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钟南山成功救了这个病人,我们为他感到自豪。 Zhong Nanshan succ...


Zhong Nanshan succeeded in _________ and we are _________ him.


saving the patient proud of 【解析】 根据中英文对比可知,空格处应填入意为“救了这个病人”和“感到自豪”两个短语。save the patient意为“救了这个病人”,且位于succeed (in) doing sth.结构中,故动词save应用ing形式。be proud of为固定搭配,意为“为……感到自豪”,符合句意,故答案为(1). saving the patient (2). proud of。  


Although you _________ in the class last week, you weren’t _________ Daniel.




His mom _________ from home for two months. Simon _________ seeing her.




Jack is used to _________ after _________ every day.



    It’s sad to learn that a whale has died in the ocean. However, that’s not the end for the whale. It has a lot to give to other sea animals after death.

When a whale dies, it quickly sinks (下沉) to the bottom of the ocean floor. There, the whale body provides food and nutrients (营养) to deep-sea animals, which are often hungry for food. The remains can last for hundreds of years and create a complex ecosystem called a whale fall (鲸落).

Chinese scientists found a whale fall for the first time in the South China Sea during a deep-sea expedition (考察) carried out by oceanic research vessel () Tansuo-1, which finished its expedition on April 2, 2020. Tansuo-1 carried the manned submersible (潜水器) Shenhai Yongshi, which is able to dive to a depth of 4,5000 meters.

The whale fall in the South China Sea is about three meters long. Scientists have found several species (物种) of shrimp and fish near the whale fall. Some fish have started to eat the whale’s tail. The whale fall might be quite recent and needs long-term observation (观察), according to Xie Wei, a scientist who took part in the expedition.

The whale fall ecosystem can exist in the deep ocean because great pressure and cold temperatures there prevent body from decomposing too quickly. But the depth also makes it hard for scientists to discover them. There are about 50 known whale falls in the world.

By studying the whale fall, scientists can better understand how marine (海洋的) ecosystems support life and how to protect biodiversity (生物多样性) resources in the deep sea.

1.What does the writer try to describe in the second paragraph?

A.when a whale fall happen. B.where a whale fall happen.

C.why a whale fall happen. D.how a whale fall happen.

2.Which sentence about the whale fall in the South China Sea is wrong?

A.It was found during a deep-sea expedition.

B.There was several species of shrimp and fish around it.

C.Scientists have finished the study of it.

D.Scientists from China found it on April 2, 2020.

3.The underlined words “decomposing” in Paragraph 5 means _________.

A.putting in B.going bad C.falling over D.setting off

4.Why do scientists study the whale fall?

a. To understand how marine ecosystem support life.  

b. To find how long the whale fall is. 

c. To protect biodiversity resources in the deep sea.

d. To study whether fish eat the whale’s tail.

A.a b B.a c C.b c D.b d

5.Which magazine can we probably find this article in?

A.Science. B.Geography. C.Mystery. D.Travel



    Do you want to travel in countries in Asia? You don’t have to travel very far. Follow us,

and you can enjoy these Asian adventures.




Cycling in Guilin, China

Get around the city by cycling through Guilin, Guangxi Province. Mountains rise straight up, creating the only beauty. Bike paths take you past the villages and farms. Enjoy this beautiful views from your bike, or stop and talk with one of the villagers working in the field.

When you feel tired, take a boat trip along the beautiful and famous Lijiang River.

White-water rafting in Nepal

In Nepal, you can experience thrilling rapids(急流) and the beauty of Himalayas at the same time. Take a white-water rafting trip down the Sun Koki River, world-famous for its powerful rapids.

Don’t go rafting in summer. Heavy rain raises the water level.

Scuba diving in Malaysia

Go diving in the clear waters around Spaded, an island in Malaysia, and discover an underground world. You’ll see large sea animals swimming along. The colorful coral(珊瑚) along the reefs hides tiny fish.

You can dive at Spaded, but you can’t sleep there. The island is a protected park, but you can stay on one of the nearby islands.



1.If we follow the cycling trip in Guilin, we can see different views except _________.

A.farmers B.undergrounds C.mountains D.crops

2.We cannot experience _________ in Nepal.

A.thrilling rapids B.diving in clear waters

C.the beauty of the Himalayas D.a white-water rafting trip

3.Going rafting may be dangerous in summer in Nepal because of _________.

A.too many tourists B.high temperature C.high water levels D.dry weather

4.We can find _________ hide in the colorful coral along the reefs in Spaded.

A.large sea animals B.a boat C.an island D.tiny fish

5.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.We can take a bus trip along Lijiang River when we feel tired.

B.The Sun Koki River is famous for its powerful rapids.

C.We can go diving in the clear waters in Nepal.

D.We can dive and sleep at Spaded at the same time.



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