满分5 > 初中英语试题 >


    读下面关于愚人节的文章,请根据文章下面的问题总结在愚人节发生的事情。尽可能用你自己的话写出大意总结。60-80 words.


April Fool’s Day is a celebration that takes place in different countries around the world. It happens on April 1st every year and is a day when many people play all kinds of tricks and jokes on each other.

One April Fool’s Day, a reporter in England announced that there would be no more spaghetti because the spaghetti farmers in Italy had stopped growing spaghetti. Many people ran to their local supermarkets to buy as much spaghetti as they could. By the time people realized that the story was a hoax, all of the spaghetti across the country had been sold out. In another famous trick a TV show in England reported the discovery of special water. They said this water would help people lose weight and that one customer had already lost a lot of weight in just four months. By the end of the day, more than 10,000 people had phoned the TV station to find out how to get this water.

Many April Fool’s jokes may end up being not very funny. A famous TV star once invited his girlfriend onto his show on April Fool’s Day. He asked her to marry him. The lady was so happy because she really wanted to get married. However, when she said yes, he replied, “April Fool!” That little joke didn’t have a very happy ending. The TV star lost his girlfriend and his show was canceled.



1. Why is April Fool’s Day popular all over the world? (because)

2. Why did many people buy more spaghetti than they need? (because of) What’s the result of this joke? (so)

3. Why had over 10,000 people asked the TV station how to get the special water? (because)

4. Did the TV’s star’s joke make him lose his girlfriend? Did the TV star’s joke make him cancel his show? (and)

5. Does the author want us to play the funny hoaxes? Does the author want us to play the sad hoaxes? (instead of)




例文: April Fool’s Day is popular all over the world because many people can play all kinds of tricks and jokes on each other. There are many different tricks on that day. Because of a reporter in England announced that there would be no more spaghetti, so all of the spaghetti across the country had been sold out. Because a TV show in England reported the discovery of special water which would help people lose weight, more than 10,000 people had phoned the TV station to find out how they could get this water. A famous TV’s star’s joke make him lose his girlfriend and make him cancel his show. So the author want us to play the funny hoaxes instead of the sad hoaxes. (116) 【解析】 1. 题干解读:文章是一篇材料作文。主要以“愚人节”为主线展开描写。可以从愚人节的受欢迎程度以及愚人节的一些把戏和笑话进行描写,突出这个节日的特点,同时还要表明作者的观点,要注意语言的衔接性。


Don’t be so proud. ____________ ____________ boy here can play this game.




What does your brother ____________ ____________?




____________ you ____________ TV now?




Molly is ____________ ____________ than Tom.




Please ____________ me ____________ 685-2398.



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