满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

She was a beautiful girl with red hair. ...

She was a beautiful girl with red hair. She had been shopping with her mom in Wal-Mart. It was pouring outside. We all stood there under the awning (雨篷). Her______was so sweet, “Mom, let's run through the rain,” she said.

“What?” Mom asked. “Let's run through the rain!”

“No, honey, we’ll wait______it slows down a bit,” Mom replied.

The child waited for about,_____ minute and repeated, “ Mom, let's run through the rain.”

“We’ll get soaked (淋透) if we _______.” Mom said.

“No, we won't, Mom. That's not______ you said this morning.” The young girl said as she tugged at her mom’s arm.

“This morning? When did I say we could run through the rain and not get wet?”

“Don't you remember? When you were _______to Daddy about his cancer , you said, ‘we can get through______!’

The crowd became silent. Nothing could______ but the rain. No one came or left in the next few minutes. Mom thought for______minutes about what she would say.

“Honey, you arc right. Let’s run through the rain. ______ we’ll just need to get a wash.” Mom said. Then off they ran. People all stood watching, smiling and laughing as they rushed ______the cars and through the puddles (水坑).

They held their_______ bags over their heads. They got wet all over. But they were followed by some people who laughed like children all the way to their cars.

People can take away your money and_______. But no one can _______ even memories… So don't forget_______ time to make memories every day.

1.A. sound    B. voice    C. noise.    D. mouth

2.A. when    B. how    C. before    D. until

3.A. other    B. the other    C. another    D. others

4.A. do    B. did    C. will do    D. had done

5.A. how    B. what    C. which    D. whether

6.A. saying    B. speaking    C. talking    D. telling

7.A. something    B. nothing    C. some things    D. anything

8.A. heard    B. be heard    C. hear    D. listened

9.A. a few    B. few    C. a little    D. little

10.A. May be    B. Maybe    C. May    D. Might be

11.A. pass    B. passed    C. passing    D. past

12.A. shop    B. shops    C. shopping    D. shopped

13.A. health    B. healthy    C. healthily    D. unhealthy

14.A. bring    B. take    C. get    D. fetch

15.A. making    B. make    C. made    D. to make


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.B 11.D 12.C 13.A 14.B 15.D 【解析】短文大意:一个女孩和妈妈购完物,外面大雨倾盆。妈妈想等雨小了再走,而女孩想起妈妈曾经说过的话,“我们可以克服任何事情”,最终妈妈听从了女孩的话。人们的钱和健康可以被拿走,但是没有人可以拿走记忆。 1.句意:她声音很甜,“妈妈,让我们在雨里跑吧,”她说。A. sound名词,声音;B. voice名词,声音,指嗓音;C. noise.声音,指噪音;D. mouth名词,嘴。根据语境可知,指“嗓音、声音”之意。故选:B。 2.句意:不,亲爱的,我们会等到雨小一点。” 妈妈回答说。A. when连词,当…时候;B. how副词,怎样;C. before连词,在…之前;D. until连词,直到,引导时间状语从句。“等”直到“雨”下小点时。故选:D。 3.句意:孩子又等了一会儿,又说:“妈妈,让我们在雨里跑吧。A. other形容词,其他的、泛指;B. the other其他的,表示剩余所有的;C. another形容词,另外的、另一的;D. others代词,其他的,相当于“other+名词”。another minute表示在原来基础上,又等了“一会”。故选:C。 4.句意:我们会湿透,如果我们做的话。A. do动词,做;B. did动词过去式;C. will do将来时; D. had done过去完成时。本句是if引导的条件状语从句,时态遵循“主将从现”的原则。故选:A。 5.句意:这不是你今天早上说的。A. how疑问副词,怎样;B. what疑问代词,什么;C. which疑问代词,哪个(些);D. whether连词,是否。本句缺少宾语,所以what代词可作宾语。故选:B。 6.句意:当你和爸爸谈论他的癌症时,你说,‘我们可以度过任何事情!’。四个选项都有“说”之意,但是有区别。A. saying后直接跟宾语;B. speaking ,speaking to 侧重单方面的“讲”;C. talking to指与某人谈话;D. telling告诉,tell sb. sth.告诉某人某事。故选:C。 7.句意:我们可以度过任何事情。A. something某事;B. nothing什么都没有;C. some things 一些事情;D. anything任何事情。根据语境可知是“任何事情”之意。故选:D。 8.句意:除了雨,什么也听不见。A. heard动词过去式或过去分词,听到;B. be heard被听到,被动结构;C. hear动词,听到,强调动作的“结果”;D. listened动词,听,强调动作。根据语境可知,本句主语与谓语是被动关系,因而使用被动结构。故选:B。 9.句意:妈妈想了几分钟,思考她将说些什么。A. a few几个、一些,相当于some, 表示肯定含义;B. few没有几个,否定含义;C. a little一点,修饰不可数名词,肯定含义;D. little没有点,表示否定含义。minutes分钟,可数名词复数,本句又表示肯定含义,故选:A。 10.句意:也许我们只需要洗个澡。A. May be可能是;B. Maybe副词,或许、可能;C. May情态动词,可能;D. Might be可能是。本句缺少副词“可能”,不缺谓语动词。故选:B。 11.句意:当他们跑过汽车、踏过水坑,人们站在那里看着、微笑、大笑着。A. pass动词,经过;B. passed动词过去式;C. passing动词现在分词;D. past介词,经过。本句有动词rushed,所以需要介词past。故选:D。 12.句意:他们把购物袋举在头顶上。A. shop名词或动词,商店、购物;B. shops名词复数或动词三单;C. shopping动名词,购物,此处作bags的定语;D. shopped动词过去式。故选:C。 13.句意:人们可以拿走你的钱和健康A. health名词,健康;B. healthy形容词,健康的;C. healthily副词,健康地;D. unhealthy形容词,不健康的。money名词,钱,此处与之并列的也应是名词“健康”。故选:A。 14.句意:但是没有人能把甚至是记忆拿走…A. bring动词,带来,表示动作方向“向着说话者”;B. take动词,拿,表示动作离开说话者;C. get动词,得到;D. fetch动词,取回。本句动作有“离开说活者”之意。故选:B。 15.句意:别忘了每天腾出时间来回忆。A. making动词现在分词,制造; B. make动词,制造; C. made过去式;D. to make动词不定式。forget doing sth. 忘了做某事(曾经做过);forget to do sth.忘记做某事(还没做);make time腾出时间来。故选:D。 点睛:整体把握语篇大意,揣摩上下文文意,理解语境并选择最符合作者表达意图的选项;牢记常见的短语结构以及近义词(组),辨析其各自含义和用法。

– Do you know ________?          – Sorry, I don’t have a watch

A. whose watch this is    B. what time it is    C. whose watch is this    D. what time is it



– Look at the sign “No Smoking” on the wall.

– Sorry, I’ll ______ my cigarette(香烟) at once.

A. put up    B. put out    C. put on    D. put off



Don’t _______ all the soap. Leave me some to wash with.

A. look up    B. make up    C. use up    D. put up



– What a nice camera!          – Yeah. It _______ Beijing and my father bought it for me.

A. is made by    B. is made in    C. is made of    D. is made from



Not only he but also I _______ an English teacher in this school.

A. am    B. is    C. are    D. be



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