满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Ms. Steen is our English teacher. She is...

Ms. Steen is our English teacher. She is from England. She began to teach ______ last year. But now she is leaving for her country. We are so _____ to see her go because she is a good teacher. We’re going to have a _______ for her. We think it is the best way to say “Thank you and goodbye”.

We ____ to have the party this Saturday. Now, we are preparing for it. Wang Lei and Wei Wei _______ all the teachers. Our Chinese teacher Miss Zhang _____ come. Her family is taking a trip to Beijing this weekend. _______, the other teachers promised that they would come. Li Ye is writing a thank-you note (短笺). We want to show ______ we’re going to miss Ms. Steen. He asks Wu Shan to read it to Ms. Steen, because Wu Shan _____ very good English. I’m going to play a piano piece for Ms. Steen at the party. And I also ________ a fun game to play at the party.

We hope the party will be very great.

1.A.them B.us C.him D.you

2.A.glad B.sad C.relaxed D.excited

3.A.trip B.meal C.prize D.party

4.A.plan B.refuse C.forget D.happen

5.A.caught B.believed C.saw D.invited

6.A.will B.can’t C.has to D.doesn’t

7.A.Probably B.Usually C.Luckily D.Finally

8.A.how B.how many C.how much D.when

9.A.writes B.speaks C.likes D.shares

10.A.hear from B.turn down C.make up D.think of


1.B 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.C 9.B 10.D 【解析】 试题这是一篇记叙文,讲述了“我们”听说英语外教Ms. Steen要离校回国的消息后,心情很难过,决定为她举办一个欢送会,邀请所有的老师参加,并李磊专门给Ms. Steen写了封答谢短笺,由吴珊读给Ms. Steen,以显示“我们”的想念之情。 1.句意:她去年开始教我们。考查代词辨析题。teach教,后接代词时用宾格。根据句意,结合短文的第一句Ms. Steen is our English teacher.,可知选B。 2.句意:看到她走,我们很难过,因为她是个好老师。考查形容词辨析题。A. glad高兴的; B. sad伤心的;C. relaxed放松的;D. excited兴奋的。根据句意和上下文,可知选B。 3.句意:我们要为她举办一个晚会。考查名词辨析题。A. trip旅行;B. meal饭,餐;C. prize荣誉;D. party聚会。根据句意,可知选D。 4.句意:我们计划这个星期六举行聚会。考查动词辨析题。A. plan计划,打算;B. refuse拒绝;C. forget忘记;D. happen发生。联系上下文,BCD三项都不合句意,故选A。 5.句意:王雷和韦唯邀请了所有的老师。考查动词辨析题。四个选项均是过去式形式,A. caught赶上;B. believed相信;C. saw看到;D. invited邀请。联系上下文,ABC三项都不合句意,故选D。 6.句意:我们的语文老师张老师一定会来。她的家人这个周末要去北京旅行。考查动词时态。前后两句是因果关系,根据句意可知,前一句是判断,四个选项中,只有C项表判断。结合Our Chinese teacher Miss Zhang是三单人称,其后的动词用三单形式,故选C。 7.句意:幸运的是,其他老师答应他们会来。考查副词辨析题。A. Probably有可能地B. Usually通常地;C. Luckily幸运地;D. Finally最后。根据句意和上下文,可知选C。 8.句意:我们想表明我们会多么想念Steen女士。考查特殊疑问词辨析。A. how如何;B. how many多少;C. how much到什么程度;D. when什么时候。根据句意和语境,可知选C。 9.句意:他让吴珊读给Steen女士听,因为吴珊英语说得很好。考查动词辨析题。A. writes写;B. speaks说;C. likes喜欢;D. shares分享。speak very good English英语说得很好,根据句意,可知选B。 10.句意:我还想在聚会上玩一个有趣的游戏。考查动词短语辨析。A. hear from收到……的信;B. turn down驳回;C. make up编造;D. think of考虑,有……想法。联系上下文内容,前三项短语意思都不合句意,故选D。

    Many people have weight(体重) problems. These problems are bad for their health. One of the biggest reasons is that we sit around too much. So, the best way to lose weight is to move your body.

Turn off the TV. It’s the first thing you need to do. Once a week, turn off the TV and play some sports with your family. You can do something more interesting than sitting in front of the TV, such as playing games and taking a walk.

Walk more. Look for small ways to walk more. When you get the mail, take a walk around the house. Take the dog for a walk each day or ride your bike for 10 minutes before getting ready for work.

Do some housework. Watering the flowers, cleaning the windows, washing clothes and so on. These kinds of activities may not be vigorous(有力的) exercise, but they can keep you moving.

1.What is the biggest reason for weight problems according to the passage?

A.The hard work. B.Watching TV for too long.

C.Too much sleep. D.Sitting too much.

2.What is the first thing you should do to lose weight?

A.Turn off the TV. B.Do some housework.

C.Do something you like. D.Take a walk.

3.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.The writer talks about three ways to help move our body.

B.Walking a dog is a good way to exercise.

C.Some small ways can also help us walk more.

D.Playing games is the best way to move our body.

4.The underlined wordtheyrefers to_______.

A.small ways B.vigorous activities

C.games D.activities in the house

5.What is the passage mainly about?

A.How to live a healthy life. B.How to do something interesting.

C.How to lose weight. D.How to spend your free time.




Dear Claire,

I’m writing to tell you my life after I became a student in Grade Eight. I have more homework than before. So my life is full every day. I go out for a walk with my parents together every day after doing my homework. And I take piano lessons twice a week and play basketball three times a week. I hardly ever watch TV or play computer games because I am too busy. How about you? Are you the same as me?



Dear Mark,

I’m happy to hear you have such a full life. I have homework, but I’m also very busy. I’m learning swing dance and I need to take lessons four times a week after school. And I also help my mother with housework every day. I run in the morning and dance in the evening. They keep my mind clear and my body healthy. That’s what I do in my free time.





1.How is Mark’s life now?

A.Busy. B.Boring. C.Wonderful. D.Healthy.

2.What doesn’t Mark usually do in his daily(日常的) life?

A.Take piano lessons. B.Take a walk.

C.Do exercise. D.Watch TV.

3.What lessons does Claire take after school?

A.Piano lessons. B.Chess lessons.

C.Dance lessons. D.English lessons.

4.What does Claire do to keep her mind clear and body healthy?

A.She helps her mother with housework.

B.She does much homework.

C.She learns swing dance.

D.She runs and dances.

5.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.What Mark and Claire do in the school.

B.Why Mark and Claire are so busy every day.

C.Where Mark and Claire go after school.

D.How often Mark and Claire exercise.



阅读表达  根据短文内容,回答下列问题。

China has been practicing the rule that asks people to use their real names when registering(注册) for Internet service. The rules also ask Internet companies operating in China to remove the untrue information which the web users ever gave.

Chinese lawmakers passed the rule on December 28th,2012, at the end of a five-day meeting of the Standing Committee of the NPC.

The new rules say network service providers must well check up the information given by users. The providers have been ordered to stop the spread of illegal (违法的)information, and take steps to deal with the problem. The Xinhua News says those steps include removing the information from the Internet and then reporting it to the government.

Chinese officials say the rules are aimed at protecting the personal information of Internet users and stopping false information such as junk e-mail. However, some people say such new real-name rules will make people less likely to report illegal actions for fear of possible action against them.

Duncan Clark is an adviser to Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business. He lives in Beijing. He says, “For a long time we’ve seen the Internet being used to report illegal action, but the new rules seem to stop those reports.”

But the good news is through real-name registration the Internet crime among teenagers will be controlled.


1.What is the new rule?


2.When was the new rule made?


3.According to the new rule, what must those service providers do?


4.Why do some people worry about the new rule?


5.Why is the new rule good for the teenagers?





We have only one earth. So1.(protect) the earth is like protecting our eyes. People’s attention to recycling is increasing. From recycling plastic bags to using environment friendly products, there are many developments which can2.(see) in almost every corner of the world.

Sweden is a worldwide leader in recycling. They open the world’s first mall for repaired and recycled goods. It’s called ReTuna, a two-story building in Eskilstuna, Sweden, about 70 miles west of Stockholm. The clever thing about this mall is its position. It’s right next to the city’s recycling center. So a stream of cars 3.cometo drop off unwanted household things already. This produces a supply of things for the shops. There are 14 special shops. When goods arrive, a team sorts everything into categories. The mall only sells goods that are recycled or “upcycled”, meaning unwanted things broken down and reinvented as something new. By doing so, 50 new jobs were created in repair and retail(零售).

“You can come and just do sustainable(可持续发展的) shopping and Sweden loves it. And the world4.loveit, ”said Anna Bergstrom, the manager of the ReTuna Mall. “I think it’s fun5.findsomething that people have used, and we can use further, ”said Cato Limas, a ReTuna customer. “If you look at the things they6.sellhere, they’re almost new. So actually, why do you need to buy new things?”

These unwanted things found new homes. In 2018, the mall7.(sell) second-hand goods worth $1.3 million.



    Competition is good for businesses. In the world of positioning systems, however, competition is also a must. 1. Now, China is building its own positioning system. It’s called Beidou.

China is only the third country in the world to own a positioning system. Only the United States and Russia have already developed their GPS or Glonass.

2.With it, the country no longer has to rely on foreign systems. It also shows the world that China has made much technological progress.

Work on the Beidou project began in 1994. However, the first two Beidou satellites were not sent into space until 2000. 3.These satellites have formed a global network. They began operations at the end of 2018. To further improve the system, China will send ten more Beidou satellites into space. It plans to complete the system before 2020.

4.It will provide a positioning accuracy of within ten centimeters for the Chinese military. The United States’ GPS only has an accuracy of around 30 centimeters.

The Beidou system offers services to ordinary users, too. In big cities like Shanghai, thousands of buses have been using the Beidou system. 5.

Moreover, most smartphones today can already receive Beidou signals. A phone salesperson in Beijing jokes, “Many people are used to saying, ‘I am using GPS.’ In fact, however, their phones have been using Beidou.”


A.Since then, China has launched dozens of Beidou satellites.

B.It is not wise for a country to rely on foreign systems for positioning.

C.People waiting for a bus can easily find out when it will come.

D.The American GPS, Russia’s Glonass have dozens of satellites to provide information across the globe.

E.The completed system will be more powerful than any existing foreign systems.

F.Beidou improves China’s national safety.



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