满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

音乐天才——贝多芬 Imagine a life without hearing...


Imagine a life without hearing. It would seem _____ for most people, but not for one of the greatest composers (作曲家) in history.

He was born in a small city in Europe in 1770. He was talented and began performing _____ front of people when he was just nine years old. His idol, Mozart, _____ him to become a great musician.

He became a composer and was very _____ and rich. But then, his life changed. When he was about 26 years old, he began to _____ his hearing. The ringing in his ears was so loud that he could not hear the music.

He went to many _____ and tried many treatments, but nothing worked. As he lost more and more of his ability to hear, he began to use "talking books". His friends wrote what they wanted to _____, and he replied using a pen and paper.

This man, who could not hear, wrote hundreds of pieces of _____ during his lifetime. Many people feel that his best composition was his Ninth Symphony.

The night it was first played for an audience, he conducted the orchestra. _____ the music stopped, one of the musicians had to turn him around to see the audience clapping and cheering, for he did not hear them. The audience had heard one of the greatest pieces of music in history. But he cried, for he had heard _____.

Isn't it amazing that a person can create such beautiful music and not hear it? The deaf man's name was Beethoven, and his spirits will be passed down along with his works.

1.A.difficult B.important C.possible D.normal

2.A.at B.in C.to D.for

3.A.defeated B.discouraged C.inspired D.pushed

4.A.terrible B.ordinary C.average D.famous

5.A.lose B.get C.achieve D.admit

6.A.friends B.parents C.doctors D.helpers

7.A.tell B.say C.hide D.stay

8.A.picture B.art C.paper D.music

9.A.When B.If C.Though D.Until

10.A.anything B.something C.nothing D.everything


1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.C 【解析】 主旨大意:本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了贝多芬的经历,他早年就对音乐很有天赋而且也很出名,但是命运却让他失去了听力,对一些人而言失去听力意味着音乐事业的终止,但是贝多芬却创造出很多作品。

    Liu Hong was among the world's top race walkers in the summer of 2015. B1. few people knew about her before.

Liu 2. (use) to be a runner when she was 15. Walking c3. Sun Li'an thought highly of her for her ability and took her in as a student. In 2010, Liu won her 4. (two) Asian Championship gold medal. Again 5. 2012, she won the World Race Walking Challenge event in Taicang in a personal best of 1:25:46 to break Asian 20km record of 1:26:22. 6. (fortunate), Liu placed fourth at the 2012 London Olympics.

After that, Liu Hong trained much 7. (hard) and won the record back in 2015. Her efforts were turned into good 8. (result). She finished the 2015 World Track and Field Games in Beijing with a world record time of 1:24:38 in Women's 20km Race Walk. Her hard training makes 9. (she) win several medals. She represents 10. spirit of never giving up.



(2020原创) She is s______ kind and friendly that all of us like her.



(2020原创) Tom, can you run slowly? I can't catch up______ you.



(2020原创) Team s______ is very important in a group. Everybody should realize it.



Of all the trips I have ever had, I think the trip to Xiamen is ________ one.

A.exciting B.more exciting C.most exciting D.the most exciting



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