满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I intended to compare notes with a frie...

 I intended to compare notes with a friend, but unfortunately  couldn’t spare me even one minute.

A. they              B. one            C. who             D. it



 Susan was expecting her favorite singers,but to her disappointment,  appeared.

A.some              B.none                 C.everyone      D.no one



 In 1888, the world's first beauty contest was held in Belgium. Though _____ is known about the competition, the idea caught on.

A. everything        B. nothing              C. much          D. little



 Samuel Clemens, _____ Mark Twain, because a famous American writer.

A. was known as B. known as      C. was known for   D. known for



 Now then, children, it's time you_____________.

A. washed and dressed                    B. are washed and dressed

C. will wash and dress                   D. were washed and dressed



 ______passengers survived in the traffic accident except a woman and two children.

Which is WRONG?

A. Most          B. The majority of      C. Most of     D. Most of the



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