满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

(2019邢台二模)He feels very ________ after a...

(2019邢台二模)He feels very ________ after a serious illness. He needs to stay in bed for a few days.

A.weak B.quiet C.crazy D.awful


A 【解析】 略  

(2019唐山路南区二模)We had a ________ of achievement when our class won the first prize in the speech contest.

A.scene B.sense C.silence D.service



(2019郴州改编)Our teachers and parents will be proud of us because we have grown up and can be responsible for ________.

A.themselves B.ourselves C.yourselves D.herself



Betty has a beautiful _________. She wants to be a singer in the future.

A.voice B.look C.noise D.sound





(1)What happened between you and your neighbor?

(2)How did you feel about it?






As an old saying goes, a nearby neighbor is better than a faraway cousin. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



    Our neighbor, Mr. Jones, used to weigh over one hundred kilograms. His doctor told him to lose some weight. “You are not healthy, ” said his doctor. Mr. Jones worked as a guard. He sat for many hours in a day. It wasn't a surprise to see him overweight(超重的).

After getting this bad news, Mr. Jones was frightened. He really needed to lose weight. First, he tried to eat less, but soon after, he felt hungry again. He began to eat some snacks. After three months of trying really hard, he still weighed a little over one hundred kilograms. He was very unhappy. Then one day, after listening to a radio program, he had an idea that might solve his problem.

At the supper table, he announced to the whole family that he was going to walk to work. He would walk about eight kilometers every day. Everyone, including his children, listened to him in surprise. He would change the way he lived. The whole family got excited about his new plan. They all wanted to support him. The next morning, after having a good breakfast prepared by his wife, he left home for work one hour earlier than usual.

Slowly, Mr. Jones lost some weight. At the end of one month, he lost three kilograms, which was a big reward(奖励) and encouragement to him. Everyone__in__his__family__was__encouraged__by__the__result. After one year, he lost about 35 kilograms. He felt a lot better. He began to feel healthy again.

1.完成句子 Mr. Jones worked as a guard and sat for ________________ in a day.

2.简略回答问题How did Mr. Jones do when he felt hungry again?


3.简略回答问题 How long would Mr. Jones walk every day according to his announcement?






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