满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

一Are you going to Shanghai to enjoy the ...

Are you going to Shanghai to enjoy the exhibition this Friday?

I'm not sure. It      time.

A. turns on    B. depends on    C. tries on    D. carries on


B 【解析】句意:-你打算星期五去上海欣赏展览会吗?-我不确定。这取决于时间。A. turns on打开(电源、电器之类); B. depends on依赖、取决于(某事、某人);C. tries on 试穿(服装类);D. carries on从事、继续(某事)。本句是指“去不去上海”取决于“时间”。故选:B。  

We like our English teacher because she often gives us a few      on how to improve English.

A. knowledge    B. experiences    C. advice    D. suggestions



The film is amazing!It's the most meaningful film I have ever seen.

I am afraid it is not      cup of tea.

A. everybody's    B. anybody's    C. anyone's    D. nobody's



How old is your younger brother, Tom?

     . And we had a birthday party for his      birthday last week.

A. Ninth;nine    B. Nine;nine    C. Nine; ninth    D. Ninth;ninth



Now the number of students who      bedrooms of their own      getting larger and larger.

A. has;are    B. have;is    C. has;is    D. Have;are



How was Liu Liu's dancing show at the Teenagers' Talent Show yesterday?

Can't be better. That was      dancing show I could imagine.

A. the worse    B. the worst    C. the better    D. the best



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