满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

My grandpa always __ funny stories and t...

My grandpa always __ funny stories and they make me ________.

A. says; laughing    B. talks; to laugh

C. speaks; laughs    D. tells; laugh


D 【解析】句意:我爷爷总是讲些有趣的故事,这些故事让我发笑。say说,注重说话的内容;talk谈论,为不及物动词;speak讲某种语言;tell告诉,tell stories讲故事,make sb. do sth.让某人做某事,结合句意,故答案为D。 点睛:speak用来指人们对语言的掌握或使用,也可单独用来表发言或说话的基本能力。 speak不强调说话内容,不跟that 从句。speak 后常跟语言名称或打电话时用于“Can I speak to sb.?”的句型中。1. She can speak English very well. 2. He didn’t speak at the meeting. (speak这里表示发言) say是最普通的用语,着重指说话的内容。say后面一定要加说话的内容,不能单独使用。say后面可加名词,代词或that宾语从句。He said he would say something at the meeting. talk一般用作不及物动词,着重指连续地说话或与人交谈。talk可直接使用或用于“talk to sb.” 或 “talk with sb.”的句型中(与某人交谈)。talk有时也作名词,表示演讲。如:“give a talk” (进行一次演讲) tell的意思是“告诉”,“讲述”,“吩咐”。经常用作及物动词,后面常跟两个宾语,用于“tell sb. sth.”或 “tell sb. about sth.” 的句型中。此外tell后面可加一些固定的名词,如:tell a lie说慌;tell the truth说实话;tell a story讲故事。  

There           an English test tomorrow.      

A. going to have  B. will have     C. will is going   D. is going to be



I will be very happy __ you come to my party.

A. if    B. though

C. or



—__ honey did you put on the bread?

—Two spoons.

A. How many    B. How often

C. How much    D. How long



---Will your father take the train to work next year?

        ---           . He will take the subway.

A. No, he won’t.  B. Yes, he will. 

C. No, he doesn’t.       D. Yes, he does.



I’m going to go shopping         Sunday morning.

A. on           B. in           C. at           D. of 



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