满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

从A—G选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话. (选项中有两项是多余的) 1...

 A—G选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话. (选项中有两项是多余的)

1. Nice to meet you. _______

2. How are you? ______________

3. Where are you from? _______________

4. Is he your brother? ______________

5. What color is the coat? ______________


A. Yes. he docs

B. It’s black and white.

C. Very well, thanks.

D. He is from China

E. No, he isn’t.

F. Nice to meet you, too.

G. I come from the UK









1.F 2.C 3.G 4.E 5.B 【解析】 1.句意:很高兴见到你,很高兴见到你。 根据句意理解及英语搭配可知,前句出现Nice to meet you.时,后面的回答要用Nice to meet you, too.,故选F。 2.句意:你好吗?很好,谢谢。 根据问句How are you?可知,这里应该是回答最近的近况,英语中How are you?的回答可以是Fine, thank you.或者Very well, thanks.,所以C选项符合,故选C。 3.句意:我来自英国。 根据前句的问句Where are you from?可知,这里回答应该是来自哪里,对照选项可知,只有G选项符合,故选G。 4.句意:不,他不是。 根据前句Is he your brother?可知,这里应该是对一般疑问句的回答,英语中回答一般疑问句要用yes/ no来回答,而句子的动词是is,所以回答中也会用到is,对照所给选项可知,这里E比较符合,故选E。 5.句意:它是黑白色的。 根据前句What color is the coat?可知,后面的回答应该是与颜色有关的,对照选项可知,只有B选项符合,故选B。

    Hi,my name is John. Now I am writing at the new school. This is a nice and big school. Our Classroom is very bright. The trees are green,the flowers are red and yellow. We have a music room,an art room. a computer room and a library. The playground is big. We can play football there. I really like my new school. Oh,It's time to go home now. Let me stop here. Welcome to my school and welcome to my home.


1.John is writing to his father.

2.John has a new football

3.John's school is nice and big.

4.They can play football on the playground.

5.John really likes his new school.




Green Tree Restaurant

Red House Pizza

Tel: 85064048

Tel: 89056675

Address: 25. Xuanhua Street

Address: 21. Tieling Road

Opening time:9:00 a. m. ——11:00 p. m.

Opening time:9:30 a. m. ——12:00 p. m.

Food: French fries, hamburgers, porridge

Food: beef pizza, fruit pizza, vegetable pizza

Drink: coffee, milk. juice

Drink: coffee, milk, juice

Dessert: banana salad,ice cream

Dessert: fruit salad , ice cream




1.If you want to eat hamburgers. you should _______.

A.go to 21, Tieling Road B.go to Red House Pizza C.call 85064048

2.You can't find _______ in Red House Pizza.

A.Coke B.coffee C.milk

3.What can you have at 11:40 p. m.?

A.French fries B.Porridge. C.Beef pizza

4.The ____ in the two restaurants is (arc) the same.

A.address B.drinks C.food

5.If you go to Green Tree Restaurants you can have _______.

A.porridge and beef pizza B.French fries and ice cream C.French fries and vegetable pizza



    Hi!My name is Tom and I'm 13 years old. I'm from America. It's our first time to come to China. Now I'm in a middle school in Beijing.

This is my family. My mum is a doctor. She works in a children's hospital. My dad is a diplomat(外交官). He goes to many countries(国家). He often tells me about his stories in those countries. My sister is a student. She is 15. She is very good at math. My math is not good. She often helps me with it. My sister and I love animals. We have a lovely cat in our home in America. But we cannot bring it with us. So I give the cat to my good friend,Bob.


1.Tom's father is a _______.

A.doctor B.teacher C.diplomat

2.Tom's friend's name is _______.

A.Peter B.Bob C.Mike

3.How old is Tom?

A.13 B.14 C.15

4.What does Tom's sister good at?

A.story B.math C.English

5.Where is their cat?

A.In America B.In China C.In Japan



    I'm John. I'm twelve. There are _______ people in my family. This is photo of my   _______ let’s have a look. Look,who _______ she? She is my younger _______ . Her name is Cathy. The man _______ the black coat is my father. The _______ in red sweater is my mother. They both _______ young. Who is the boy? Oh,the little boy is my _______ ,Mike. _______ the boy behind my mother? Oh,it’s ________ .

1.A.foes B.five C.six

2.A.parents B.family C.families

3.A.are B.is C.am

4.A.brother B.mother C.sister

5.A.on B.in C.for

6.A.mar B.woman C.girl

7.A.look B.looks C.looking

8.A.father B.sister C.brother

9.A.What's B.Where's C.Who's

10.A.us B.me C.my



Which word of the following doesn’t have the same stress(重音)as the others?

A.water B.hello C.apple



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