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In the year 2050, there will be differen...

In the year 2050, there will be different kinds of materials (材料) for clothes. Special materials will keep the clothes clean forever. They will never get dirty and we won't wear them out. We will have less work because we won't have to wash them. So we can save water and money. And children won't worry about what to wear to school every day. They won't go to school. They'll stay at home in front of their computers to study. They can wear their favorite “Saturday clothes” every day. It will be fun. Do you think so? What do you think school clothes and school life will be like in 2050?

1.Maybe we ________ wash clothes in the year 2050.

A. didn't    B. needn't    C. mustn't    D. won't be allowed to

2.Why won't the children go to school?

A. Because they'll play at home.    B. Because they hate to go to school.

C. Because they'll study on the Internet.    D. Because they'll wash clothes to make money.

3.Will the clothes get dirty in the year 2050?

A. No, it won't.    B. Yes, they will.    C. Yes, it will.    D. No, they won't.

4.In the year 2050, the clothes will not ________ forever.

A. get dirty    B. wear well    C. be clean    D. be fantastic

5.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A. There will be different kinds of materials for clothes.

B. The children can wear their favorite clothes.

C. The children will always worry about what to wear.

D. The children can study at home in front of their computers.


1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.C 【解析】 文章大意:本文是一篇关于未来预测的文章。主要讲述以下几个方面:在2050年,服装将用特殊材料制作,永远不会变脏或穿破;孩子们不用上学,他们将在家在电脑上学习;他们每天可以穿最喜爱的“星期六服装”。 1.细节理解题。根据文中的句子They will never get dirty and we won't wear them out. We will have less work because we won't have to wash them.它们永远不会弄脏或磨损,我们将有更少的工作,因为我们不需要洗它们。可知我们在2050年可能不需要洗衣服,故答案选B。 2.细节理解题。根据文中的句子They'll stay at home in front of their computers to study.他们将呆在家里的电脑前学习。可知孩子们不去上学的原因是因为他们会在网上学习,故答案选C。 3.细节理解题。根据文中的句子They will never get dirty and we won't wear them out.它们永远不会弄脏或磨损。可知到2050年衣服不会变脏,所以这里应作否定回答,故答案选D。 4.细节理解题。根据文中的句子Special materials will keep the clothes clean forever. They will never get dirty and we won't wear them out.特殊材料可以使衣服永远保持干净,它们永远不会弄脏和磨损。可知到2050年衣服永远不会脏,故答案选A。 5.理解判断题。A项,根据 there will be different kinds of materials for clothes 可知,在2050年将会有多种材料来制衣。故A项表述正确。B项,根据They can wear their favorite “Saturday clothes” every day. 可知,儿童可以穿他们最喜欢的衣服。故B项表述正确。C项,根据And children won't worry about what to wear to school every day. 可知,儿童不会担心每天要穿什么。故C项表述错误。D项,根据 They'll stay at home in front of their computers to study 可知,儿童可以在家中在电脑上学习。故D项表述正确。题干要求选择错误的(NOT true)选项,C项符合题意。故答案选C。

I would like _____ you something about my dream classroom. ____ the future, my classroom will be very ___, so we can do lots of activities in the classroom.In summer it will be _____ and in winter it will be warm in the classroom, so it will be _____ to study in it.There ___ a beautiful garden in front of it.We can see ___ trees and flowers in it.There will be a cable TV in our classroom and we can ___ TV at noon.Everyone will have a ___ on the desk, so we can download information ___ the Internet.The lessons will be ____.We ___ use pens or pencils.We will use computers ___ our homework.The teachers won't use ___ to write on the blackboard.They will ___. the lessons with the help of the computer.

1.A. tell    B. telling    C. tells    D. to tell

2.A. In    B. On    C. For    D. Of

3.A. big    B. little    C. small    D. short

4.A. cold    B. warm    C. hot    D. cool

5.A. dull    B. comfortable    C. boring    D. uncomfortable

6.A. will be    B. will have    C. is going to have    D. has

7.A. little    B. a little    C. much    D. many

8.A. see    B. watch    C. look    D. look at

9.A. radio    B. TV    C. calculator    D. computer

10.A. in    B. near    C. at    D. from

11.A. interest    B. worrying    C. interesting    D. interested

12.A. will    B. can    C. won't    D. didn't

13.A. do    B. to do    C. doing    D. does

14.A. pens    B. chalk    C. pencils    D. paper

15.A. teach    B. study    C. work    D. learn



There will be ____ rain and ____ winds tomorrow.

A. strong;heavy    B. heavy;big    C. heavy;strong    D. big;large



Not only the students but also their teacher          enjoying the film.

A. be    B. am    C. is    D. are



Finish your homework first, and then you'll ___ watch TV for an hour.

A. can    B. be able to    C. able to    D. could



Look on the bright side of life, and imagine that you ______ a happy and successful future.

A. had    B. will have    C. have    D. have had



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