满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

heard, news, have, of, the, you ________...

heard, news, have, of, the, you



Have you heard of the news 【解析】 根据所给标点和单词可知句子为疑问句形式,时态为现在完成时;分析所给单词,you作主语,have作助动词,疑问句中放置于句首,且首字母大写;hear of sth听说某事,其作谓语。故答案为:Have you heard of the news?“你听说这个消息了吗?”  

saw, Tom, I, basketball, playing




introduce, you, I, will, Lily, to




talked, have, three, we, for, hours




a, I, student, am




    What is your best subject at school? For some it might be English or math. For some students, when it comes to different subjects, imbalance (不平衡) becomes a problem. Should you try to balance all subjects, or just spend more time on your favorite subject? It's necessary to know how to deal with the imbalance.

It is normal to like one or two subjects better. You can't be the best at anything. But at the same time, you can't allow a large gap(差距) between what you like and dislike. That's why most teachers keep telling the "bucket (木桶) story" to their students. The story says that the shortest board decides the bucket's volume (容量) of water. However, some students stick to (坚持) their main interests. Pan Qianlin, 16, from Shanghai, said, "I love math. I spend most of my free time doing math exercises. I have won several prizes in math. I will keep on working in this area."

In British and American schools, students face similar problems. However, they are often encouraged to choose either the liberal arts (文科) or the sciences. They can choose subjects at 16. If they have a weak subject, they simply don't choose it.

The most successful students in one subject are sometimes terrible in another. The famous scientist, Albert Einstein, is an example. He was described as stupid by his teacher for being unable to read well when he was young.


1.When it comes to _______, some students may have a problem of imbalance.

2.What does the "bucket story" say?


3.When can students in British and American schools choose subjects?






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