满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Dear Miss Hooper, I’m writing to thank y...

Dear Miss Hooper,

I’m writing to thank you for your help this year. There were lots of subjects (主题) in class, but you made sure that I could understand every one. To tell the truth, you’re the best teacher I’ve met. You explain things so clearly, and are also so kind. I really enjoyed every minute of your class.

There were so many best parts this year. Whatever the subject, you made it fun and interesting to everyone. All of your students found learning new things so easy because of you. I really believe you have a great teaching skill. You should be very proud (自豪的) of the way that you help children learn. It is because of you that I’ve decided to become a teacher when I grow up.

I have mixed feelings about school next year. I’m sad that you won’t be my teacher anymore. However, I’m happy that other children will get to share your knowledge (学问). I’m sure that they’ll thank you for your good work.

I didn’t enjoy school much before this year. I was new to the school this year. At my old school, I found learning quite difficult. The last nine months have changed all of that. I’m now confident (自信的) and looking forward to the next school year.

Thank you once again for all of your help. You are really a great teacher and you’ve helped me greatly. I hope that we can share the same classroom again one day.


Jacob Maclean


1.In Miss Hooper’s class, Jacob ________.

A. heard lots of jokes

B. answered questions a lot

C. sat in the front of the classroom

D. had no difficulty understanding her

2.What does Jacob want to be in the future?

A. A doctor.    B. A teacher.    C. A scientist.    D. A reporter.

3.How does Jacob feel about Miss Hooper’s stopping teaching him?

A. Upset and angry.

B. Surprised and angry.

C. Upset but understanding.

D. Surprised but understanding.

4.At his old school, Jacob ________.

A. fought a lot

B. had few friends

C. was not confident

D. often slept in class

5.Jacob wrote this letter mainly to ________.

A. say sorry to his teacher

B. ask his teacher for help

C. give advice to his teacher

D. say thank you to his teacher


1.D 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.D 【解析】解析:这是一封学生写给老师的感谢信。文中的Jacob原来不爱学习,在老师Hooper的鼓励下变得自信了,对学习越来越有兴趣,而且因老师的影响,长大了也想成为一名教师。 1.解析:根据文中的句子…but you made sure that I could understand every one.可知D选项符合题意,故答案选D。 2.解析:根据文中的句子It is because of you that I’ve decided to become a teacher when I grow up.可知B选项符合题意,故答案选B。 3.解析:根据文中的句子I’m sad that you won’t be my teacher anymore. However, I’m happy that other children will get to share your knowledge. I’m sure that they’ll thank you for your good work.可知C选项符合题意,故答案选C。 4.解析:根据文中的句子At my old school, I found learning quite difficult. The last nine months have changed all of that. I’m now confident and looking forward to the next school year.可以推断出他以前是不自信的,所以C选项符合题意,故答案选C。 5.解析:根据文中最后一段Thank you once again for all of your help…可知D选项符合题意,故答案选D。



A: Betty, you look pale (苍白的). Are you all right?

B: 1. A boy was riding his bike and listening to music.

A: That’s very dangerous. What were you doing at that time?

B: 2. When the lights were turning to red, a car appeared. It wasn’t going fast, but it didn’t stop.

A: 3.

B: No. And the driver was talking on his mobile phone. He didn’t notice the boy.

A: Did the car hit the boy?

B: 4. He just fell off his bike and hurt his knee.  

A: That’s too bad.

B: So when we’re on the bike, we must be careful!

A: Yeah! 5.

B: Yes, you’re right. And we shouldn’t listen to music.


A. We mustn’t ride too fast.

B. Did the boy stop?

C. I was waiting to cross the road.

D. Did the boy have a sore back?

E. I’m OK, but I saw an accident.

F. Yes. I’m glad to say he was not seriously hurt.

G. I had dinner with my friend.




On a cold January day, Jimmy and his father were skating on a lake. Suddenly the ice near Jimmy ______, and he fell into the cold water. Jimmy’s father jumped into the water, but he couldn’t find Jimmy. Several minutes passed. The father ______ couldn’t find Jimmy. Some firemen (消防队员) arrived. Twenty minutes later they found Jimmy and got ______ out of the water. Jimmy was not breathing, and his heart was not beating. The situation seemed ______. However, the firemen didn’t give up and still did CPR (心肺复苏) on Jimmy. Luckily, Jimmy began to breathe, and his heart began to beat. He was taken to the hospital at once.

After six weeks in the hospital Jimmy got ______. He began to walk, talk and play again. Jimmy was in the water ______ more than 20 minutes. He couldn’t breathe in the water. ______  today he is alive (活着) and healthy. How is that possible? That’s because the water was ice-cold. When it’s really cold, the brain (大脑) slows down. It does not ______ much oxygen (氧气). Jimmy’s father believes there is another ______ . He says, “Jimmy is alive today because he is a ______ little boy.”

1.A. lost    B. broke    C. left    D. grew

2.A. still    B. even    C. almost    D. never

3.A. he    B. him    C. they    D. them

4.A. true    B. free    C. hopeless    D. meaningless

5.A. older    B. younger    C. better    D. worse

6.A. of    B. for    C. like    D. with

7.A. If    B. So    C. But    D. Unless

8.A. need    B. bring    C. feel    D. share

9.A. example    B. symbol    C. reason    D. prediction

10.A. serious    B. quiet    C. careful    D. strong



—I heard Frank would join the music club.

—________ He’s not interested in music at all.

A. Why not?    B. No problem.

C. You’re kidding!    D. It’s up to you.



—Why did they ________ the houses?

—Because they will build a park there.

A. take down    B. write down    C. cut down    D. turn down



My sister doesn’t like listening to pop music, because she has trouble

________ the words.

A. understand    B. understanding    C. spell    D. spelling



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