满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Two years ago, my family moved to a new ...

Two years ago, my family moved to a new city and I had to study in a new school. As I had few friends there, I felt lonely. Then I met Tony. The first time I saw him, he was standing in the center of a group of students, telling jokes. The children around laughed from time to time. Tony knew about my problem. He asked me to play basketball with his friends and helped me with my studies. We soon became good friends.

About a year ago, however, Toney’s father was killed in an accident. As a result, his family had to move to a small house, Tony changed into a different person. He became silent and he even lost his interest in studies. Several times, I invited him to go out and play basketball with me, but he refused. I wanted to help him, but didn’t know what to do.

Then something strange happened in my class, two classmates lost the money in their schoolbags.

Last Friday, just before the P.E. lesson, I went back to the classroom to get my running shoes I would use. The door was half open, I went in. To my astonishment, I saw Tony was searching one of my classmates’ schoolbags. I was shocked…

1.What kind of boy was Tony at the beginning of the story?

A. He was a clever boy    B. He was a poor boy

C. He was a popular boy    D. He was a shy boy

2.Why did the writer become friends with Tony?

A. Because Tony helped him do his homework.    B. Because Tony was kind to him

C. Because Tony liked playing basketball    D. Because Tony told jokes

3.What caused the change of Tony ?

A. His father’s accident    B. His strange character

C. The move his family    D. The lose of his interest in playing with his friends

4.How did writer feel when he saw Tony’s change?

A. He felt angry    B. He felt surprise    C. He felt unhappy    D. He felt worried

5.Why was Tony searching one of my classmates’ schoolbags? Because he wanted to ________.

A. look for some food    B. put the things in order

C. help clean the schoolbag    D. find money and take it away.


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.D 【解析】短文大意:两年前作者家搬到了一个新的城市,在那里作者感到很孤独。然后遇见了托尼。托尼很受人欢迎,他对作者很好,很快就成了朋友。然而大约一年前,托尼的父亲在一次事故中丧生。结果,他的家人不得不搬到一个小房子里,托尼变得沉默,甚至失去了学习兴趣,作者感到很担忧。 1.根据第一段中The first time I saw him, he was standing in the center of a group of students, telling jokes. The children around laughed from time to time.的描述可知一开始托尼是个受欢迎的孩子,所以该选C。 2.根据第一段中Tony knew about my problem. He asked me to play basketball with his friends and helped me with my studies. We soon became good friends.可知作者和托尼交朋友是因为托尼对他慈善,所以该选B。 3.根据第二段的描述可知,托尼爸爸的事故使他发生了改变。故选:A。 4.根据第二段中I wanted to help him, but I didn’t know what to do.可知但作者看到托尼变了后感到担忧,所以该选D。 5.根据最后一段第一句Then something strange happened in my class, two classmates lost the money in their schoolbags.和最后两句To my astonishment, I saw Tony was searching one of my classmates’ schoolbags. I was shocked…可知,托尼想找到钱,把钱偷走。故选:D。

Take a look at the following ads! You may find some useful information you need here!

1.If you want to have a piano lesson, you may_____.

A. call Susan at 7328059    B. surf the website: www.music.com.au

C. telephone Mr. White at 5132683    D. write an E-mail to sdgt@ 163.com

2.Who is the owner of the lost cat?

A. Mr. White.    B. David.    C. Larry    D. Susan.

3.If you want the job as a guide, you should_____.

A. know the city very well    B. be an experienced driver

C. be a beautiful girl    D. be more than 30 years old.

4.Which information about the apartment is NOT mentioned(提到)above?

A. It has a beautiful view.    B. It has three floors.

C. It has three bedrooms.    D. It has two bathrooms.

5.How can you get in touch with the owner of the apartment for more information?

A. By making a phone call.    B. By going to visit it.

C. By sending an e-mail.    D. By surfing the website.



She was a beautiful girl with red hair. She had been shopping with her mom in Wal-Mart. It was pouring outside. We all stood there under the awning (雨篷). Her______was so sweet, “Mom, let's run through the rain,” she said.

“What?” Mom asked. “Let's run through the rain!”

“No, honey, we’ll wait______it slows down a bit,” Mom replied.

The child waited for about,_____ minute and repeated, “ Mom, let's run through the rain.”

“We’ll get soaked (淋透) if we _______.” Mom said.

“No, we won't, Mom. That's not______ you said this morning.” The young girl said as she tugged at her mom’s arm.

“This morning? When did I say we could run through the rain and not get wet?”

“Don't you remember? When you were _______to Daddy about his cancer , you said, ‘we can get through______!’

The crowd became silent. Nothing could______ but the rain. No one came or left in the next few minutes. Mom thought for______minutes about what she would say.

“Honey, you arc right. Let’s run through the rain. ______ we’ll just need to get a wash.” Mom said. Then off they ran. People all stood watching, smiling and laughing as they rushed ______the cars and through the puddles (水坑).

They held their_______ bags over their heads. They got wet all over. But they were followed by some people who laughed like children all the way to their cars.

People can take away your money and_______. But no one can _______ even memories… So don't forget_______ time to make memories every day.

1.A. sound    B. voice    C. noise.    D. mouth

2.A. when    B. how    C. before    D. until

3.A. other    B. the other    C. another    D. others

4.A. do    B. did    C. will do    D. had done

5.A. how    B. what    C. which    D. whether

6.A. saying    B. speaking    C. talking    D. telling

7.A. something    B. nothing    C. some things    D. anything

8.A. heard    B. be heard    C. hear    D. listened

9.A. a few    B. few    C. a little    D. little

10.A. May be    B. Maybe    C. May    D. Might be

11.A. pass    B. passed    C. passing    D. past

12.A. shop    B. shops    C. shopping    D. shopped

13.A. health    B. healthy    C. healthily    D. unhealthy

14.A. bring    B. take    C. get    D. fetch

15.A. making    B. make    C. made    D. to make



– Do you know ________?          – Sorry, I don’t have a watch

A. whose watch this is    B. what time it is    C. whose watch is this    D. what time is it



– Look at the sign “No Smoking” on the wall.

– Sorry, I’ll ______ my cigarette(香烟) at once.

A. put up    B. put out    C. put on    D. put off



Don’t _______ all the soap. Leave me some to wash with.

A. look up    B. make up    C. use up    D. put up



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