满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

As she walked round the large shop, Edit...

As she walked round the large shop, Edith realized how difficult it was to choose a suitable Christmas  ______ for her father.

She wished that he were as easy to please as her mother, who was always_______ with all kinds of perfume(香水). Besides, shopping at this time of the year was a most ______ job. People in shops ______ on your feet, pushed you with their shoulders and almost _______  you over in their hurry in order to ______ something cheap ahead of you.

Partly to have a rest, Edith paused in front of a counter, where some beautiful ties were on show. "They are ________ silk," the shop assistant told her with a smile, trying to _______ her to buy one. But Edith knew from past ______ that her choice of ties hardly ever pleased her father.

She moved on slowly and then, quite by chance_______ where a small crowd of men had gathered round a counter. She found some fine pipes on sale and the _______ were very beautiful. Edith did not hesitate(犹豫) for long,_______ her father only smoked a pipe once in a while, she believed this was_______ to please him.

When she got home, with her small but well-chosen present hidden in her handbag, it was time for supper and her parents were already________  table. Her mother was in great excitement. "Your father has at last decided to stop smoking," she told her daughter happily. Edith was very ______ . She could not say a single word.

1.A. stocking    B. card    C. tree    D. gift

2.A. tired    B. mad    C. satisfied    D. familiar

3.A. unhappy    B. careful    C. exciting    D. boring

4.A. walked    B. stepped    C. landed    D. stood

5.A. turned    B. rolled    C. covered    D. knocked

6.A. watch    B. find    C. grasp    D. sell

7.A. real    B. cheap    C. poor    D. exact

8.A. order    B. ask    C. force    D. advise

9.A. experience    B. experiment    C. knowledge    D. education

10.A. stopped    B. left    C. started    D. remained

11.A. models    B. colours    C. shapes    D. materials

12.A. because    B. since    C. although    D. unless

13.A. luckily    B. impossibly    C. possibly    D. certainly

14.A. on    B. by    C. beside    D. at

15.A. glad    B. happy    C. surprised    D. excited


1.D 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.A 10.A 11.C 12.C 13.D 14.D 15.C 【解析】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了Edith在圣诞节前夕为父亲买礼物的过程。在圣诞节前的商店里人们摩肩擦踵,非常拥挤,最后Edith终于为父亲挑选了一个精美的烟斗作为礼物,但是当她兴冲冲地回到家的时候,母亲却告诉她父亲决定要戒烟了。 1.句意:Edith意识到为她父亲挑选一件合适的圣诞礼物是多么困难。A. stocking袜子;B. card卡片;C. tree树;D. gift礼物。根据下with her small but well-chosen present hidden in her handbag可知Edith是在给父亲买圣诞礼物,故选D。 2.句意:总是满足各种香水。A. tired疲劳的;B. mad疯狂的;C. satisfied满足的;D. familiar熟悉的。根据“She wished that he were as easy to please as her mother.”可以判断给母亲买礼物很好买,她总是喜欢香水,be satisfied with"对…满意",故答案选C。 3.句意:一年中的这个时候购物是一件非常不愉快的工作。A. unhappy不愉快的;B. careful 仔细的;C. exciting 令人兴奋的;D. boring无聊的。从“People in shops--on your feet,pushed you with their shoulders and almost--you over in their hurry in order to--something cheap ahead of you.”的描述可知圣诞节购物期间商场里拥挤,混乱的状况可知这时候购物是Edith不喜欢的,故答案选A。 4.句意:商店里的人踩着你的脚,用肩膀推你。A. walked步行;B. stepped 跨步;C. landed登陆;D. stood站立。根据People in shops--on your feet,从情理可知在拥挤的人群中,人们很容易彼此踩到脚,故答案选B。 5.句意:几乎把你撞倒,为了在你前面找到便宜的东西。A. turned转动;B. rolled打滚;C. covered 覆盖;D. knocked撞上。根据People in shops--on your feet,pushed you with their shoulders and almost--you over in their hurry in order to--something cheap ahead of you.可知此处描写的是混乱的场面,所以是踩脚,推挤甚至是匆忙中撞到人,固定短语:knock over:撞倒某人,故答案选D。 6.句意:几乎把你撞倒,为了在你前面找到便宜的东西。 A. watch观看;B. find发现;C. grasp抓住;D. sell卖。结合语境理解可知,人们在商场里挤的目的是为了抢到便宜的商品,故答案选B。 7.句意:它们是真丝的。A. real真的;B. cheap便宜的;C. poor贫穷的;D. exact正确的。 根据文中句子“They are—silk.”可以推断此处是指领带的材料,从搭配可知用real,real silk意思是"真正的丝绸",故答案选A。 8.句意:售货员微笑着告诉她,试图劝她买一件。A. order命令;B. ask询问;C. force 强迫; D. advise建议。根据They are---silk "the shop assistant told her with a smile trying to--her to buy one,可知售货员对顾客介绍商品,目的就是要建议顾客购买,try to advise sb to do sth"建议某人做某事",故答案选D。 9.句意:但Edith从过去的经历中知道,她选择的领带几乎不会让她父亲高兴。A. experience经验;B. experiment实验;C. knowledge 知识;D. education教育。根据her choice of ties hardly ever pleased her father.可知她为父亲买过领带,所以是过去的经验,故答案选A。 10.句意:她慢慢地往前走,然后碰巧停在一小群人围着的柜台前。A. stopped 停下;B. left离开;C. started开始;D. remained保持。根据“where a small crowd of men had gathered round a counter.”可知,她停在了一个柜台前,故答案为A。 11.句意:她发现一些漂亮的烟斗正在出售,而且形状非常漂亮。A. models模型;B. colors颜色;C. shapes 形状;D. materials材料。根据She found some fine pipes on sale,可知这里提到她看到了一些烟斗,所以指烟斗的形状好看,故答案选C。 12.句意:Edith毫不犹豫,虽然她的父亲只是偶尔吸烟。A. because因为;B. since自从;C. although尽管;D. unless除非。前后句表示转折关系,故答案为C。 13.句意:她相信这一定会使他高兴的。A. luckily幸运地;B. impossibly不可能地;C. possibly 可能地;D. certainly确定无疑地。根据“she believed this was--to please him.”可知此处指她对她选择的肯定判断,认为父亲一定会喜欢这个烟斗,故选D。 14.句意:到吃晚饭的时间了,她的父母已经在吃饭了。A. on在……上;B. by在……旁边;C. beside在……旁边;D. at在。根据“it was time for supper and her parents were already--table,”可知这里考查固定短语at table"在吃饭",其它不构成搭配,故答案选D。 15.句意:Edith非常惊讶,她连一句话也说不出来。A. glad高兴的;B. happy幸福的,高兴的;C. surprised吃惊的;D. excited激动的。根据she believed this was--to please him.可知她满以为父亲会喜欢她买的礼物,不知道父亲决定要戒烟了,再由that she could not say a single word.可以判断当她听到母亲的话时她很吃惊,故答案选C。

--Andy was really a dark horse in the competition!

--        . Few people expected him to win in it.

A. I can't agree    B. Me too

C. That's right    D. Good idea



Do you want to go now,          would you like to leave later?

A. but    B. or    C. and    D. so



Helen was made             the task in two days.

A. finish    B. to finishing    C. finished    D. to finish



They have just got here. They _____________  know many people.

A. can't    B. mustn't    C. shouldn't    D. needn't



It’s not the best dictionary you can buy;           , it's better than nothing.

A. however    B. instead    C. in fact    D. also



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