden, Old Town. Shanghai Museum, cross the Great Nampa Bridge and tour the Pudong area. Also explore Xintiandi with its 1920’s style Smkomen buildings and end your stay in shanghai with an amazing Huangpu river evening tour. 

◆ Days 4-7:Shanghai-Yangtze River Tour

Fly to Yichang and change (approx: one hour)to board your Yangtze River ship for the next four nights. Enjoy a tour of the three Gorgee Dam(三峡大坝)before sailing on the grand Yangtze River ,passing through the impressive Three Gorges. We take a side tripe to the lesser Three Gorges or travel up the shennong Stream in a peapod boat and enjoy various shore trips along the way. 

◆ Day8 :Chongqing—chengdu

Get off in Chongqing and drive to Chengdu for an overnight stay. 

◆ Day9-10;Chengdu-xi’an

Visit the famous Panda Reserve to see the lovely animals We then fly to the bistoric city of xi’an for two nights stay and enjoy traditional Shuijiao. Next day, explore one of the most important discoveries of the 20th century—the Terracotta Warriors(兵马俑),followed by the ancient City wall and a performance of Tang Dynasty dancing. 

◆ Day11-13:xi’an-beijing

Visit little wild goose pagoda and see the ancient objects at the well-known Shanxi provincial museum before walking through the lively militia Quarter to see the Great Mosque. Later fly to Beijing for three nights stay and try Peking Duck. During our stay in Beijing, we stroll through Tiananmen Square to the Forbidden city, the largest and best preserved collection of ancient buildings in china, and visit the summer palace. Next day we take a walk on the Great wall, tour the unique Temple of Heaven and enjoy an attractive Chinese Acrzibatio show. 

◆ Day14:Beijing-UK

Fly back to the UK, arriving home later the same day filled with happy memories. 

1.The underlined word “sample” in the passage probably means “       

A. buy          B. reserve          C. taste        D. make

2.The first and last scenic spots to he visited in xi’an are       

A. the Terracotta Warriors and the Great Mosque

B. the Terracotta Warriors and shanghai provincial Museum

C. little wild goose Pagoda and Great Mosque

D. Little wild goose Pagoda and the Muslim Quarter

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the ad ?

A. The tourists will have to pay extra for fuel and meals. 

B. The tourists will visit the 1920’s Shikumen buildings in Beijing

C. The tourists will take a side trip to the Three Gorges Dam during the tour. 

D. The tourists will stay in Beijing for three nights before leaving for the UK

4.The ad is mainly intended to        

A. encourage the British to travel in China

B. attract the British to traditional Chinese food

C. offer service of booking air tickets to tourists

D. provide the British with a better understanding of China. 


1.C 词义猜测题。根据sample的宾语traditional shanghai food可知sample在此处意思是:品尝,选C。 2.A 细节理解题。由Day11- 13中的Visit little wild Goose Pagoda and see the ancient objects at the well-known Shaanxi Provincial museum before walking through the lively militia Quarter to see the Great Mosque .一句可知本题选A。 3.D 推理判断题。根据Day11-13: Xi’an-Beijing和Day14:Beijing-UK中的内容可知游客们在北京住三个晚上,故本题选D。 4.A 推理判断题。本文体裁是旅行广告,其目的是吸引旅游爱好者去中国旅游,故本题选A。 【解析】文章大意 本文是一篇广告,其大意是向英国的读者们介绍去中国14日游的旅游项目和安排。


Foreign drivers will have a pay on-the-spot fines of up to £900 for breaking the traffic law to be carried our next month. 

If they do not have enough cash or a working credit card, their vehicles will clamped(扣留)until they pay law takes effect ,because the money would be returned if the driver went to court and was found not guilty , In practice, very few foreign drives are likely to return to Britain to deal with their eases. 

Foreign drivers are rarely charged because police cannot take action against them if they fail to appear in court, Instead, officers often merely give warnings. 

Three million foreign-registered vehicles enter Britain each year. Polish vehicles s make up 36 percent, French vehicles 10 percent and German vehicles 9 percent. 

Foreign vehicles are 30 percent more vehicles entre Britain each year. Polish vehicles make up 36 percent. French crashes caused by foreign vehicle rose by 47 percent between 2003 and 2008. There were almost 400 deaths and serious injuries and 3,000 slight injuries form accidents caused by foreign vehicles in 2008. 

The new Law is party intended to settle the problem of foreign lorry divers ignoring limits to weight and hours at the wheel. Foreign Lorries are throe times more likely to be in a crash than British Lorries. Recent spot checks found that three quarters of Lorries that failed safety teats were registered overseas. 

The standard deposit for a careless driving offence —such as driving too close to the vehicle in front or reading a map at the wheel—will be £300. Deposits for speeding offences and using mobile phones will be £60. Foreign drivers will not get points as punishment added to their licenses, while British drivers will. 

1.The first paragraph serves as a(n)

A. explanation      B. introduction     C. comment          D. background. 

2.The foreign drivers who break the traffic law and do not pay on the spot are likely to be forted up to       

A. £60        B. £300        C. £900           D. £980

3.We can learn from the passage that         

A. many foreign drivers have been fined by Britain police

B. 300,000German vehicles enter Britain every year

C. 25percent of foreign vehicles entering Britain have failed safety tests

D. British drivers will be punished with points and fines for breaking the traffic law

4.The new traffic law is mainly intended to          

A. limit the number of foreign vehicles entering Britain

B. increase the British movement’s additional income

C. lower the rate of traffic accidents and injuries

D. get foreign drives to appear in count




Only three local students won Chinese Blog(博客) Competition. And 15 of the 18 awards want to students from China. 

170 students’ task: to get a fully-designed blog up and running, complete with many posting based on a theme of choice—all written in Chinese. 

Themes ranged from local opinions-such as the usage of Singlish, education and whether Singapore can be a cultural centre-to food blogs. 

The entries were judged on Language proficiency( 熟练程度)and the quality of writing, as well as the design and level of exchanging ideas with readers. 

Academics from the National University of Singapore and the SIM University IT experts, and a journalist from Chinese newspaper Lianhe Zaobao in Singapore made up the judges. 

In the end, only three Singaporean students made it to the award list—the rest of the awards were swept up by students from China. 

 “No surprise.” said Mr. Chow Yaw Long, 37 , teachers in charge from Ianova Junior Collage, which organized the event. “Although the topics were local subjects, the foreign students were generally better in terms of the content of the posts and their grasp of the Chinese language.”

One of the three local students winning the first prize in the Best Language Award was blogger Christina Gao 19, from the Saint Andrew’s Junior Collage, who spared no effort in researching for and writing her blog. Each entry took her between five and seven days to produce, complete with pictures and even podcasts (播客)

Her advice for bloggers is: Be responsible

 “Some bloggers out there only seek to blame the authorities and other bloggers.” Said Miss Gao. “I think they lack responsibilities and there is no value to their posts.”

1.The competition was organized by

A. the National University of Singapore                     B. Chinese newspaper Lianhe Zaobao

C. Innova Junior College                D. the Saint Andrew’s Junior College

2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Chinese students won most of the awards. 

B. Not all the themes were about local subjects

C. The blogs could be written in Chinese or Singlish. 

D. The judges were from university in Singapore and China. 

3.What Miss Gao said suggests that

A. she likes to blame the authorities                       B. she has a sense of responsibility

C. she thinks highly of the others’ blogs                  D. she loves to read valuable posts

4.The passage in mainly about

A. how Chinese students won the awards in the competition

B. why bloggers should take responsibility for their blogs

C. how Miss Gao won the first prize in the competition

D. what the result of the competition was





Children find meanings in their old family tales. 

When Stephen Guyer’s three children were growing up, he told them stories about bow his grandfather, a banker,    1all in the 1930s, but did not lose sight of what he valued most. In one of the darkest times   2his strong-minded grandfather was nearly   3, he loaded his family into the car and   4them to see family members in Canada with a   5,“there are more important thins in life than money. ”

The  6took on a new meaning recently when Mr. Guyer downsized to a   7house from a more expensive and comfortable one. He was  8that his children ,a daughter, 15, and twins, 22, would be upset. To his surprise, they weren’t   9, their reaction echoed (共鸣) their great-grandfather’s. What they   10was how warm the people were in the house and how  11of their heart was accessible. 

Many parents are finding family stories have surprising power to help children   12hard times. Storytelling expects say the phenomenon reflects a growing  13in telling tales, evidenced by a rise in a storytelling events and festivals. 

A university   14of 65 families with children aged from 14 to 16 found kids’ ability to 15parents’ stories was linked to a lower rate of anger and anxiety. 

The  16is telling the stories in a way children can  17. We’re not talking here about the kind of story that   18, “When I was a kid, I walked to school every day uphill both ways, barefoot in the snow. ” Instead, we should choose a story suited to the child’s  19, and make eye contact (接触) to create “a personal experience”,. We don’t have to tell children

20they should take from the story and what the moral is . ”

1.A. missed         B. lost             C. forgot           D. ignored

2.A. when           B. while            C. how              D. why

3.A. friendless     B. worthless        C. penniless        D. homeless

4.A fetched         B. allowed          C. expected         D. took

5.A. hope           B. promise          C. suggestion       D. belief

6.A. tale           B. agreement        C. arrangement      D. report

7.A. large          B. small            C. new              D. grand

8.A. surprised      B. annoyed          C. disappointed     D. worried

9.A. Therefore      B. Besides          C. Instead          D. Otherwise

10.A. talked about                      B. cared about      C. wrote about      D. heard about

11.A. much          B. many             C. little           D. few

12.A. beyond        B. over             C. behind           D. through

13.A. argument      B. skill            C. interest         D. anxiety

14.A. study         B. design           C. committee        D. staff

15.A. provide       B. retell           C. support          D. refuse

16.A. trouble       B. gift             C. fact             D. trick

17.A. perform       B. write            C. hear             D. question

18.A. means         B. ends             C. begins           D. proves

19.A. needs         B. activities       C. judgments        D. habits

20.A. that          B. what             C. which            D. whom



 But for the help of my English teacher, I      the first prize in the English Writing Competition. 

A. would not win                        B. would not have won   C. would win    D. would have won



 In April, 2009, President Hu inspected the warships in Qingdao,    the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PLA Navy. 

A. marking      B. marked       C. having marked    D. being marked



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